Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Granny
OMG, I ALMOST FAINTED...from playing basketball. like im running up and down the court (cause most of my team mates sucks lol - it's the truth) x 100 and im like screaming at the top of my lungs at the same time for them to get down the court to defend lmao. at the end of the game i was like a freakin red TOMATO!
i will catch you.....lol^^


sarNie Granny
LMAO oops what scene did you want again? I still have to make RR's too! I havent been making gifs for a while now..lol
i'll try to get back to it...dont forget to tell me what scene you want..
kk i'll be going for real now.
good night my ladies!
check out my other picture of Krit..gosh he's so super fine! lmao
i love the pic...the words are funny^^ hmmm i can wait for mine...b/c i know mine will be the BEST....hahaha


sarNie Granny
Van and PZE are the morning casts in the JLR Thread and the night casts are RR, Bau, GP, Ellem, AN and aikoden.

Off and On casts are Ami, Raiya, Cecilia, Starry, Sarah, and Moh!!!

Hardly On Casts are LaLa and Prisna!!!
yeah....i'm a night person....ahahha mornings are my sleeping time w/ harit LOL


sarNie Granny
gah freakin a people just say everything lmao they prob. heard u saying it so they thought it was cool cuz i originally brought the word into ur vocabulary so that's why its so ahmazing LMAO wow that made no sense at all well. get the point lmao
probably...hmmmmmmmm GP is a trend setter^^


sarNie Granny
nah u came to late remmeber U WERE THE ONE THAT SAID "FIRST COME FIRST SERVE" so yea apply that here i saw An here first she's mine >=P hahahhaahhaha
lies....would that be bau then....an said that she came here b/c of bau....OOOOooooOOO what now lol


sarNie Granny
ok well for ELA my journal was
"What is your favorite story to tell someone?"
and this was my exact response...
"Personally I don't have a FAVORITE story because I have stories to tell everyday. That's what I'm famous for. Sala's Stories. My stories tell about what happened during my day and my insight on things and what's going on with life. But if I had to choose my FAVORITE story, it would be about my JLR FEVER! (My Thai/drama/lakorn I'm obsessed with). I tell about that everyday and of my HAWT ASIANS. I'm also famous for my "Intresting Facts I learned This Week". I've been learning very odd, intresting, disturbing, facts recently. That's how my famous stuff has come to be."
LMAO hahah yea my journal entry gah i incorparate alot of JLR in my ela class lmao ahah and the teacher is the lady who had that pink imperfect pearl necklace that i attacked when i saw her wearing it lmao but she's realy nice so yea