Mark-Kim World


sarNie Coma
Just reposting so everyone can see it better :).

‘Kimberley’ 5 years in love, learning - reflecting each other's life:
Kimberley' said that "for my love, it keeps on, Kim thought last year each one separated working but we went out for dinner together when we had time, it was simply.
Answer: As time passes, it makes us closer. We passed a lot of matters together, our thoughts grew up, seldom quarrels, stay still, each one separated working but sharing our time correctly. We divided our time for family, having dinner together and dividing time for work so everything is perfect that is why I said our life is simply"
Question: Any friend teasing you after Mark said that he started thinking about marriage?
Answer: "We have really talked about marriage but did not talk to each other in the manner of requesting marriage or come to talk to my parents, we didn't talk like that. Of course, those who are in a relationship for a while must discuss how our future will go together, what is a perspective for the future and what we will see ourselves in the next 10 years, that's it"
Question: How many years have you in a relationship?
Answer: "5 years"
Question: How did he change?
Answer: "Oh, (laughs) a lot. P’ Mark is a man who is a real man. Formerly, he isn't dazzling, no sweet at all, he speaks out what he thinks, and sometimes he did not say anything. Kim thinks from many events that we passed together in every year it made him more open and we are sharing more each other until he saw my life which it reflects to him what is good and bad”.
"Simply, from my father's story, he received a lot of effects from this story, because he beside me since the first day. It made him think that he has to take care of his family more, dividing time for family and spend more time with life. We must not leave our life, not only working from 7 am to 4 pm and when we back home just went to sleep, never spent time at home. As we grew up, we feel we want to stay home more, having time to caring people in our house"
Question: Does Mark have gentleness raise?
Answer: "Yes, his gentleness raised, more calm up. Kim thinks that it reflects each other because of Kim grew up. I am the youngest sister sometimes having a fuss (see in comment)
and a headstrong because of my bro and sis always spoil me, but P' Mark is a person who makes me know that I won't get everything in life (laughs). He is not cruel but he is apathetic until I felt by myself (laughs) then I know by myself that sometimes I think too much which it makes me know that I shouldn't think too much."
Question: Does P' Mark make up with you when you are in the sulk?
Answer: "Do not call to make up with me (Laughs), he makes up with me as man style, no dazzling and Kim does not expect anything. Today we seldom quarrel because there is not much time but if we free then we fight (laughs)."
Question: How do you look at the future with this love?
Answer: "Do the good every day, manage to survive every day that's enough. This is really true because we don't know what will happen in the future as like Kim once said that even though at the last he will not be the right one but Kim wants to see him forever, so I have to make it a good balance."