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  • Is Yaya leaving Ch3? Why is she in a GMMTV Film with Bright? I think its time all channels mix up their celebs and not tie them down to only one channel. COME ON THAILAND!
    Maybe its a collaboration? or maybe acting in gmmtv film are not breaching any of her contract with ch3.
    Maybe ch3 is not strict anymore. They have become flexible.
    I think if it’s a movie for release in the cinema then Ch3 would have no issue with it.
    How did Mai Davika get even skinnier? Like...scary skinny?
    I used to be a fan of Hilary Duff and here when she lost a tonnnnn of weight, I was literally like, “She was so beautiful before!!!!!” But here she looked like she starved herself. I’m so glad she realized she was not looking healthy and she’s looking like herself again!
    The problem is, once you become thin thin it's never enough.
    Thai Celebs and their Halloween costumes have to be the best among anyone else! WOW. Again, Mark and Kim is the best dressed!
    Anyone here a fan of Turkish Drama Ada Masali? LOL
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    Reactions: xdanavelvetx
    He's too handsome. I really like this manly, take no shit type of character he is playing. He's a big softly for Ayca's character though. I think they have great chemistry. Its the only reason this show is good. Plus, i like how close all the characters are and island life looks relaxing as heck. lol
    The FL actress is pretty, I saw her photos maybe last year or 2 years ago and she reminds me of Miranda Kerr.
    I agree, she looks a lot like Miranda Kerr...I also see a bit of Aishwarya Rai in her too. Its the shape of her eyes and that green blue eye color she has. So beautiful.
    Its 2021 and I"m still rewatching 2018's Buppae Sunniwat! lol
    Better writers? Yes. Their elders need to be fired off though, its 2021 and they still haven't lessened their bias of their A Listers (Nadech, Yaya, Kim, James Ma). Especially Nadech, they cut down Praomook to 15 episodes from 22 episodes for his rerun of a heck lakorn. A freaking rerun? Can you believe this
    If this continues soon Channel 7 newbies will take over their A listers fast, Mookda is surging queen in popularity, Kem is with her because of their pairing. They top polls now days, Ch3 doesn't even have great newbies. Ch3 needs to push talents, their A listers can take breaks.
    @suhoewithadashofkpopexo mookda queen of popularity? Iol what polls are you talking about? Mookda is nowhere near Yaya/Bella other ch3 A listers popularity. She cant even score more ad deals despite high ratings lakorn. endorsement reflects someone influence and popularity in thailand. Bow who just recently moved to ch3, yeena, kao and bua has more ad deals under their belt compare to mookda
    Question: Would you prefer a Thai lakorn that takes a year to film then air or a Chinese drama that takes 3-4 months to film but don't air 2-3 years later? LOL Hmmm....just a thought...
    This makes me miss Ban Sai Thong so much!! I'm dubbing it Thailand's Downton Abbey! LOL
    Yes, that little girl Alice sang so great too! When I went to visit my parents during the time, my mom made me watch that episode lol. She loves that show but I was shocked that girl was like 12 or 13 and sang so great.
    Why do Thai music videos have more depth/better stories then actual Thai dramas?!! The unknown actors are as good as Thai drama stars?!
    Sometimes i wish the stories in the music video continued longer....
    Sometimes i wish the stories in the music video continued longer....
    Their ads are also superior with hidden meanings that makes you think. It's a whole nother level.
    Its time ALL Thai actors and actresses become freelance. The amount of ideas, story lines, couples, growth...IS LIMITLESS!
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