Secret Wishlist: COMPLETED*

Sorry I won't upload today.
Just finished acting a stupid n'rai fighting scene.
I have bruises all over. I'm not in a lakorn just an acting school :)


You always leave us on a cliffhanger!!!! Can't wait to read what happens next!

Awwies, hope you feel better. Rest up naa!!​
Chapter Fourteen
Noon is inside with Vee as her friends try to help her from the outside.

Vee: *laughs* I told you I'd win sooner or later, Noon.

Noon doesn't answer.

(Tle: Noon, we're nearly done tearing the door apart.)

Noon: *starts crying again*

(Police officer: *turns to Vier* Our police have surrounded this place. The door will be unlocked any sec-)

The door opens with a sudden boom!

Pinky: *screams* ...what the hell was that?

Police officer: Please stay calm. That was just the small bomb we set up to open the metal door.

Pancake: OMG, that was scary.

Police officer: *walks inside and sees Noon&Vee*

Noon: *tears running down her eyes* MMMMMMMMMM!

Vee: *snickers* She says she doesn't want you guys here. She's afraid she'd be charged for murder.

Noon: *screaming*

Pinky: *follows the police officer inside*

Win: *scratches his head and turns to Pinky* What's that all about?

Pinky: *whispering* I don't know...

Police officer: *pulls out his gun* Let go of the prisoner.

Vee: Why should I? Do you want me to set a murderer lose?

Police officer: Miss Woranuch is not a murderer. Let her go. You are the murderer.

Noon: *tries taking the cloth out of her mouth* MMMMMMMMMMM!

Vier: *turns to the police officer* Please hurry.

Police officer: Of course. *turns to Vee* I said let go. 5...4...3...

Vee: I wouldn't do that if I were you. Seriously...

Police officer: 2...

Vee: *takes out a gun* Stop counting or she dies! *points gun at Noon's head*

Pinky: *turns and sobs into Win's shirt*

Pancake: *looks away*

Police officer: Let go of the prisoner. We have surrounded this place.

Vee: (Oh shit. What am I going to do now? And where is Nutt's father?) You've got it all wrong, officer. I am doing you all a favor.

Police officer: Do yourself a favor and let go of the prisoner.

Noon: *grabs a stick from behind and hits Vee on the head; Vee had stopped her from talking but he forgot about her hands...they were free*

Vee: *cries out in pain* You bitch!

Noon: *runs into the awaiting hands of her brother*

Vier: *takes cloth out of Noon's mouth*

Noon: Vier, I'm never this glad to see you before.

Police officer: Miss Woranuch, I'm afraid that we have to ask you to go to the police station.

Tle: What for?

Police officer: As a witness.

Noon: *lets out a sigh of relief* (Thank god Nutt's father didn't tell the police. But then where is Nutt's father?)

Pinky: *runs to Noon, hugs her* Noon, I'm so glad you're ok!

Noon: *smiles* Me too.


Pancake takes everyone to her uncle's shopping complex.

Pinky: Pan, I never knew your uncle owned this place...

Pancake: *laughs* He just brought it from someone. I don't remember who though.

Vier: You guys going to the prom?

Noon: *sighs* I have no one to go with...

Pancake: Me neither.

Pinky: too?

Noon: Oh please. Win is so going to ask you!

Win: What am I going to ask Ky?

Noon: If Ky would go to the prom with you.

Win: The prom? OMG, I totally forgot. *turns to Pinky* So will you?

Pinky: *blushes* Will I...what?

Win: *smirks* Will you go to the prom with me?

Pinky: Uh...sure.

Win: *smiles* Good.

Pancake: *sighs* Ky, I am so jealous.

Win: You should be haha.

Tle: *waks up to Noon* Noon, will YOU go with me?

Noon: *blushes* Where?

Tle: To the prom...

Noon: Now really?

Tle: Of course. I mean, if you'd go.

Noon: I...uh...

Pancake: She'll go!

Noon: Pan!

Pancake: She'll go, Tle. *sighs* Ugh, I have no one to take me then!

Vier: *pokes his head* I'd go with you. If-

Pancake: You wish.

