[Ch3] Ton Ruk Rim Rua (Maker Group)


Haha, I love both of their eyes. Kimberly's is big and beautiful while Marks is just beautifully cute!!! :heart: :kiss2:


Awe, they're so cute it's getting hard to wait for it and it's going to air after NM2, yay!!! Two Mark lakorn's in a row!!! Or is Rang Pradtana airing after NM2? I forgot, but still waiting no matter what.!!! :)


K, got that now. Woo Hoo!!! can't wait then, my second actor then my third actor, too bad i don't know when my first ones lakorn going to air though. Hope soon. I'm so excited that all my top three favorit actors lakorn are going to air in the beginning of this year though hopefully. I'm going to wait for this one.


sarNie Adult
In this lakorn, Mark will be playing the loud-mouth character while Kim is going to be the calm-quiet character.

Can't wait to see that! Hahaa.


Hahaha, Seriously? I've always wanted to see mark as a big mouth person and finally here he is. Haha. I can't wait to see him.


sarNie Adult
Yup, I'm glad Mark finally accepted to play a talkative role, because he usually plays the quiet-calm Mr. too nice guy roles. lol.

I want to see him play an aggressive pra'ek role in the future because when he performed as Kawee at that 4+1 concert, he did a GREAT job. I never knew that he had that kind of acting talent in him when he played as an angry-aggressive character just for a concert. He was SO GOOD.


Haha, I haven't seen the concert, but will soon cause i just ordered it from ethaicd and they just sent it to me, but anyways, all his roles in the past always have a stalkerish kind of vibe too but that makes it cuter. But only in movies, if it's real life it'd be freaky. LOL. Love Markim.


LOL---my heart is torn btw MK, Mteam and Mark&Yaya...lol... hahahaha! Mark has pretty costars!!!! :D

Anyways, since no one posted these yet I might as well tag them in here because of the super adorable Mark with Yaya!!! hehehehe

HAHAHA those eyes :coverlaf:

Cr. as tagged :clap: