Kularb Rai Glay Ruk (Duang Malee Manee Jun)


sarNie Oldmaid
I'm with you on that Alice. I don't think its stock it will air this year we just don't know when. Plus I'm thinking they haven't filmed enough yet that why we probably don't get to see a lot.


sarNie Adult
Positivity only runs so deep in me. lol. When I keep on being discourage time and time again crap just fly out of my mouth. Anyways, for me to not give up on this lakorn is as positive as I'll get.

Alice will you'll be the positive cheerleader ok? :coverlaf:


sarNie Tombstone
Way to go to all my friends here for your positive thoughts. :highfive: Gale Facebook said this lakorn is 2011 but
won't get up to the end of the year but just don't have the clue when will be on air.


sarNie Coma
matt left a comment on her my3space. i believe she just said her new drama for this year is this lakorn..i really hope that wont be her ONLY lakorn for this year..if she accept another 1 i bet it probaly wont air til next year :whatever:

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sarNie Tombstone
Yeah i just saw her message too in my3space @Matt Peeranee page i hope so too that this isn't her only one hope she'll
accept another one for next year and so on. Other cast here has their next upcoming but except Matt.


sarNie Tombstone
Gale written on facebook fc that this is on the waiting airing schedule and pantip also said the same thing. Matt she went to
the Ch3 41st party so i she should gone to do her filming and do it as a final one and Ch3 release a teaser up then let
this damn lakorn on air so Matt can accept another one for next year. :scratchhead2:


sarNie Adult
So, there's hope for this lakorn after all?

I still say a teaser for this lakorn should have been out a while ago. But as long as there's news than it's better for sure it's not wasted. :)


sarNie Tombstone
Yes definitely there is faith, i'll see if any more news update and posted up, the teaser should be out pretty soon cos
the next airing line up is a exciting one with Dome/Ploy, Alex/Pat, Mongkut part 2, hope Matt/Great they're after
I'm thinking that Matt is airing after one of Mart/Cherry 2 lakorn for the Friday weekend time slot.


sarNie Adult
We will wait and see, if nothing comes around in the second airing part then by all means we are SOL. lol


sarNie Tombstone
I'm going to wait and see too :scratchchin: also test it out as well. But who knows it might be next along side that line.


sarNie Tombstone
Latest news from Gale Facebook fanclub said Gale will be in 2 new lakorn after this one with Au T, she's in pimmala and
Mia Taeng so excited, kularb Rai Glay Ruk is upcoming soon. Message From me :thumbsup: Alice.