Kimberley Ann Voltemas


sarNie Tombstone
her role is minor in the drama but i like the fact that it is a change anchun is a loving righteous character that the only thing she want is to redeem her heart , the way kim acting it , it just touch mt heart
she is sweet but not weak and she can't hide her emotions
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sarNie Tombstone
i don't know thai i don't understand what her tongue said but i know what her eyes said "don't die i can't let you go to die i love you "
kimberleyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :sad6::sad6::sad6::sad6: pb_is_happy_29740340_1014971845308817_3669308470709977088_n.jpg


sarNie Tombstone
kim is just so beautiful

and oh god this is why i'm addicted to her she just take me with her with the emotion i love this joy watching her this ride of emotion she takes me with her makes me forget what surround me and just enjoy this world of her story

i lost it here her tears were falling so effortlessly the emotion are so real so powerful i felt her pain/confusion disbelieve can't process what is hearing

can't wait for the sub of ep 4


sarNie Tombstone
she can't hide dear anchun is useless to hide your feeling it shown so clearly that you want to be near him eat with him and you care for him

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