Vier: Hey, that's not nice. Be polite.

Pancake: But I'm being honest...

Pinky: *giggles* Now really?

Vier: C'mon, please?

Pancake: Ugh...fine.

Vier: Good. *looks around* Where should we start?

Noon: I don't know. Pan, you lead.

Pancake: *laughs nervously* Umm...I haven't been here since I was 8.

Tle: *looks around* How about we look for dresses/suits?

Pancake: That's a great idea. I guess. How about you guys go find your outfits and we find ours?

Pinky: Yea, sure.

Pacake: (I wish Tle asked me instead of Vier but Vier is better than nothing. I guess.)

Win: *protests* I don't think so. You 2 girls can go ahead. I'm going with Pinky to find her a dress.

Pinky: *turns* What? No! I want it to be a surprise?

Win: But-

Pinky: *smirks* No buts, remember? Anyways, I get nervous when trying out clothes.

Tle: *turns to Win, whispers* Trust me. It's better if you go with us.

Vier: *raises an eyebrow* Us? Tle, if Win goes I won't-

Noon: *gies Vier a deadly stare*

Vier: Fine. *drags Tle and Win away from Noon*​


sarNie Hatchling
I wonder how beautiful will they look in theirs outfits....i hope u get well soon... noon,pancake n pinky sexy or cute or wat?


After a serious situtuation, they ended up talking about prom?! Hahaha. But finally Noon is free from that bastard Vee! I love how Pan answers to Tle for Noon about going to prom with him! But, hmmm...Pan wanted to go to prom with Tle? She likes him perhaps?

Thanks for the update Grace!​


sarNie Granny
YAY noon is safe, but i do wonder where Nutt's father went. LOL prom. Wait, so Pan kind of likes Tle?
thanks for the update.
Chapter Fifteen
Noon, Pancake, and Pinky are walking past the numerous hiso shops at Paragon.

Pancake: You sure you're fine, Noon?

Noon: Yea, I'm fine. Thank god you took us her, Pan. Otherwise I'd still be thinking about Vee-

Pinky: Don't talk about him, Noon. It'll just ruin your shopping mood.

Noon: *sighs* I just wished it never happened, that's all.

Pancake: I know how you feel...

Pinky: *raises an eyebrow* How'd you kow, Pan?

Pancake:'s nothing.

Pinky: If you say so.

Noon: *looks aroud* Let's go to 66Diamonds.

Pinky: Umm...let's not. It's a prom, Noon. Not a wedding.

Noon: *daydreams* Haha I can picture you and Win-

Pinky: *pinches Noon*

Noon: Ow! *pauses* Hey, I was just thinking-

Pinky: Shut up.

Pancake: *laughs*

Noon: *turns to Pancake* C'mon, if Ky won't go to 66Diamonds can you go with me?

Pancake: It's a diamond dress shop, Noon. We're trying to find prom dresses.

Noon: So? Besides, our school takes prom as a "show off" runway.

Pinky: Yea, you're right but still.

Noon: Ky, c'mon. You'd look like a model in 66Diamond's clothes...

Pinky: *raises an eyebrow* Do you want the guys to think that we're money spenders or something?

Pancake: I bet their suits are studded with diamonds...

Pinky: Oh please. *thinks* Ok, fine.

The girls walk into 66Diamonds.


Win, Tle, and Vier are shopping in Glam&Suits.

Vier: *turns to Tle* What do you think I should wear?

Tle: Donno...I can't even find something that I'm going to wear.

Win: *looks through suits*

He ends up with a dark green/white suite with a black tie.

Tle: Nice choice, Win.

Win: Thanks. But I wish Ky was here so she could say if it's ok or not.

Vier: Don't bother then. Ky hates dark green.

Win: *raises an eyebrow* How'd you know???

Vier:'s nothing. Just a guess.

Win: *calls Pinky*

Pinky: *answers phone* Hello?

Win: Ky, it's me Win.

Pinky: *blushes* Yes?

Win: ...what color is your dress?

Pinky: I can't tell you! It's a surprise, remember?

Win: Please? Please? Please?

Pinky: No! I'm not going to tell you!

