Tard Rak (Lakorn Thai)


Expired Sarnie
When Cherry was bathing in the river and Mart fell in couldn't beat RNHJRJ lol where Ken was trying to take a peak at Janie and bam a snake comes from behind and splash he goes ahahah still epic. I don't think anything can top that.

Anyways does Janie have a fanclub. Most of these pictures are from Cherry.


Staff member
awe, i'd like some solo shot of Janie too but i guess this is a CHERRY FANCLUB scan so maybe there's not much to janie :(

Love JANIE/POR -- my fever is high, looking at those small gesture photo of the two :wub:


sarNie Adult
ah, beautiful pics of both actresses, especially Janie, she's so beautiful :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: . Por's glance to Janie's unbelievable cute. :thumbsup: Like somebody here, I wish having more Janie's pics, don't want to see Janie's in a supporting role at all :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:


sarNie Coma
Those are nice and clear scans. Thanks!

Janie does have a fanclub but I dnt think I'm able to view the pictures and paste it here. Seem like I would need permission to view certain topics over there


Staff member
i love this like 'FIRE OF LOVE' -- i hate that he feel for Cherry first before he realize he REALLY love JANIE!


sarNie Oldmaid
aw so sweet " can the fire of love in my heart extinguish the fire of hatred in yours" line was way too cute...Yes it can Mr.Por...any day

Im all for this drama, but seem like there's gonna be a lot of "dang why don't you just admit you like him/ her" ordeal going on through out


Expired Sarnie
Ah I love all the cheesy lines in this lakorn. Ah super excited. Why is the 25th so long!!!