[CH7] Fire Series 2: Talay Fai (Pordeecom) Mik/Stephany


sarNie Adult
Hah I love seeing jerk hero begging nangek's forgiveness on his knees. It's gut-wrenching but at the same time so satisfying 


sarNie OldFart
Part one of the series is going good so far! I hope this is good as well and can't wait to see this!!!


sarNie Granny
HEHE ..i can't wait for part 2 but yet I haven't even watch part 1 LOL ..im so shallow for eye candy ppl


sarNie Granny
Ohhh, what an eye candy couple, they physical match too, I want her height & weight !


sarNie OldFart
Indeed, they are an eye candy couple! A lot of ch7 actors are tall compare to ch3 and OneHD. Can't wait to see this part!!