Win: Ok, fine. Then tell me if you like dark blue or not.

Pinky: Dark green? Why don't you get something dark blue, huh?

Win: Ok, fine. *turns to salesperson* Can you find me a dark blue suit for prom?

Saleslady: Sure thing.

The lady walks to the back of the shop, into the storage room, and back out again with 3 or 4 dark blue suits.

Win: *into the phone* Ky, ok I've got my pick. Umm...are you guys nearly done?

Pancake: *into Pinky's phone* Don't forget to buy Ky a diamond ring!

Noon and Pancake laugh hysterically as Pinky tries to ignore them.

Pinky: *into the phone* Don't bother, Win. Anyways, I'll call you when we're done.

Tle: *looks for suits* Ugh, I don't like any of the suits.

Vier: C'mon, why don't you wear white? Noon LOVES white.

Tle: *raises an eyebrow* You think so?

Vier: I know so.

Tle looks for a white suit but he doesn't find any he likes so he walks to the saleslady.

Saleslady: Yes?

Tle: A plain white sult...for prom? Do you have any?

Salesday: Please wait.

The saleslady walks to the back of the store, into the storage (yet again) and comes out with several white suits.

Tle: *points to the plainest one* I'll take that one. How much?

Saleslady: If you buy 2 you get 25% off.

Tle: *turns to Win* Which one are you getting?

Win: I donno, I guess the end one. Why?

Tle: Buy 2 get 25% off.

Win: Ok, sure. *turns to saleslady* I'll take the dark blue/white one.

Saleslady: *nods* Both after discount will be 58,000 B.

Tle: *takes out his credit card* Here.

Win: Tle, it's ok I'll pay for ours.

Tle: No, it's ok. I mean, your girlfriend is my cousin afterall.

Win: *blushes* Girlfriend? Who said girlfriend? She's my date.

Vier: *sighs* Oh please. *looks through rack for a black suit*

Win: Whatcha finding?

Vier: A black suit to suit my mood...

Vier finds a black suit and pays for it.


Noon drags Pinky and Pancake all over 66Diamonds.

Pancake: *sighing* whatcha getting Noon?

Noon: I don't know. How about the white one?

Pinky: *groans* Noon! It's not a wedding!

Noon: So? I like white. Imma take that white one that's studded with a 1 karat diamond.

Pancake: *looks around* Umm... *sees the black "sexy" dress*

Pinky: Don't tell me you're going to wear that dress...

Noon: Although I hate agreeing but I've gotta agree. Please don't tell us you're going to wear that...

Pancake: What? I like black. It's unique and superior. Anyways, it's not all black! There are like silver linings...and a 1/2 karat diamond too haha.

Pinky: *laughs* Ok, you two got dresses how about me?

Pancake: *looks around* "I like dark blue", eh?

Pinky: Uhh...

Noon: *picks out a dress for Pinky* How about this one? It's dark blue, spaghetti strapped, unique, and has a studded 1/2 karat diamond.

Pinky: *nods* Sure, I'll take it.

Saleslady: So you're going to take all 3 dresses?

Pancake: *nods* Yea.

Saleslady: The black one is 200,000 B. And the white one is 540,000 B. As for the dark blue's 280,000 B.

Noon: Oh Dad's going to kill me but I don't care Mom also loves these things.

Pinky: You think? *takes out her credit card* ...the dark blue one.

Pancake: *takes out her credit card* ...the black backless one.

Noon: *reluctantly takes out her credit card* ...and the white one's mine.

After they are done, Noon calls Vier.

Vier: *answes phone* What is it? And are you girls done?

Noon: That's what I was going to tell you. We're done.

Vier: Good.

Noon: So are you guys done?

Vier: Yea, we're waiting for you at the parking lot.

Noon: Already?

Vier: Yea, already. *ends call*

Pinky: What did he say?

Noon: They're done and WAITING for us at the parking lot.

Pancake: Ugh. Let's go.


Pancake's driver drops off Tle and Noon at Tle's estate.

Tle: *bored* So what do you want to do here?

Noon: I don't know.

Tle: How about I get you something to drink?

