[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


sarNie Adult
Keylargo - Thanks for the subscribe! That's one of my fav lakorns! I still love Ken!

Vimalee, Bubba, MrsChum - Thanks for all the pics and vids. Our girl Yaya is just the sweetest!!

Autumn21 - Welcome!!! Thanks for the awesome video! I loved it!!!!


hahaha :lmao:  even with this solid evidence yadech will still deny about them dating....i wonder what will be their alibis when reporters will ask them about this picture :scratchhead2:  :scratchhead2:


some possible alibis:
1.were really JUST very close friends
2.we dont have other friends in thai showbiz industry
3.our moms are best friends
4we are just siblings(hypocrisy ever...hard to believe)
condolence to you my cyber friend whatever made you sad :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  these days may God bless you with strength to overcome it
@ to all newbies :welcome1:
thanks for joining our yadech craziness...feel free to express your love to yadech
i'm one of your subscribers in yt visay is my un ...thanks for the effort :thanks:  :thanks:  :thanks:


Live Love Laugh
Many people have left comments at Yaya's IG that they really missed Pe Arthit and Nong Nee.    
Thank you to Mae Pla or father Sperbund for taking this picture or else we won't see that picture frame o Yadech.
@YK, I'll add to your list of possible alibis:
1. were really JUST very close friends
2. we dont have other friends in thai showbiz industry
3. our moms are best friends
4. we are just siblings(hypocrisy ever...hard to believe)
5.   These are just the souvenirs from fans giving to us.
Neezy said:
Thanks for pointing it out MrsChum! That was the FIRST THING I NOTICED!!! Look at the picture frame on the left! A pic of Yaya and Nadech!!! :cloud9: :rofl: :dance1: :thumbsup: :heart:

As always, I just had to crop and enlarged!

Actual picture! They look so damn cute! :bhehe:


Live Love Laugh
@bubba, thank you for sharing the new Lays clip.   I love it....!!!  
Captain Barry was captivated by our Nang Fah....hahahaha, came to the new land searching for that perfect taste, but met the angel who captured his heart.  :heart: :heart: :heart:
I'm glad Yaya had a wonderful 21st birthday.   She invited the lucky 300 fans from all over the country to celebrate birthday with her at the Siam Oriental Hotel.   She also made a request NO GIFTS from fans.  Yaya said this was the way she wanted to thank her fans for always be there for her, for their continue love and support.   She covered the expenses but the fans surprised her with a beautiful birthday cake.  Some people even commented that the birthday cake was this beautiful, wait till the wedding cake, did you hear that, Barry?.     Fans were treated to delicious food and fun entertainments with songs, dances, and games. 
Yaya requested no gifts from fans, but she received so many from her sponsors and fellows from ET:
I love her look here.  The shoes from Pe Mai (hair/make up stylist?) and fruit basket from Pe Meaw.

Cup cakes from Panasonic...Yummy...!!!    :yummy: :yummy: :yummy:

From Mistine....notice Yadech picture there, hehehe.


From The staff of Rising Sun.

credit:  Urassayas IG


Keep On Smiling
Hello everyone and thank you for sharing beautiful pictures and wonderful comments na ja.
Awww.....this is so nice......Yaya posted this and wrote,
Thank you so much na ka P' Bird for a very special birthday song ❤ thank
you for always creating smiles for me, and I'm sure everyone who
watches this video will smile too love n miss u mak mak na ka:)

Our nang Fah is so beautiful......

:heart: :heart: :heart:  Love love this new Lays cf.......Yadech are so adorable!!!!

cr:as tagged


sarNie Adult
Thanks for the youtube subscribe YayaKugimiya! Sadly, my laptop died on me so I haven't been able to upload any lakorns. :( Anyway, I agree with you and Vimalee, I can't wait to hear their excuse. My guess is probably "It was a gift from the cast as we wrapped up the production for TNNKK." Lol. Thanks Bubba and MrsChum for the pics and vids! The new Lays commercial is so cute! I was caught by susprise that the clip started with Nadech or "Barry" rapping! It reminded me of when he rapped while he was in the "Thoranee Boy Band" haha. Nadech looks so sexy walking on the beach as Yaya looks extremely beautiful! I love when Yaya turns her sexiness on! She's so playfully and child-like that people tend to forget she can become sexy just within a blink of an eye! Love our girl tee soot! Anyway, I agree with Neenavaj, I feel after the taping of the 3zaap show, Yadech have become more private (more than they usual are). I don't blame them though. I just miss them that's all. Hehe.


