Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


Quick story - so I was at breakfast (at school) and geez I ran into like 2 cute guys and I'm like wow what's going on today?! I kept thinking of my sisters and what you guys would have done LOL (Moh I'm talking to you!). BC the other week I ran into a Harit 08 look alike, I almost wanted to scream and be all stalkerish with him but I just stayed quiet. Moh wanted me to ask him for his number LOL but I was still in shock! 55555+ :lol:

Oh I hope Mr. Raiya doesn't see this! Gotta go hide now :ph34r:

GAH! was he white? lmao i miss my NICE HARITH heheh he comes bak on monday i'm hoping hahahha


Oh I hope Mr. Raiya doesn't see this! Gotta go hide now :ph34r:
i'll let u hide under my camoflauge blanket and i'll keep on the lookout and if i see him i'll start screaming and jumping up and down and point "OMG THERE"S SORIYA! LOOK!" then u can go find another hiding place see i got this owned LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Staff member
GAH! u owned my page but b/c i love you i'll let it slide lmao
okay ... **in a scared voice** xp lol.. hahahaha lol.. luv u to sala.. but dont worry i wont own lots of pages because im mostly busy xp lol..


okay ... **in a scared voice** xp lol.. hahahaha lol.. luv u to sala.. but dont worry i wont own lots of pages because im mostly busy xp lol..

LMAO steal the pages when i'm gone hahah athen RR beat u down HAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAH kekekee darlng u cannot be scared of ur favorite sister lmaoooooooooooooooo


----->totally unrelated but...I wanted to share...I'm having a horrible day (something bad just happened a few minutes ago) I just finished crying in someone's office and now I want to go home, I can't concentrate on work right now...sorry you gals have to read this but I'm so sad and mad all at the same time <_<

I guess I am really too nice, but I hate rocking the boat and I guess people just take advantage of my niceness...hmmm...I really need to punch something :angry:

Thanks for reading this ladies :(

GAH! darling ahhhhhhhhhh wahts rong MSN TONITE! i ma make u feel better i love you


sarNie Adult
Ladies please step away from Harit 08 if you dont want to see what dangerous means... :loool:
(America Most Wanted : MOh, Raiya, RR, Bau, Ami, Starry, and Prisna )
If you see any of the sisters please report them ASAP or call 1-800-keep-them-away-from-Harit 08 :lol: :lol: :lol:

OOPS!!! Forget to put GP on the America Most Wanted too... Most Innocent... Huh GP???? I dont know about that missy!!! :loool: