Mark-Kim World


sarNie Adult
@Peace u think there be a day where this place will be buzzing with lots of people? Yesterday i was once again flipping through here from 1st page ..and it was filled with fun that time...


sarNie Adult
2016-06-08 08.36.40.jpg
That eyes on his face in trrr ...say how much he loves her and yet he can't tell her... that one of my favourite scene


sarNie Adult
@Peace @Step do u think we can have spazzing session of the favourite mk interaction scene that we like? So as to make this place abit lively like before??? :p:love::love::worship2::worship2::worship2:


Mrs James Ma
People are not active in AF like before. But there are many many silent readers. I hope they all come and join us too. There was 'views' before and this thread had lots of views that means people follow this thread ;)
@Peace u think there be a day where this place will be buzzing with lots of people? Yesterday i was once again flipping through here from 1st page ..and it was filled with fun that time...


sarNie Adult
I will do abit of some not too accurate translation of mk since step is active.. just note..translation may not be too accurate.. my english is limited


sarNie Adult
2016-06-08 19.31.09.jpg
Battle between Captain and ironman..
Credit: kimberley

2016-06-08 19.33.31.jpg
Side walk food. This is what i want...

2016-06-08 19.36.34.jpg
Finning at roadside, after finish replenishing proteins

Fyi.. please note translation may not be accurate...


sarNie Tombstone
thank you @Knitty for the translation and don't worry as long as we get the meaning is already make me thankful :icon12:

and soon we will have fun spazzing about mk favorite lakorns moments :)