[Ch3] Abb Ruk Online (Thong Entertainment)


sarNie Tombstone
monkeykimmy said:
You are not the only one adsd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Haha we always have the same feeling!!!!
am happy just at least there's someone who think like me :ghehe: high five girl  :highfive:


sarNie Tombstone
:lmao3:  :lmao3:  :lmao3:  :lmao3:  :lmao3:  :lmao3:  :lmao3:  :lmao3:  :lmao3:  :lmao3:  :lmao3:  :lmao3:  :lmao3:
at saya talking to herself in front of lipda 


sarNie Tombstone
i sweeaaarrrr i melteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddd when pranon and Prao had that light accidentel kiss in the car melted completelyyyyyyyyyyyy my heart beat beat man they have such a hot chemistry  :drools:  :drools:  :drools:  :drools:   :faint: :faint: :faint: :faint:


sarNie Tombstone
i don't understand why Pranon have t explain hi self to Saya about what happen in the car  :scratchhead2:
saya act like if she's already bf/gf with pranon i think that's a little bit much for a reaction 


sarNie Tombstone
ohhhhhhh pooor lipda he already feel hurts from the way pranon talked about saya   :weep:


sarNie Adult
For today ep, MK fans will be fin for sure. There are alot of accident kisses.
Lipda is getting jealous kekeke I love it. Make a move before it's Lipda.
And there are PK scenes, I like to see them more.


sarNie Tombstone
Meoconie said:
For today ep, MK fans will be fin for sure. There are alot of accident kisses.
Lipda is getting jealous kekeke I love it. Make a move before it's Lipda.
And there are PK scenes, I like to see them more.
well am suuree suppper fiiiiin and satisfied :crush: :crush: :crush:
prao is depressed  to know who's abb ruk she's doing everything i wonder how she will figure it out  :ghehe:


sarNie Tombstone
now i have naughty thoughts when seeing him all over her like that ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhh mmmyyyyyyyyyy :faint: :faint: :faint: :faint:

i lost my mind feel dizzy  :wackonut:  :wackonut:  :wackonut:  :wackonut:  :wackonut:  :cloud9 :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9:  nees more air 


sarNie Tombstone
but until now i just had the half fanam waiting for the sub to have the fuull fuuuunnn
fighting sub team  :strong:  :strong:  :strong:  :strong:  :strong:  :cheer:  :cheer:  :cheer:


Live Love Laugh
Ratings for ARO.
Analog only for nationwide.
Episode 1 -  5.4
Episdoe 2 -  5.3  (10.5 BKK)
Episode 3 -  4.9  (8.7 BKK)
credit ratingthaidrama

June Pearl

sarNie Juvenile
Today Ep, i really like the scene where Mark massaged Ann. Maybe we should add YaNon as one of the shipped couples here haha. Now i have some feeling for AnneMark. 


Live Love Laugh
They won't add digital ratings until the whole country has access to digital box.   I read somewhere that the government has issued one digital box per family.
janajelly1 said:
The ratings are confusing now, they don't add digit ratings I think.


sarNie OldFart
adsd18/2 said:
i know most of you ladies will give me this look <_<  but i will say it anyway "kim and peter looked soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sizzling sooooo goooood walking beside each other " 
LOL!  I ship them too  :coverlaf: Sssh...


sarNie Hatchling
Thanks for the updAte and screencaps guys. Hope you guys make more of it atleast AP scenes id be grateful. Lol AM scenes are so cute.hope they kiss like "stage SB" lol.only if you guys remember.


sarNie Hatchling
Some one please recap or screencap what happened?. I really don't have time to watch entire video now.i am gonna watch when i have time .but for now i might die in curiosity. Please.