[Ch3] Ton Ruk Rim Rua (Maker Group)


Omg...I love Kimmy! She is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!! Cheering Mark and he acts so busy and lost. LOL geez!!!! 55555
Love Kimmy!!!! Mark is such a poser in this tape LMAO hahahahhahahaha jkjk He seemed so busy, got no time for anyone. Lol


sarNie OldFart
I know right! Isn't she?! Hehhe..
I'm not sure if this photo of Mark at the event were posted before or not but I wonder why he's laughing?
hhehe. He is also covering his mouth. Ha. Na'rak na. 

Cr: As Tagged


❤All that you are is all that I'll ever need❤
Gosh our Kimmy is always cute! Mark oh boy cute as always too :D


MK lovers...hehehhe I am obsessed with them and obsessed with this song so I took the time to make a music video.  it's real cheesy ...and this is my FIRST time ever attempting at making a music video. I am a total NOOB at video editing/photoshop..! I only have one picture of them to use and I reuse the same picture....but its a dedication to MK so check it out and let me know what y'all think. 5555 really cheesy but my love for them is undeniable!! ^_^


sarNie OldFart
Nice MV. Now all you need is more MK photos! Haha... At least you're better than me. :)
Hopefully you will make more MK MV for us in the future. :)
o m g!!! What is Mark doing to Kim? He have his arms around Kim's leg!!!! Hahahah..
Mark, what are you doing?! He's probably begging her for something? Marriage? Love?? Lol



sarNie OldFart
^ He does. ^^
Hehhehe.. I Love my MK!  :wink:  :wub:  ^_^  ;)  :coverlaf:  :coverlaf:

Cr: MK Family @ Facebook


sarNie OldFart
DaisyDukes* said:
Why does he pose with that nang'rai???? Gets me jealous lol 555 he looks good in white n yes i just notice the ring lol
LOL! You're funny. I think Mark know her from Gubgib because she and her are friends, that's why he seems like
he know her before TRRR started filming. 


sarNie OldFart


Hahha. Kim's like "I'm suppose to be with him!" Ha.

Cr: As Tagged & babibubebee's IG
I have a feeling Mark didn't film with them today because I don't see Mark in any of these photos from today at all.


5555 lol yea, I know Mark knows her* ..whats her name??? lol I read her name before but I totally forgot :(
Anyways, Kim looks funny in that last picture. Like, "eh, what the heck? weird, it was supposed to be me hugging him?" lol but it's not Mark so no biggies lol 555
I can't wait for them to finish up and start airring...I hope I like Mark's character. lol He seems to be acting really obnoxious from these BTS pictures.   :scratchhead2:  :scratchhead2:


sarNie OldFart
Hah. I don't remember her name too. Ha. I'm bad with names. I only know that ones I know.
You hope you like Mark's character? I'm the other way around, I hope I like Kim's character. Hahaha..
Reading from the spoilers and story lines it seem like I'm not going to like Kim's character. Haha.
I'm a Pra'ek lover; Barely a nang'ek lover. Ha!
Anyway, Just wanted to share this. 
 I got the translation from lovemarkkim's IG.
"marks pic: if your boyfriend doesnt love you you can facebook me... Kim: not the same( as in youre not the same i think) ... Mark: theres something in the heart "

Cr: AS TAGGED. Translation Cr: lovemarkkim's IG
I should seriously give myself an IG! I felt like I'm the only one missing out who don't have one yet. Hahah...
Anyway, I don't really get Kim's replied comment, like what does she mean. Ha. I have a feeling I understand it but
at the same time i feel that I'm lost and confuse. Lol.
I love love these two. Mark's caption on the picture is funny. Hahaha.. 


HAHAHA. I love their captions, disputes, love, hate and arguments yet supporting comments on IG.  I did not see those comments earlier. **weird me lol
Anyways, I think she meant, "not the same" as in "it wont be the same as your bf/gf loves you" lol  but I'm digging how Kim almost always write something to him and he will respond back. lol
As for their characters, I think I am already loving Kim.  As for Mark, I know that he's going to be a bit obnoxious and really all over the place guy, not serious just laid back lol  I would say he's totally different from all his previous roles...maybe a bit like NM2 in here lol but more over the top. lol  He's going to "kleang", tease Kim nonstop...but more so like in an annoying sort of way. lol  I don't know...but that's just me basing on the clips I've seen BTS and that little synopsis that I read earlier on.
Oh yea, I am a MARK LOVER, but not necessary character lover. LOL 5555++