[Movie] Twilight


sarNie Adult
Good news guys! On perezhilton, it stated that Vanessa Hudgens will not be in the Twilight sequel because there is no Leah in the New Moon movie. The director said if Vanessa's going to audition for the part of Leah, then she must be writing her own scripts because there is no Leah in the New Moon movie. It was also on the VH1 news. Soooo my prayers were answered haha. :lol:
LOL.... that is super funny. I'm glad no Vanessa as Leah for me anytime soon too. Can't stand Vanessa's singing or fake acting-- the reason I haven't continued to watch HSM.

Nope...since no one seems to not want to answer this question I will...Bella stopped visiting her father at the age of 14. That's why she didn't know about the Cullens. She probably stopped coming to Forks when the Cullens moved to Forks. She only came back to live with her father at 17.

A: Jane's power is mentally inflicting pain on other people.

Here's another question:

Q: What was happening to Emmett when Rosalie found him?
A: Emmett was out hunting in Tennessee in 1935 when he was mauled by a bear. Rosalie found him and brought him to Carlisle to be saved. Happy together ever since. :)

Q: Which sister of the Denali clan did the Twilight saga seem to insinuate may have had romantic feelings for Edward? (Course it wasn't true later on... but you gotta admit, it got your heart pumping for a couple scattered seconds here and there that Bella may have some competition. :p)


sarNie OldFart
LOL.... that is super funny. I'm glad no Vanessa as Leah for me anytime soon too. Can't stand Vanessa's singing or fake acting-- the reason I haven't continued to watch HSM.

A: Emmett was out hunting in Tennessee in 1935 when he was mauled by a bear. Rosalie found him and brought him to Carlisle to be saved. Happy together ever since. :)

Q: Which sister of the Denali clan did the Twilight saga seem to insinuate may have had romantic feelings for Edward? (Course it wasn't true later on... but you gotta admit, it got your heart pumping for a couple scattered seconds here and there that Bella may have some competition. :p )
A: That would be Tanya. :D

Q: In the Twilight book, from what book of the Bible did Stephenie Meyer quoted the verse which was in the beginning of the book?


Official Robert Pattinson Ambassador
A: That would be Tanya. :D

Q: In the Twilight book, from what book of the Bible did Stephenie Meyer quoted the verse which was in the beginning of the book?

Man this thread has been really quiet lately. Anyway...

A: Genesis

Q: How many cars does Edward own and what are they?


maplestory addict xD
erm .. i've been watchign some yt clips of rob and kirsten ..
n somehow, rob laughed in a very cute ways but ewww .. he dont like to bath n wash his hair(luckily its short now) plus, he dont like kids. lmao

i cant imagine edward being smelly lol. and then .. there's so many 'i hate twilight' clips. gosh, these ppl just cant get on with their life eh???
they'll often say ..

- edward is abusive

-vampires dont sparkle ..

-bella bring disgrace to the woman

geezzz .. its juz a freakin fictional novel. LOL. that is why im reading it. i mean its great fantisizing something like that. edward :drool:

anyhow, im still reading breaking dawn .. lol.


Official Robert Pattinson Ambassador
erm .. i've been watchign some yt clips of rob and kirsten ..
n somehow, rob laughed in a very cute ways but ewww .. he dont like to bath n wash his hair(luckily its short now) plus, he dont like kids. lmao

i cant imagine edward being smelly lol. and then .. there's so many 'i hate twilight' clips. gosh, these ppl just cant get on with their life eh???
they'll often say ..

- edward is abusive

-vampires dont sparkle ..

-bella bring disgrace to the woman

geezzz .. its juz a freakin fictional novel. LOL. that is why im reading it. i mean its great fantisizing something like that. edward :drool:

anyhow, im still reading breaking dawn .. lol.
Yep I've come across some of those people too. You know what's the best thing to say back to them? Vampires are fictional, mythical creatures. So they can sparkle all they like. Until I've come across a real, fangs and all vampire...I'm going to treat them like they're fictional. And also add in "EDWARD CULLEN IS SOOOOOOOOO HOT!!! LOL!!!

just ignore those idiots cutefuzzy they have no life then bash on things people are fascinated about.
I so agree!!!


maplestory addict xD
lol .. Toonie .. ur funny ..

i luv this line ..

"So they can sparkle all they like."

lmao :loool:

but i also dont like hw they bash the author aswell..saying she's writing a teen sex novel..GEEZ


sarNie OldFart
lol .. Toonie .. ur funny ..

i luv this line ..

"So they can sparkle all they like."

lmao :loool:

but i also dont like hw they bash the author aswell..saying she's writing a teen sex novel..GEEZ
Twilight, a teen sex novel? :loool: so funny! the honeymoon part in Breaking Dawn isn't even very detailed! I guess those people are just insecure of Stephenie Meyer since her Twilight saga is a success... <_<

anyhow, I just saw (not really saw but rather heard... :lol: ) on TV that they've offered Dakota Fanning the role of Jane... my sister and I were talking about her the other day... my sis kept on saying that Dakota should play Jane on the next twilight movie...



