Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


Staff member
honey i still miss u! alot! i haven't talked to you in A WHILE! so honey where are u this time?
wahhhhhhhhhhhhh i know.. T_T .. it'l be soon.. soon i say soon lmao.. hahaha ... me hmm atm im at my cuz's house.. imma be leavin to my house soon. n keke the weekend is hea whoohooo.. n jus one more week n bam my love jlr summa vacation will start muahahha .. oh yea.. woot woot.. lmao..


Staff member
Starry!!! Girl I SUPER DUPER LOVE MY SURPRISE! You are so amazing! I have to run to the store (LOL that one is for you GP) and buy a clear box for it! I want it on display in my room!!!

Hmmmm...what could I make for all my lovely jlr sisters???

Love you Starry girl!!!
hahhaha omg RAIYA .. i was gonna do that too.. keke.. but u beat me to it kekek.. i know.. its so kute.. kekeke..


Staff member
man i am so siked for the summa! ahhahahah i was thinkin bout it while i was showering and how JLRing starts like BAM!
hahahaha omg sala ur so funnie keke.. but let me tell ya.. aum was hot runnin.. whoohoo.. he so hot lmao.. he is on fire.. FIRE.. i say lmao.. xp.. kekeke.. gosh i gotta rewatch it soon. wait for me my love.. wait for me.. lmao.. hahahaha.


Staff member
haha i'm the year of the monkey GAYU man that is where i get my MONKY PRINCESS and y i love monkys so much hahhahahah me and van and aum are all monkeys lmao
omg.. van too.. whoohooo.. monkies .. kekek.. im one too .. so is bau n aricy .. keke..


Staff member
Thanks raiya. I'm glad you liked it. I felt like I was working in a "surprise making" sweatshop with me being the ONLY worker for 3-4 weeks there (lol... painful at times... hee hee.)
lol.. starry.. i gotta say i love it once again.. kekeek.. so adorable.. i bet u were dead tired huh?? .. i'll massage u kekeke..


Staff member
Aww... you got mosquitoes this early already??
ugh.. i got them too starry n omg.. so annoyin but wat i hate the mosts r the freaken flies.. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh theyre everywhere n buggin me.. eek.. some r botherin rite now atm.. argh..bark bark.. lmao.. hahah..


Staff member
darns... another sister to fight off Aum/Harit. As if sharing (okay, okay... mostly fighting, not good at sharing here) with rr isn't enough trouble. LOL
hahaha.. **coughcough** im one of them but kekeke.. im one of the easier sisters lmao.. hahaha... go at it with my lovely rr.. lol.. hahaha .. j/k .. :loool:


Staff member
This is me spamming sala... or as much as I can. I'm not a super spammer like the others... but I'm trying. :)
hahahahaa its okay starry .. keke.. if i was on durin that time kekeke.. i mightve accidently owned it lmao..hahaha.. j/k.. i havent spammed for these few days.. i missed it..T_T..


Staff member
so i will have to POWER SPAM for my page
hahaha go go power rangers .. haha.. totally randomed xp lol.. keke.. i guess i got that power ranger thing from yesterday lmao.. haha my guy friend **keke** was so dumb lmao haha n said that when we were playin mushball to my friend battin lmao.. hahaha..