I swear is there a hotter couple at the moment than JT?! I’m so depressed the lakorn is ending! 
I need more JT in my life girlies! Lol!

YES!!! I hope ch.3 pairs them up soon. Love them both. At least it will lessen my missing JT pain. Ji can come go visit big brother Pope on set and his girl.Off topic but don't Taew and Pope look amazing together???
I am already missing them. I feel sad about not having a JT Lakorn to look forward to....Look at how cute they are BTS. Now tell who won’t miss their offscreen interactions ?
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You're welcome!! Gosh I really love the detail with JJ...I mean Nai rubbing on Nok's belly @0:58.Thanks for the translation hun.. you know watching this scene live even without any understanding of what was being said. I felt so suffocated, I literally could feel both Nok and Nai pain. I felt as if I was experiencing every single emotions they had (love, anger, confusions, fear etc) and this is without understanding a word of what was being said. And this is due to both Taew and JJ excellent performance, JT is just nailing every single intense scene thrown at them.
I loved the yoga scene and the photoshoot they did together. It was bittersweet, I wanted to be happy for them, but I couldn’t fully do so because I could feel the saddest and tension between them because of the agreement they madebut on a positive note, I did enjoyed that sexual vibe/tension between Nai and Nok
I thought it was sexy, it’s like they haven’t been close/intimate since they made the agreement and suddenly they had to get upclose and personal for yoga
That is awesome, your WelcomeMy IG post.
Thanks for sharing na![]()
Oxygen tank someone?! I cannot breathe! Oh my poor heart! Thanks so much sweetheart for translating. I’m biting my lips from crying! This is just devastating! This is too much!
Nok: Wait. What are you doing? You are acting as if nothing has happened.
Nai: I haven't forgotten about our agreement. But I didn't tell everyone for the same reason as you. Everyone is happy about our child. If I reveal our agreement with everyone, they will oppose it.
Nok: That's great that we think the same. So let's agree in front of everyone we are normal and happy but in private we don't have to pretend.
Nok about to walk away but Nai reaches for her hand to stop her.
Nai: In regards to this morning, I wasn't pretending.
Nok: You weren't pretending? What does it mean? If we...
Nai: Khun Nok. May I ask you for one thing? The thing I want to ask is for us to be happy with what's left of our remaining time together.
Nok: What?
Nai: I know it will be hard for you. But it's only for several more months less than a year, that you have to force yourself to be nice to me and you don't have to do it anymore for the rest of your life. For this request, I have nothing to exchange. Please, it's my request. Please?
Nok's tears are streaming down her face.
Nai: Thank you. Thank you, Khun Nok.
Nai gently kisses her hand while tears are brimming from his eyes.
OMG, Nai's last effort to hold on to some happiness. Oh my heart....![]()
I’ve rewatched this probably 3x times already. This always hits the heart. Thanks for the translation girl!
Nok: Wait. What are you doing? You are acting as if nothing has happened.
Nai: I haven't forgotten about our agreement. But I didn't tell everyone for the same reason as you. Everyone is happy about our child. If I reveal our agreement with everyone, they will oppose it.
Nok: That's great that we think the same. So let's agree in front of everyone we are normal and happy but in private we don't have to pretend.
Nok about to walk away but Nai reaches for her hand to stop her.
Nai: In regards to this morning, I wasn't pretending.
Nok: You weren't pretending? What does it mean? If we...
Nai: Khun Nok. May I ask you for one thing? The thing I want to ask is for us to be happy with what's left of our remaining time together.
Nok: What?
Nai: I know it will be hard for you. But it's only for several more months less than a year, that you have to force yourself to be nice to me and you don't have to do it anymore for the rest of your life. For this request, I have nothing to exchange. Please, it's my request. Please?
Nok's tears are streaming down her face.
Nai: Thank you. Thank you, Khun Nok.
Nai gently kisses her hand while tears are brimming from his eyes.
OMG, Nai's last effort to hold on to some happiness. Oh my heart....![]()
Thanks @Katelyn.
Nok: Wait. What are you doing? You are acting as if nothing has happened.
Nai: I haven't forgotten about our agreement. But I didn't tell everyone for the same reason as you. Everyone is happy about our child. If I reveal our agreement with everyone, they will oppose it.
Nok: That's great that we think the same. So let's agree in front of everyone we are normal and happy but in private we don't have to pretend.