Noon: That'll be great. Also, can you take my bag?

Tle: *takes Noon's bag* Sure.

Noon: Thanks.

Tle takes Noon's bag and walks off with it. When he lays it down, Noon's journal falls and opens up to the page titled CRUSHES. Tle reads it and finds out the truth:

Dear Journal,
I did what Prof. Trabjan wanted me to do and now I'm writing about my "own life". I don't really know what to write, so...
Anyways, I guess I should start off with talking about Tle. He's so cute and kind to me. But on the other hand, I do like this other guy.
However, he's Pinky's girlfriend. So...I don't know anymore. I guess it's a good thing that Tle asked me and that Win asked Ky.
Although Tle is cute beyond anything, he seems to be lacking the fun factor that Win seems to always have.
But better be happy with what you have than dream for something you don't, right?

Tle is in a state of shock and he puts the journal down, tears streaming down his eyes. He doesn't know what to do. Win better than him?

Noon: *walks to Tle and sees her journal* I...uh... *speechless*

Tle: You don't have to say anything. And I won't tell Ky, either. But why, Noon?

Noon: I'm sorry, Tle. Honestly!

Tle: I'll try to act as nothing happened but I'm not sure if I can do that...


The rest of the friends are at Win's home theatre, watching a movie.

Saifon: *runs to Win* P'Win, are these your new friends?

Win: Yes, Fon. Why?

Saifon: I donno. I was just asking...

Pinky: Win, your little sister is so cute.

Saifon: *cellphone rings* It's Dad. Umm...I better go.

Win: Dad again. I wonder what Fon did wrong this time...

Vier: *looks around* What else do you have here?

Win: I donno, just came back and they changed the whole place. The only place I can remember is my bedroom and the living room.

Pancake: *turns to Pinky* Your boyfriend's place is so...

Pinky: *blushes* He's not my boyfriend...yet.

Pancake: Oh please. Win's totally into you.

Pinky: Yea, but...

Pancake: No buts, PLEASE>

Win: *turns to Pinky* Ky, you wanna go to my bedroom?

Pinky: *surprised* Huh? What?

Win: ...I didn't mean it that way! I wanna see you in the dress, that's all.

Pinky: Uh...sure.

Win takes Pinky up to his room.

Vier: Can I see your dress...?

Pancake: Who, me?

Vier: Yes...

Pancake: Umm...ok?

Vier: C'mon, I won't say anything.

Pancake: You won't SAY anything, promise?

Vier: Sure. Ok. Whatever.


Pinky goes to change in Win's bathroom. She comes out some time later.

Win: *eyes wide* You', Ky.

Pinky: *blushes even more* ....thanks.​


Awwies, Tle was crushed and heartbroken after he read Noon's journal. All this time, I thought that Noon likes him too.​


sarNie Granny
thanks. GASP Noon liked Win?! Poot Tle for finding out like that :( But I thought it was so cute that they chose similar colors even though they didn't even plan it.


You're Average Person :)
wahhh so many to read....awww Pancake likes Tle, now why can't they get together...but her with Weir is cute too...haha...they all got the same color for cute....

wait did pinky and weir broke up?


sarNie Hatchling
Noon likes Tle? I am shocked...So many love triangles around.... I hope Tle knows that Noon also have some sort of feeling towards him before prom...How is everything gonna resolved?so exciting...
Chapter Sixteen
The 6 friends arrive at the school prom.

Vier: *turning to Pancake* Let's go...

Pancake: Don't think I'm doing this because I like you anything because the truth's that I just don't have anybody.

Vier: *sighs* Whatever, Pan. I never asked your opinion, did I?

Pancake: *annoyed* Don't you watever me, Vier. I'm your date today whether you like it or not.

Vier: What if I said I did?

Pancake: *red face* Umm...nothing.

Noon: *laughs* Oh please.

Win: If Pan liked Vier then that would be like me liking Noon, haha.

Noon: *becomes silet and glances at Tle*

Tle: *remains quiet*

Pinky: Oh please, Win. I mean if you liked Noon then who would I be with? My own adorable yet not my type cousin?

