[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


Keep On Smiling
Callayuki said:
Credit: Cruel Witch
I'm really curious abt 0:17 - 0:32...what was the emcee saying that make NY smile with shyness like this :shrug: ...If anyone know...plz tell me naz. :spin: ..thanks sooooooo much...
The part I love the most is the cut part from the Ratree Show of GRGR :heart: :heart: ..when NY re-watched some love scenes from GRGR :coverlaf: ...I love all their shyness expressions (especial Nadech's :coverlaf: )...and love the smile of Mea Pla too :lol:...
A lot of wonderful moments of NY, right everyone :wink:
P/s: Bubba, could you help me to translate some Thai sentences that written in this Mv...Plz..plz help me na :spin:
It's hard to hear the MC and read some of the writing over the  beautiful music and  background.  I believe the MC teased NY about being the bride and the groom. The MC announced that ........will come up and give bouquets of flowers to the bride and the groom ( loud cheers.  NY smile shyly :bhehe: :heart:  they sure make a beautiful couple).
Some of the writing:
This is so shy
Give the bouquets of flowers to the bride and the groom
This looks like a real wedding
Eternal love.....from the eyes
If they're boyfriend/girlfriend, is it OK???
Just answer OK..finallly
Eternal love..... love her more than I can say ...beyond any words that I love her
So cute
Eternal love...love only her
Thanks Callayuki for sharing.  Nadech and Yaya are so cute!!!!


Keep On Smiling
Thanks cookies, Vimalee, Callayuki, and huanzhu for all your sharings.
@MrsChum,I hope you'll be able to see all MVs here soon na .
A beautiful Yadech slideshow "Tell me darling do you wish we'd fall in love" by Koko.  Thanks so much for an amazing work.  
The MV is too cute....just love the ways Nadech looking at Yaya and Yaya looking back at Nadech :heart: :heart: :heart:


sarNie Hatchling
im sooooo in love with Nadech's vocie!!!!!!! :woot:  :woot2:  :dance1: He should really sing more often...im sure that his fans will love it i mean i love it lol


sarNie Adult
Vimalee said:
Can't wait.....................!
The caption said, ' Nadech lets it slip; likes everything "Yaya" '

credit: NadechYaya.com
what time the show will be air on CH3 ?? I want to watch it so badly now ...tik tok tik tok


sarNie Adult
Thank you everyone for helping me with my computer issue. I now can see the mv in my laptop by using Chrome, but unfortunately I still cant see the mv in my phone or ipad :(.
@ Vimalee,
I cannot wait to watch the show! Really curious about what he wi say about Yaya pic and the flowery shirt......


Keep On Smiling
keylargo said:
bubba thanks so much for your help in translating, so sweet and da vid though unable to view.
Sorry you can't view the vid clip.  Try this link to view  www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnwDETf7Ctg
@ huanzhu, 3 Zap will air on ch. 3 at 23:15 Thailand time that would be 8:15am pacific time na.
Can't wait to see 3 Zap, kcl awards show, and Lays .......
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:   :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:                    Totally Awesome                     :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

credit as tagged


sarNie Adult
bubba said:
Sorry you can't view the vid clip.  Try this link to view  www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnwDETf7Ctg
@ huanzhu, 3 Zap will air on ch. 3 at 23:15 Thailand time that would be 8:15am pacific time na.
Can't wait to see 3 Zap, kcl awards show, and Lays .......
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:   :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:                    Totally Awesome                     :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

credit as tagged
:thanks: bubba ...so for my time will be 00.15am cuz am in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.


sarNie Oldmaid
 Thanks bubba for the link, will def try it, dying to watch ....vimalee & huanzhu, like u both i cant wait to c it, hopefully nadech gives the awesomest answers in regards to our darling yaya....love them sooooo


sarNie Egg
@Vimalee: thanks for your sharing abt the caption...now I countdown to see the full show :coverlaf: :heart:
@Swiffy: Good luck for your all shool works&exams..I hope you'll be back to us soon :wink:
@Bubba: Thank you soooooooo much for your help (but..so sorry for bothering you)....thank to your translation I understand more clearly abt that Mv and love it more :thumbsup:...Haha...love the emcee soooo much..."bride"&"groom" :pervie: ..but in the Thairait event that year Yadech look truly "bride"&"groom"  :coverlaf:  ..I love the Mv that you share too...it's not long but soooooo sweet :heart:
@huanzhu: Ok let's dance :bopping: :wink:
Yaya sooooo beautiful on Kom Chaleurd Award - 10th Annniversary :heart: :heart: :heart: Love her smoky eyes make-up style...


Credit: NY home pantip Fb


Keep On Smiling
Thanks everyone for sharing vid clip, pictures, and info.
Yaya won for the KCL popular actress 
Porshe won for KCL popular actor
TNNKK won for KCL  popular lakorn
:yahoo: :clap:    A Big Congratulations to Yaya  and TNNKK  :clap: :clap:
She is so beautiful.....

cr:NY Home at Pantip


sarNie Oldmaid
Thk u bubba, mrs chum n vimalee for latest info on our sweetie for winning da award! Yaya is so beautiful, so decent n lovable. Congratulations indeed to yaya. Wish nadech was wif her! Lays dance off was fun and infectious, yadech r so cute n hving much fun im sure, just being together!