Nok about to walk away but Nai reaches for her hand to stop her.
Nai: In regards to this morning, I wasn't pretending.
Nok: You weren't pretending? What does it mean? If we...
Nai: Khun Nok. May I ask you for one thing? The thing I want to ask is for us to be happy with what's left of our remaining time together.
Nok: What?
Nai: I know it will be hard for you. But it's only for several more months less than a year, that you have to force yourself to be nice to me and you don't have to do it anymore for the rest of your life. For this request, I have nothing to exchange. Please, it's my request. Please?
Nok's tears are streaming down her face.
Nai: Thank you. Thank you, Khun Nok.
Nai gently kisses her hand while tears are brimming from his eyes.
OMG, Nai's last effort to hold on to some happiness. Oh my heart....![]()
I've never doubted that she wants her baby and she loves Nai a lot. Their situation got out of hand and she crossed the line when she said she didn't want the baby anyway. And we all agreed that she is immature with a sharp tongue. I want to add petty/vintictive too because she brought back Khae's issue and the game too even though they weren't playing it anymore.Omg ladies! I've been so busy but thank so much for all the lovely post, discussions, and pics. I enjoyed reading everyone comments.
Just sharing an ig that I saw. I know that deep down Nok is happy to be a mother.
Yes Nok's wonderful weapon is scary isn't it? All thanks to the wonderful genes she inherit from her grandma and mother. Her tongue is so sharp that it could kill. It had already stabbed Nai.
Why would Nai misunderstood Nok about his mom?
That was cute.You're welcome!! Gosh I really love the detail with JJ...I mean Nai rubbing on Nok's belly @0:58.![]()
LOve reading your posts!I think it's mostly because out of Nok being the one who Nai trusts the most, and he is sure she is the one who knows his issue with his mom the most. So when she keeps the secret from him, it's as if she betrayed him - it's the same with her and Khae and Nai. Nok feels that Nai knows how much she hates Khae the most, and how much she wants her dad to break up with her, but Nai just does the total opposite. So Nai thinks it's revenge on Nok's part for what he did with Khae (well.....Nok is a vengeful character, isn't she?)
Aww thanks you guys, I am happy enough as it is that people are reading my ramblingsI really love this screenplay writer (as I loved Padiwarada's screenplay) and I am enjoying how the characters turned out thus far. Though sometimes I wonder if I'm reading too much into it...?
I should be sleeping now, but I'll try to do analysis on Nok, thus far. Well, Nok, to me is easier to figure out because she has the "only child syndrome" - I am an only child myself, and the way her brain ticks, it has something to do with her being an only child. An only child is a contradiction. She is generous yet selfish, she is an achiever/confident, yet insecure. An only child would want to be independent but never want to be alone. The lakorn opens with Nok being a brat - she bumps her brand new porsche into her classmate's mini cooper to drive home a point (no pun intended). No one messes with me and gets away with it - that's her motto. She's so damn vindictive, and yet just the same, she is noble at heart - she believes in honesty, good faith, justice. She believes that she should get what is due her (e.g. her thesis) and no one should mess with her - or her family. It's strange to introduce the n'ek as this bratty character, but then that's the beauty of Nok. She just slowly, slowly becomes this endearing lovable character (versus Nai who was charming at the onset then starts to have flaws that resulted from his vulnerabilities later on) so even when she's already down and bawling, you still know that she's feisty enough to put up a fight.
So her first gripe with Nai is that he's this guy who caused her injustice, so she tries actively to get rid of him, yet at the same time, right off the bat, we see that she has this crush of sorts on Nai. but then she'll never admit it because she's independent, she's mad at him, he's her enemy - see that's the thing. Nok thinks on a 1 is to 1 basis. an enemy is an enemy. What's mine is mine. My family is mom, dad, and Nok and that's it. when things change (e.g. mom and dad divorce, dad gets a new wife, Lucky is suddenly so damn hot) she gets thrown off course and she doesn't know what to do so she panics and tries to reach an equilibrium - and being the volatile character that she is, she does it in her own car bumping, tantrum throwing way. So it was hard to make her understand that when things don't go your way, it doesn't necessarily mean that life sucks now, it just means you have to change your approach in dealing with things - like items that are broken, you don't just throw them away, you can recycle it and make it useful again - see where I'm driving at? Enter Sir Luckanai.
