Thai Army Rounds Up Hmong Refugees


i'm not sure if i should post this in the thai section, but it's about us hmong i'm just sharing in here...

At dawn on August 25, hundreds of armed Thai soldiers surrounded the encampment of Hmong refugees at Wat Tham Krabok in central Thailand and started loading about 1,500 Hmong refugees from Laos on to trucks. The refugees were transported without their belongings to local Thai government offices and told that they must return to their “homes�.

After intervention by advocacy groups--including Hmong-Americans and Refugees International--and the American Embassy in Bangkok, the military returned the refugees to Wat Tham Krabok. For the time being they are safe, but they face an uncertain future.

Hmong refugees began seeking refuge at the Wat more than ten years ago, when the UN High Commissioner for Refugees closed its camps in Thailand. Many of the Hmong who settled in Wat Tham Krabok, a Buddhist temple compound in central Thailand, were afraid to return to Laos and reluctant to go to third countries.

The United States government is currently in the process of resettling up to 15,000 Hmong from Wat Tham Krabok to the U.S. (see Hmong Refugees Arrive in the U.S.: The latest Chapter in a Long Odyssey). The resettlement program only covers Hmong refugees who were registered by the Thai military last year.

The Hmong rounded up by the military had not been registered. However, many of people in this group have lived at the Wat for some time, and others have close relatives in the U.S.

After hours at the Thai government offices, the refugees were finally permitted to return to Wat Tham Krabok, but it is not clear what the future holds for them. For a BBC report on the roundup, go to Hmong ordered from Thai Camps.

From the start of the U.S. resettlement initiative, Refugees International has asked Thailand and the U.S. to define a long-term, durable status for the remaining Hmong. The recent roundup highlights the urgency of resolving status of the Hmong who are not being resettled.

RI has monitored Hmong refugees in Thailand since our inception 25 year ago and we will continue to track these developments closely.

credit to asiafinest


sarNie Adult
I feel sorry for them. Anyway, hope the American government will find a good place for these people. May god blesses all of them : :) :)


Staff member
i've tried to stay away from reading too much of these..thought it's
concerning to me..i can't help it..i'm a sensitive thing like this
hurt me deeply..if i give myself in..then i'll be mad..and blame
someone..but as in now...i can't do anything..but i hope they have a
GOOD REFUGE soon..may all the MIGHTY spiritual force be with them..


sarNie Adult
Thank you for sharing. I feel bad for the Hmong...I thought that the Vietnam War was over, and we Hmong are free. I'm very lucky to be safe and have a good education. I feel bad to see them like this...Plus to see so many Hmong people in the U.S.A not making the best of their life for example: teenages involve in gang issues, older male going to Laos or Thai to remarried to young teens...I believe we can make a different if we work together....Peace....Friendship...A better Place for everyone....Stop the Race and Discrimination....The Whole World belong to everyone...Everyone affect everyone else...We life in this life of cycle....


sarNie Egg
It's very sad to see the hmong people suffering like this. I think that the only way for us hmong to help them is get ourselves educated and go back to help them. This is what I am going to do. It's my dream in goal in this life. I look at it like why are we hmong not helping our people when people hate us and tries to kill us. We don't want the hmong people who are left in Laos and Thailand to repeat its history with no education and future. When you really think of it, they have nothing every year repeat the same thing and have no jobs. I think that its best to do something worth this life than just just get marry and have kids like every other hmong girls so I am going to try my best to go back and help the poor before I die. I wish Hmong teens these days would think like me because no matter where we are born, we can't become other people or say that we are apart of their culture when we have our own. It's so sad to see that Hmong kids now are throwing their culture and language away. Will there be a Hmong culture in the future if we all keep this up???Hmong still don't love each other till this day that is why we don't have a country like other people. Why can we all come together and help each other??? Please help me in the future if I accomplish my dream. I can't make this dream of mine come true if I don't have my people to help and support me.