Tle: Hey, that's not nice.

Pinky: *smiles* Aww, did I hurt my adorable cousin's feelings?

Tle: *playfully punches Pinky* No, but-

Pancake: Oh please you two. Anyways...let's go inside.

Tle: Why didn't I think of that?

Pancake: I donno...cause you're stupid.

Pinky: Pan, don't be mean now. *laughs*

Noon: *turns to the attendance checker*

Attendance checker: Names?

Noon: Woranuch Kanarod...

Vier: ...Sukollawat Kanarod...

Pinky: ...Savika Chaiyadej...

Win: ...Tawin Yaowapholkun...

Pancake: ...Khemanit Jamikorn...

Tle: ...and Thanapol Nimthaisuy.

Attendance checker: *nods* You may all enter.


All of them went into the party and were now next to the dance floor.

Vier: *yawns* This is boring...

Pancake: Oh please. It's not as boring as your face.

Vier: That's not nice take it back!

Pancake: *laughs* No no I won't. Not even if you cry and sob all night long.

Vier: *turns to Noon* Pan is bullying your brother, Noon.

Noon: *sighs* Like I care if you die or live.

Vier: Hey, I cared!

Noon: *grins* I was joking, jeez.

Pinky: Cut it out you two! *looks around* Anybody wanna go dance?

Pancake: I would but then again I have VIER as my date. Ugh.

Vier: *pretends to look hurt*

Pinky: *laughs* Now look what you did, Pan!

Pancake: *pretends to feel sorry* Aww are you ok Vier.

Vier: *smirks* I will be if you dance with me...

Pancake: *raises an eyebrow* What the hell? What does that have to do with anything?

Vier: *acts all formal* Miss Jamikorn, will you dance with me?

Pancake: No...

Win: *laughs* Oh please Pan. I can't stand Vier any longer. Just go with him, will you?

Pinky: I think that's going to take awhile.

Win: (Oh, the perfect chance.) Ky, c'mon. Come dance with me.

Pinky: *raises an eyebrow* I can't dance, sorry.

Win: Of course you can! I saw last year's dance assembly...oops.

Pinky: Win, you stalker!

Win: I might be a stalker but I'm a stalker that loves you to death!

Noon: *pretending to vomit* Save your Shakespeare for someone else like Ky...please.

Win: Aww...jealous?

Noon: Of cours not! Gawd...

Pinky: *thinks* Ok fine I'll go with you but don't overdue it, Win.

Win: *steals a kiss from Pinky's cheeks*

Pinky: *blushes* Hey!

Win laughs and takes Pinky to the dance floor.


The remaining 4 friends sit at the table and chit chat.

Noon: Tle, aren't you hot?

Tle: Why yes I am. *laughs*

Pancake: Oh brother.

Vier: Pan, do me a favor and get me some water.

Pancake: *turns* What? Why?

Vier: 'Cause you're my date, that's why.

Pancake: What? *thinks* Fine... *takes off*

Vier, seeing that Pancake forgot her handbag, runs after Pancake. A piece of lined paper falls out of her bag. It reads:

Uhh...I don't know what to write. A list? My all time like? parents, family, and ice cream. And right now Tle, Ky's adorable cousin.
I have a lot of dislikes. Let me see...I dislike shrimps, sharks, mice, reptiles, and insects. And I dislike the 8th grade bully, Natasha Diners. She was a with.
Something I haven't decided on liking/disliking is my "friend", Vier. He seems so annoying at times while possibly not at others.
If I have to choose? I'd put him in the annoying just because whenever I see his face I want to see Tle's right away.

After reading, Vier doesn't know what to do anymore. At that same time, Noon finds Tle's assignment in his tuxedo after he takes it off because he's "hot". Having nothing to loose anymore, Vier gives the note to Tle. When Pancake comes back, everyone is silent.

Tle: *turns to Pancake after reading her assignment* Pan, wanna dance?

Pancake: *raises an eyebrow* Is there something...wrong?

Vier: *can't stand it any longer* Yes there is, Pan. In fact, there is A LOT wrong. Like the fact that you like Tle for one.

