Klien Kaew Krang Jai(Broadcast)


sarNie Juvenile
ahh i heard rome already got his sight back and now he thinks Ae is Rita, so hes about to confess his love her. :arrg:
yea.. ritas mom cleans ae up and rome thinks ae is rita so he confesses his love for ae infront of rita


Lakorn Obsesser
God!! Can't Rome tell the differences? He had physical contact with Rita, man.
.Can't he even tell voice differences? Attitude? Warmth and coziness when you're near your lover? :rolleyes:


sarNie Adult
omg so sad for rita to see all that. her fake mom is so evil...

what day does this show air? everyday? i think the next episode she finds out? i see rita hugging the real mom...


sarNie Adult
Will see how he look after he becomes not blind? He just doesn't that tha pr'eng's looks like the other actors....sorry if I offend any of his fans.


sarNie Coma
what other actor are you referring to moilee?..theres other actor who doesnt even look as good but is still playing leading roles. (dont want to mention any names) atleast rome could act and to me hes HOT!. and also manly unlike many newbies out there


Lakorn Obsesser
Come one girls. Don't fight. I think I've heard and been in too many fights this pass months already
... So Rita knows who her real mother is now


Lakornaddict ;)
omg Does she kno who her real mom is now?

gosh i gotta watch the new episodes :lol: and i'll post up sc when i do watch em maybe tonite :lol:


No I don't think she will find out who her real mom is in the next episode. I think if I'm correct, in the teasers I saw her hugging her real mom because the fake Apoh threw stuff at her and so her mom was saying sorry for it and Rita says did you know that ever since I was here I am never happy? Something like that and then they hugged. Or have we seen that scene already? Correct me if I am wrong k.


sarNie Adult
in the next preview..looks like rome is gonna be hugging her and trying to get up on her..makes him think twic3e....to me.....and he sees the ring...


Official Robert Pattinson Ambassador
OK OK i noe this be lakorn thai and all but stupid ass lame excuse for making praek believe that b/c of the accident his beloved's voice has changed that dramatically...correct me if I'm wrong you can't change a person's voice personality that drastically...unless you're in Jit Sung Harn, Duen Deurd, and Kom Kohn....and oh Mission Impossible...it's just not realistic....LOL I watch too many spy/action thrillers!!!!


sarNie Granny
hummm.... Rome could found out who Rita is if

1) the two servant tell him
2) Rita confess
3) he figure it out by her voice and personality ect

....im thinking he might pretend to be blind to test the girl ... :wub:


Official Robert Pattinson Ambassador
omigawwwddd Sarn you read my mind...I was thinking that too...and you know what before the servants were sent away i thought how in sam's hill are they going to get away with tricking praek when his two servants know what Rita who's pretending to be Apo looks like....I hope praek finds out soon.....or I'm going to be real mad!!!!!!! :arrg: :arrg: :arrg: :angry: :angry: :angry:


sarNie Fansubber
I don't think he's too much dumb because he's still doubtful about things. I believe he will find out soon. ^_^