[Ch3] Sawan Bieng (Lakorn Thai)


Expired Sarnie
maybe it because she the sister and she has total control
i would have beat up my sister. that is like incest but not seen leela didn't rape kawee. it was an almost. lol but i give her props. i wish i was in her shoes for that scene. lol :lol:


sarNie Hatchling
just us here
omg! i've watched ep. 11 like 5 times already! I don't want SB to end yet!!! Kawee is so cute and so hot....aaahhhhhh don't end please ......

so i keep watching the scene where kawee is talking to his child while narin's sleeping...and he's like..."Dad's name is Kawee..." OMG how cute is that scene...and how he gives a kiss to the baby and to narin on her lips ...w/o actually touching her! omg...i melt away every time!


sarNie OldFart
omg! i've watched ep. 11 like 5 times already! I don't want SB to end yet!!! Kawee is so cute and so hot....aaahhhhhh don't end please ......

so i keep watching the scene where kawee is talking to his child while narin's sleeping...and he's like..."Dad's name is Kawee..." OMG how cute is that scene...and how he gives a kiss to the baby and to narin on her lips ...w/o actually touching her! omg...i melt away every time!
i know and there gonna name there son nawee


sarNie Hatchling
everyone's prob out partying ....hahah..it's sat. night...but i'm sitting here rewatching my fav. parts to ep. 11 and then i'm going to catch up and watch all the subbed parts that came out from wishboniko this week!

glad u girls are here to for me to spam with tho!


Expired Sarnie
omg! i've watched ep. 11 like 5 times already! I don't want SB to end yet!!! Kawee is so cute and so hot....aaahhhhhh don't end please ......

so i keep watching the scene where kawee is talking to his child while narin's sleeping...and he's like..."Dad's name is Kawee..." OMG how cute is that scene...and how he gives a kiss to the baby and to narin on her lips ...w/o actually touching her! omg...i melt away every time!
five times. i haven't even rewatch it yet. well if watching the raw then the sub i guess i did rewatch it. but i didn't over do it. lol