Noon: *doesn't know what to do*

Pancake: I...uh....

Vier: Don't. Just go dance with Ky's "adorable cousin".

Pancake: *glances at Noon*

Noon: *remains quiet*

Tle: *annoyed that Noon doesn't care about him* C'mon, Pan.

Pancake: *reluctant* Uh...ok. *follows Tle out*

After Tle and Pancake have left, Noon moves and sits beside her brother, hugging him. She sobs into his tuxedo.

Noon: Why? Why does it have to happen?

Vier: I don't know. But why did you let Tle go then?

Noon: *unsure* Well...I...I don't know. Somehow I think it's my fault.

Vier: *raises an eyebrow* And how would that be?

Noon: Yesterday Tle kinda read my assignment.

Vier: And...?

Noon: Well I wasn't thinking and somewhere in that short paragraph I wrote that Win was cute.

Vier: *sighs* Let me guess. Tle found out, didn't he?

Noon: ...yea.

Vier: This is so messed up. I can't believe it. *Vier leaves*

Pinky and Win come back to the table and sees Noon sobbing.

Win: Noon, you ok?

Noon: Yea I guess I'm fine.

Pinky: *looks around* Where's Vier?

Noon: Somewhere. I donno... we kinda had a fight.

Pinky: *turns to Noon* You stay with Noon, ok? I'll go see if Vier's ok. *Pinky leaves*


Vier sits outside by the water fountain, cursing at himself for being so stupid. Pinky walks up behind him.

Pinky: You ok?

Vier: I guess I am.

Pinky: *unsure of what to do* I...uh...what happened?

Vier: Your cousin's what happened.

Pinky: *raises an eyebrow* Tle?

Vier: Yes. Pan likes him. And he evidently likes her, too. Or at least he doesn't like Noon.

Pinky: I know my cousin. Tle is totally into Noon!

Vier: *sighs* Well you see...something kinda happened. And now everything's messed up.

Pinky: Huh? What?

Vier: Win's what happened.

Pinky: *getting ready to leave* WHAT DO YOU MEAN "WIN'S WHAT HAPPPENED"?

Vier: *pleads Pinky with his eyes* Please don't go.

Pinky: *sits back down* What does that have to do with my boyfriend?

Vier: *sighs* Ok, hope you can catch up. You like Win. Win likes You. But Noon likes Win. And Tle likes Win. To make things worse Pan likes Tle.

Pinky: Oh...well, don't worry na.

Vier: I'm not worried. I'm just...I don't know. Ky, I'm sorry for what I did, ok?

Pinky: *tears in her eyes* It's ok, no seriously. I'm over that now. I have Win, remember? *tries to laugh*

Vier: Don't hide it, Ky. I know you were mad. I knew I was wrong. But now...I like you again.

Pinky: *gets ready to leave* Don't say that just because Pan doesn't like you.

Win: *walks up behind the two; sees Pinky crying* What did you do to her Vier? *turns to Pinky* And why are you consoling him? Noon told me everything about you past relationship so there's nothing to hide.

Pinky: *looks up at Win* I'm so sorry I didn't tell you...I was just...afraid you wouldn't like me or something.

Win: It's ok, Ky. I understand. *turns to Vier* But as for asshole!

Vier: *confused* What? What did I DO?

Win: You hurt Ky. You hurt the one person I love the most.

Vier shrugs. Win gets mad and punches Vier in the face.

Pinky: Guys! Stop!

No one listens to her. Vier punches Win back, making him fall into the water fountain.

Pinky: *helps Win out, turns to Vier* That's gone too far! Both of you! Stop!

Vier: Your boyfriend started it!

Pinky: He isn't my boyfriend! *she regrets having those words slip out of her mouth* Win, I'm so-

Win: Don't. *walks off*

Vier: Ky, I didn't mean-

Pinky: You didn't have to mean anything. Now go back inside. I'm going home.

Vier: I'll send you.

Pinky: *shakes head* It's ok, I'll go by myself.

Vier: sure?

Pinky: Yea, I guess I am.



So many love triangles in here. Lol. Boy cat fight with Vier and Win. Lol. Truths does hurt alot!​