My friend and I were discussing it, that for all the love and affection that Nok received since childhood, she's actually quite insecure. and that's where Lucky comes in, since he's so chill and stable and just there, even after she pushes him away and treats him like a punching bag. he's just there - he's very consistent. and that's the thing that Nok needs - permanence. And the opposite of that happened to her family. Her mom (who was already a party girl to begin with) and dad (who is workaholic and barely had time for her) are suddenly thrown apart, and her dad is bringing in this new woman. it's crazy - but don't panic, Nok! Nai's here. He's always here to save the day and keep you safe in his stress-free embrace zone. So just when Nai needs her not to abandon him ever, Nok needs Nai to just be that stable, unchanging, unwavering guy for her who would be there no matter what. Like he'll get beaten up by grandma, but he'll stand (kneel) firm and be all like yes. I will be responsible for Nok. If Nok hadn't loved him before that, I think she should have been sure that Nai is the one, after that scene.
And also, another key to Nok's character is that she's actually a genuinely nice and generous person. Like she's so sweet to everyone in her family, including Phai and the only reason she hates lucky was because she feels jealous for him getting the attention of her parents - and here's the other thing about Nok's character. She thinks that if her dad loves another woman, she can't love her as his daughter anymore. If her parents break up and go on with their lives, they don't love her anymore. If her mom shows affection to Nai, then she will love him less. If Khae loved Nai before Khae won't be capable of loving her dad fully - she has this skewed outlook on love, like it's some commodity that cannot be divided. But, I discussed this with Fia from Lovefia before, Nok, in being a mother would finally understand the boundless love of a mother for her child - and with that she'll finally understand that hey! Vi can love both Nai and Nok. Thawat can have another wife and still love Nok and Vi to a certain extent. Nok has received love all her life, and she's so damn afraid that that love will be lessened, just as Nai said, she's afraid of losing things - but then when she becomes a mother, she will love her baby first before her baby loves her, and she will realize that that love is limitless - and also how she can love her child so much and love her husband so much all at the same time. So in the title of the novel "Buang" - the loop. The loop of love is the child. Just as she was the loop for Vi and Thawat, Non will be the loop for Nok and Nai and that love for her child will make her realize how much love she can give and receive and she doesn't have to compete with anyone anymore for that. Also, she can lose the game and suffer for her child (just like what Nim did) and never get even, just so her child is safe and sound. So I think this whole motherhood thing will be juxtaposed with mother's love from Nai's mom, or even Vi who is the voice of reason in this whole thing, or even Phai - how the mothers in this lakorn (well, except for Khae's mom....) would do things for their kids that show their love.
Well anyway, back to Nok and Nai, I am glad how things turned out. I was so worried earlier that it will never be explained how the hell Nai would fall in love with Nok when she's so bratty and she's been nothing but a nuisance and a major pain in the ass for Nai. But in the past few episodes, she's been so sweet to him, without her even knowing it. Sure she was playing a game, she wanted to win him, but her strength of character - like you know, her work ethic (not wanting to lose, or make her dad and the company lose face), belief in justice and fair play (standing up for Nai when needed, especially during the wedding), and well.... natural cuteness (i think this one is pretty much self explanatory), it made her open up Nai's world without her even trying. I think I started rooting for Nok and Nai when Nai thought the pile of papers fell on her in Episode 4. Nai hugged her so desperately and she just stood there, shocked, like suddenly, this strong beloved, bratty girl Nok was vulnerable too and got shocked and wants to be loved, just like Nai. She made Nai's heart beat, and just the same, she can also care for him too (well... after she gets over beating the crap out of his ego...)
so the only thing left now is this game of hers. How she always wants to win and how she must vindicate whatever wrong was done to her - forgiveness is key. Generosity is key. This game can end up with both of them losing, or both of them winning. But hey, that's the thing. There is no real "winner" in a game of love. You win some, you lose some, but actually, ultimately, you don't play a "game" with love. You don't compete in love. Nok and Nai must learn to give in to each other. I dunno how this game will be resolved folks, but I'm positive it's a happy ending. So anyway, I'm going to bed now. Good night!
Oh that's so cute!!So Taew calls him Ji.
(I thought she calls him James) I prefer Ji ... it’s so cute when she calls him Ji.