[Ch3] Bpoop Phaeh Saniwaat (Broadcast Thai) : Pope Thanawat / Bella Ranee


sarNie Adult
Hahaha. She's too kiddish for our Pope to kiss. She's like a little sis off screen. She might be the only one Pope doesn't see as a woman.
Very true! I see and feel that about their relationship BTS. She’s like a little sister he enjoys teasing. Honestly, they have zero % chemistry on screen, but I can tell why because KSTD is geared towards a family drama not entirely romance like BPS.


Wifey #42
Last night poor Joi was nearly kicked by a cranky Por Date. So funny the way he tried to continue doing his writings with his brows frowning and frowning away. He looks so unsettled and stressful as if his head can't think! Then his eyes staring to thin air literally went light bulb from small to small rounds and bigger rounds and revelation rounds and determined him on what he's supposed to do. What a bugger!


sarNie Oldmaid
Hello my dear Farang-whose-samee's-name-is-Pope, why don't you & @MissPK try watching Plerng Chimplee? Bells is very beautiful there & her acting different from Padivarada or BPS; she is very much loved by the hero. He's overly rude to the n'rai all of the time & in front of everyone too. He's the best hero in that sense.

Salan also did the same for Rin - putting Duang in her place. When he knew everyone misunderstood that he spent the night with her, he made his servant yell to the entire house he's been in Rin's bed all along. It embarrassed & hurt the ex no end. He also held Rin's hand & serenaded her lovingly in front of the same people who were previously fooled by Duang that she's his wife. That publicly shuts down everything about Duang still being in his life! Funnily though, his song is the one Kade sang to Khun Loong & which Date later said it's of the beauty of a woman and he must sing it to her. Romantic Por Date!

It's on my to-watch list, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Been basking in Pope:risas3:


sarNie Oldmaid
These the scenes when I cry everytime I see Rheung. But it's already sad when she first saw Khun P from the back. His silhouette, still and head staring ahead speaks a deep suffering.
I also loved that eventually you realize after that scene that even though Karakade is insanely gorgeous, Date never loved her for her looks. He loved her just as much even when she was fat and ugly with nasty fashion sense. He confirms this when he tells her, "If I loved you for your looks, I would've fallen in love with you when you were mean."

It's the sweetest thing and it gives all of us hope that there are men who don't care if we like pizza or ice cream a little too much :angel10:


Samee's wifey #42
Wonder, if you were Bella, who are you going to choose between Pope and Weir ? (Don't let Weir or Pope know about it).
Here what I found and feel about these two lovely men:

I love Pope charming face. I found him very attractive with his lovely eyes, nose, and lips (his sweet smile)
I found Weir face too round, but his body shape is to die for.
Either one of them are all in all look attractive to me, and either one them are fine w/me. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
I think you should also decide who do you think is the faithful type. That's even harder to gauge against looks or body. And it is a scary question! hheheee


TruBPSFan Test #25

Extended/Deleted Scenes:
- Faulcon meeting with the foreigners?? Wearing a Thai outfit. I don't remember him ever wearing that.
- Date eaves dropping.

- Yes. Her name is Kadesurang!
- I've noticed that Mr. PJ was quite chubby in here. Hahaha. Now he's working out like a mofo. I'm excited to see the results!
- The three musketeers are hawt!!
- I love how Mama Jumpah always interferes with Kade and Khun Loong even though she always acts nonchalant .
- Awe.....Khun Loong knows and just made Kade cried. I cried too. I know what it feels like to be homesick.
- Of course she switches 180 degrees when Khun Loong starts talking about historical facts. Hahahaha. She is too cute!
- Big Daddy and is voice! Gives me eargasm. Hahah.
- Hahahha. Sorasak and Reung's reaction when Kade asks if they wanna take her to the temple was priceless.
- Poor Joi. Hahaha. Date you're so mean!! So moody!
- Omg he said it was up to Kade if they were to marry and now he wants an engagement ceremony as soon as possible. Hahhhaa.
- Hahahha. Only Joi witnesses Date's mood swings.