[Ch3] Ka Badin (Tv Scene)


sarNie Hatchling
Lamduan's mom is making me annoyed too. i can't accept her excuse of not liking Hymn for being a soldier anymore. she was not grateful to him at all even after Hymn has proven time over time that he is serious about Lamduan and now capable to take care of her. thank god Lamduan has support from her father. i love how he always help Lamduan n Hymn meet. 
@x0uner i also feel the same about Lamduan's mom  :scratchchin: she doesn't seem to be happy that Hymn's mom regain her status.
Bua is so shameless telling Lamduan that Hymn belong to her. i despise women who go after taken men(have girlfriend/married) the most due to my own personal experience. they didn't care who they hurt as long as they get what they want. sometimes, they r not driven by greed but just liking the challenge of pursuing married men. it's sad that in the society these days, more and more of women have this kind of behavior.  
i'm willing to go through EP 12 filled with Bua's manipulations as long as it ends there. so that we will get the 2 last eps filled with lovey dovey Hymn n Lamduan. please quickly  get married and have babies  :spin:  :spin:  :spin:


sarNie Oldmaid
x0unerthanlater said:
Do not open spoiler if you don't want to spoil yourself...
I hope Bua goes into the nunnery in episode 12. Then we don't have to see her in 13 & 14...
probably if it is supposed to end this weekend.