~aiko's simple work~


You're Average Person :)
wahh, that DTMY banner is cute! and whoa, that poster is awesome of Kim and Boy...heh Nadech banner is also cute.


Staff member
Kim's bloody tear looks sad and hurtful. I like your MARGIE/BOY banner : http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/5407/bargieforum.jpg .. very spring like.


Kim's bloody face kinda creep me out when I first saw it on your FB. LOL. But the whole poster with her & Boy is just HOT! I love love the KRGR gif! Great updates, Julie <3


Is your "nom" Fai-approved?
beautiful banners! "Her Tears" is so painfully sad, but great effects and color!


sarNie Granny
aHHH! i love love love your artwork aiko <3 <3 <3 so beautiful. i love the banners ^.^

i was wondering, what's the font you used for boy&margie's banner for "can words describe the fragrance..."


Staff member
thanks everyone.. i've been mia everywhere as well with ps-ing @_@.. so no artworks lately...

and omg rr i'm sorry for replying so late.. the font is "Luna"

*coughcough* i'll prob just be making some randon "team" gifs when im not lazy lol..


Staff member
Lol yes there will be some salan as well Thip XD..


sarNie Granny
thanks aiko...last week i spent like 4+ hours looking for fonts and downloading them because I lost all of mine.

i can't wait to see more of your artwork <3 I will be waiting for them ^.^


Staff member
aigoo.. i major lied about making them gifs.. my fault since i've been mia for some time.. >_<.. anyways.. well im back-ish.. but.. boy oh boy .. i can't ps the same >_<.. well let's just say.. i can't think of what to do >_< blehh..... i have no motivation what so ever..

here's a cut out of boo from vwiilz :D

here's an old banner i made for SOS FF... i was going to make a wallie.. but i got lazy..

and here's a new poster i just whipped up.. took me a few days.. since i couldn't make it the same how i pictured it in my head >_<
