[Ch7] Nang Chada (PolyPlus)


Is your "nom" Fai-approved?
Alisachen said:
CR:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Oops-Magazine-Thailand/212762668734733?fref=photo"]Oops! Magazine Thailand[/rl]

Hope  we can watch this one soon, miss Mai so much!! Days ago watch Mai's lastest movie "Plae kao" twice,Mai is still beautiful even when she is dark in the movie :bhehe: But for me movie is too short,I want to see Mai's drama :cry1:
augh! Where did you watch PlaeKao? I've been waiting to see it up on youtube or somewhere but no luck! Help a sister out!

This one looks more and more sad with the lovers separated.


Is your "nom" Fai-approved?
Thanks Alisa and cheeks for the links. I really enjoyed Plae Kao. Romeo and juliet got nothing on Kwan and Riam. And the soundtrack was just amazing. Mai's performance was beautiful overall.


sarNie Adult
i believe there's one on youtube b/c i watched it the other day. I cant remember if it was subtitle or not. Just search Plae kao.