Keep On Smiling
Awww......this is so cute......Yaya's dad looks at his beloved daughter with love and admiration. 
He is so proud and pleased that Yaya is love by so many people...... :heart: :heart: :heart: .   cr: as tagged

Mam Kathaleeya wants to look like Yaya for Yaya is so pretty.  She would love to play in a lakorn with Yaya. 
She's even willing to play as Yaya's mom.......


sarNie Adult
Thank you everyone for everything!! I love listening to Yaya singing in eng! Love her voice! Now I actually love this song more...
Miley Cyrus.... "I Adore you"

When you say you love me......know I love you more......when you say you need me....know I need you more... :heart: :heart:
Sound like she's singing it to someone special :bhehe: :bhehe:
Cr. urassayaclub.com

I forgot to add that I LOVE THE HOST!!! He sure know how to tease Yaya!!


sarNie Hatchling
M9 please take care of yourself while facing these sad moments. Do hope that gradually you may feel a little better and have free time to join us. Take your time and there is no need to say sorry about not being active, especially when it is not possible. It will be a pleasure to welcome you back here whenever it may be possible.
:welcome: to be an active member at RFTD thread, autumn21. Congrats for the wonderful projetcs and MVs that Yadech House VN Fanclub makes it.
By the way if someone still does not know yet how much attention fans paid on Yaya's ring referred at the 3 Zaap Show (the one she is also wearing at her happiness birthday party) or how can it be related to RS behind the scenes somehow, the video below is a really good story telling. Meo and Calla did a excellent job together last year. :highfive: The title of the video says at all: Yaya's ring - the legend ring.
Credits to Yadech House VN Fanclub
Yaya posted her own record photos on IG, so nice to see our girl happy like that. It is great to watch so much happiness sharing too and can image her reaction hearing P'Bird singing to her as something like.... :weee: :weee: Still watching and catching up with our girl birthday videos.
Bong Mao and Neezy thank you very much for P'Athit and N'Nee picture point out at Yaya's house. :bhehe:
Yadech doesn't need alibis for the picture itself :camera: that's an official TNNKK promotion picture so it is not even themselves lol (please remember what Yaya said at her Pattaya house visit show about Fai and Jeed's kiss, back then there was just their ch. 3 calendar picture of 2011), but the fact that Yaya puts the frame picture there or what she likes about the photo it is another story. If it was her favourite picture in TNNKK's photobook, thenTun as the sandwich person would not call too much attention. If fans gave it to her, but it is not in the usual place that she puts all things received by them, like what we saw already at Nadech's house in some past pictures, the game is still on for the press questions. Have someone else noticed that the photo is from when P'Athit and N'Nee are already married? They are in their wedding clothes, but at the farm dressed like that it means already married in TNNKK lakorn terms. :ghehe:  Do join Vimalee in saying :thanks: to Mae Pla or father Sperbund or whoever took that picture.
I am in love by Lays new summer CF :wub: , thank you very much bubba for sharing it.  :kiss:Captain Barry seems so cool and under control to get some Lays...until he sees a new specie... a unique sand mermaid with legs that has his desired Lays under her control. Love it and totally feeling :bopping: ruk lays. (PS. Nang Fah and Fahlada have heart onwers already and captain Barry deserves a chance with that smart sand mermaid after being under her Lays feeding spell :coverlaf: ).
Rising Sun team gave birthday bouquets for both girls, Taew thanked hers as well.
Credits to taewaew_natapohn IG


sarNie Adult
Lazy - I loveeee reading your long comments! Esp when I read one of your sentence wrong. You said....."Captain Barry seems so cool and under control to get some Lays" and I accidentally read it as he wanted to TO GET LAY! And I'm like what??? Did she mean he wants to get LAID and not lay?!! Hahaha. Oh man....the way he walked up to Yaya on that beach, I couldn't tell (kidding)! :pervie: :coverlaf:

Also, thank you for all your great resource! :heart:


sarNie Adult
Neezy said:
Lazy - I loveeee reading your long comments! Esp when I read one of your sentence wrong. You said....."Captain Barry seems so cool and under control to get some Lays" and I accidentally read it as he wanted to TO GET LAY! And I'm like what??? Did she mean he wants to get LAID and not lay?!! Hahaha. Oh man....they way he walked up to Yaya on that beach, I couldn't tell (kidding)! :pervie: :coverlaf:

Also, thank you for all your great resource! :heart:
Lol Neezy! :bhehe: :bhehe:

Hi dear Lazy!! :heart:


sarNie Hatchling
Neezy you got me laughing no stop here. :lmao3: :whahuh: :loool: :loool: :whahuh: :lmao3:
I started reading your comment and when reading the words wrong and sentence fast, did think that I was the one that wrote Lays without the important "s". :facepalm: :ghehe:  It is was something like let me read slowly so that I can do something about it and thanking in my mind the editing function existence here already. After reading your comment again could not stop laughing.  :lolyup:
Now everyone knows the dangerous english language frontiers when talking about Lays chips. :nailbiter: :phew:
Credits to naya 愛的小屋
Hi! Bong Mao and :goodnite:  wish you lots of sweet dreams. Thank you very much for another RS BTS. :)


sarNie Adult
Thank You Ladies Very Much! It is a hard time for the family with preparations and financial wise but we'll all pull through.
Wowzer, I have a bunch to read when I have the free time. I just want to thank you ladies again for always being so kind, thoughtful and your hard work!


Live Love Laugh
Love their looks here...!!!
On Yaya's birthday, Nadech had to work on the Lom Son Ruk set from early morning until past midnight.   The reporters asked Yaya if Nadech already gave her birthday present and she said not yet, but he already wished her happy birthday that day.   Great answer Yaya!   If she answered yes, they would ask her what it is.  She said she would "demand" her birthday gift from Nadech later.   The reporters just stopped there and didn't ask further questions.  Aha, Yaya is getting better answering these types of questions.

credit as tagged