This was such a great lakorn, and I fell in love with the pairing of Aom & Tik!!! :cloud9:
Even though they only have two lakorns together, their chemistry is amazing. They're cute, wonderful, beautiful together, and they match each other so much. Aom may be older, but at least she looks young and right for him! It's too sad that I didn't love RLSR on first sight. :lolyup: I was too annoyed with my parents and relatives watching it constantly and thought I was too cool to be watching Thai lakorns. Boy, was I wrong...
it was too good for
me !!!
Should have watched it in the first place with my parents and relatives. So sad how I fell in love with Aom+Tik so late!!! Better late than never though! :coverlaf:
i've been dying to watch this lakorn too!!! but, i can't find the complete thing with english subtitles anywhere. could someone tell me where i could watch it??? pretty please!!! :mellow:
If you google search for AnothaiDara, you could come up across her website. But here, let me just give you her website:
RLSR has eng subs, and you can even download it! I believe the quality isn't too bad. Good luck!