Yea, I think K'Dang is prob disappointed not bc of the actors but bc of why the h3ll the rating is low? This Lakorn has very good reception overall. The prime minister of Thailand even recommended that people watch this Lakorn lol
The reporters ask Mark about the ratings too and he said he doesn't know how technology is used to gather the data? Haha, I agreed! But he said to just watch it purely for entertainment, and not to focus on ratings too much.
Oh-- I also read from Mew's Momma's ig, she said this Lakorn is airing M, T, F, Sat, Sun and Monday of next week! So there's a chance that we still have 6 more episodes to go!!!!!!!!!!

I'm loving the Lakorn regardless of the ratings but i do hope it goes up to a 9 or 10 lol