What a Dreamer Dreams


keep going, you’re doing great. ;)
What do you think about dreams? Do you think they are just random, or that they might have meaning or significance? Have you ever had a dream become true in real life? Do you think that sometimes ancestors make us dream a specific dream? Some ppl tell me they think dreams are formed from thoughts you are having while awake? Like if you’re worried about your partner cheating in real life, then you will have dreams about that. Fascinating..


keep going, you’re doing great. ;)
I learned in one psychology class while researching that foretelling the future through dreams is something untrue and can’t occur. Though I have heard about like ppl dreaming of numbers and winning the lottery by choosing those numbers. Maybe it can be a mix? Randomness, chance, ancestors, conscious or unconscious thoughts while awake.. and what do dreams mean, if anything? I know for example some ppl believe if you dream about teeth breaking or coming loose, it means bad luck.