Official Robert Pattinson Ambassador
I've heard about that too. I guess Dakota Fanning fits the Jane description...we'll see though. Take everything with a grain of salt, ladies, until Summit Head has confirmed it. Cause you know how the Vanessa Hudgens rumour was supposedly true but that turned out to be nothing but rumours. I can't wait to see my Robert Pattinson again. News on him have been quiet lately.


Expired Sarnie
Q: How many cars does Edward own and what are they?
A: Volvo, that is all I can remember. I don't remember reading how many cars he had.

Q: When was the movie Twilight released? =D

Cutefuzzy, just ignore all those nonsense!!!


maplestory addict xD
Twilight, a teen sex novel? :loool: so funny! the honeymoon part in Breaking Dawn isn't even very detailed! I guess those people are just insecure of Stephenie Meyer since her Twilight saga is a success... <_<

anyhow, I just saw (not really saw but rather heard... :lol: ) on TV that they've offered Dakota Fanning the role of Jane... my sister and I were talking about her the other day... my sis kept on saying that Dakota should play Jane on the next twilight movie...

duh thats why! its nt even detailed at all....i was expecting more u noe -_-

awww...cuteeeee...i would so support her as Jane...though i super hate Jane LOL

A: Volvo, that is all I can remember. I don't remember reading how many cars he had.

Q: When was the movie Twilight released? =D

Cutefuzzy, just ignore all those nonsense!!!
yeah..im so trying to ignore it lol


Official Robert Pattinson Ambassador
Where are all my usual Rob lovers? I'll even be happy with Jacob lovers coming on here. Come on people I know the Twilight DVD don't come out til March 21 and New Moon not until November 20, but we gotta keep showing some love here. By the way...you guys should watch this Twilight Spoof...it's pretty funny...

Twilight Spoof


sarNie Hatchling
I finally finished the New Moon book...I must say I'm very disappointed that Edward was gone most of the time. During the time that he was gone, Bella and Jacob were really annoying. Bella's character annoyed me a lot in New Moon. Maybe she'll be better in the movie version.

To be honest, I don't think Kristin Stewart is good for the role of Bella because Bella seems more girly and prettier. Kristin is cute, but she's not pretty. Idk, I guess it's alright. I'm going to read the third book and hopefully there are more good parts between Bella and Edward than in New Moon.


sarNie Hatchling
ARGH!!! OMG! I read the summary to Eclipse and I'm already super annoyed with Bella's character...

SPOILER!!! Do not read if you haven't read the books.

The story begins with the revelation that Seattle is being plagued by a string of unsolved murders, which Edward suspects are being caused by a newborn vampire that is unable to control its thirst. Edward and Bella fill out college applications, while Bella explains to Edward her desire to see Jacob, her werewolf friend, again. Meanwhile, Alice Cullen has a vision that Victoria, a vampire who is hunting Bella, is back in town. Although Edward fears for her safety, Bella insists that Jacob and the rest of the werewolf pack would never harm her, and he eventually allows her to visit Jacob once in a while. A few days later Edward proposes to Bella and, despite having an aversion to marriage, she accepts.

Bella and the Cullens realize that the murders in Seattle are being committed by an "army" of newborn vampires, controlled by Victoria. The Cullen family joins forces with the werewolf pack in order to combat this threat. As everyone else prepares for battle, Edward and Bella camp up in the mountains, hidden during the battle, where they are later joined by Jacob and Seth Clearwater, a young member of the werewolf pack, to wait out the fight.

In the morning, Jacob overhears Edward and Bella discussing their engagement and becomes very upset. He threatens to join the fight and get himself killed because Bella doesn't love him. To stop him, Bella kisses Jacob and realizes that she loves him, too. Victoria tracks Edward's scent to Bella and Edward is forced to fight, despite Bella's wishes to keep him safely with her. After Victoria and her army are successfully destroyed, Bella explains to Jacob that while she loves him, her love for Edward is greater and she cannot live without him. After receiving a wedding invitation from a humble Edward, Jacob runs away in his wolf form to escape the pain he feels, angry at Bella's decision to become a vampire.

OKAY!!! OMG! Im done reading this I believe. How could she love Jacob and Edward at the same time while being engaged to Edward? What a selfish.....I'm so angry right now. Yes, I find Jacob and Bella's characters super annoying. Very very annoying. I kind of feel bad in a way for Jacob because Bella practically used him in New Moon, had him as a rebound until Edward came back. Hmm...I don't know if I should continue reading the books. It's starting out very retarded right now.