brother-guess what?


sarNie Adult
Today my bro talk to my parents. My bro thinking about someone he knows up in Alaska niece so good not the same blood line. It's still ok cause I heard my mom mention before even in history with kings and queens it's ok if the son is from the older sibbling. My mom have 2 sides but mostly on the negative side because money, paper process taking care of her and all. They just want to talk nice to u cuz they want to come here but after they'll leave u. Mom said if possible find someone here in US. My bro last ex at first she said she'll come see Alaska she's in fresno if she likes it then she'll stay. My bro spent $1,500 for her and her son to visit. She didn't like then just last month she ask my bro money. My brother also paid for her plane ticket another 1,500. My bro must love her much because it seems like he can't get over her. Even when she was hospitalized my bro took care of her gave her back massage. My bro never do that to anyone never seen a soft side. She's the one who broke off with him and tell him to go away. My dad is more reasonable he tells him to get life and things straight. First sending pictures and talk first but not spending too much money on her like $100 but not more or less something like that. Then my bro will visit laos. Maybe he's doing this to get over the past cause it seems like his ex is come back and forth. Personally there's no reason to give/send money first when u don't see them even though u talk on the phone still u shouldn't send. Let them like u for u not send them money so they know/assume u have money but when u really don't they just don't care.
Lots of people did it in the old days but that doesn't make it "okay" in terms genetics and defects.
Being the older or younger sibling doesn't change anything, it's still the same bloodline.
Kings and Queens did it that way for a reason, they were trying to keep their bloodline "pure" (as in trying to min. outside blood being brought into the family). If you look at old Egyptian rulers (and other cultures as well), you'll find that a lot of them married their sister, brother, cousins, even daughters and sons and their were consequences to that.

If your brother is still heart broken, he should probably work on mending his heart first and dealing with his life before getting into a relationship or even thinking about getting married. Marriage is a big commitment and if he jumps into it too soon he's going to end up getting hurt much worse.



We wasn't talking in the library Nong Nai ... doing something else :lol: :p :p
Oh I'm sure you were "reading" girls lol.

Rules want us to keep the mouth shut. But seriously, when I was there with friends, there were few girls that needed help on their assignments. Captain Char was here :D

I used to go to temples with grandma, I only met other grandma.
:loool: Char, you are too funny meeting grandmas! *pinches cheeks* I miss you greatly my twin.