❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/


sarNie Coma
หัวใจศิลา Episode 26, Recaps

(Kwan) Yesterday, I really was with Min. Kwan. Why did you come? I told you to hide first. Mom, I don't want to be a fugitive from the law like Aunt Sida. 'Cos I really am guilty. (OMG she said it wow) Anyhow I can't escape. I don't want you to get arrested. Truth is, my daughter didn't do it. I'm the one who brought Min. You can arrest me.(Kwan stop's her) Enough, mom. Enough. It's alright. You still have a future. I can't see you go to jail. Officer. Officer. Officer. Arrest me. I'm guilty. Please. (Kwan goes over to her) My daughter isn't involved. Mom. Stop. I don't want you to get in trouble 'cos of me anymore. I didn't just hurt Min. But I hurt my own father as well. Let me receive my punishment. Better than having guilt follow me the rest of my life. Kwan. Please. You're going to take me down for questioning, right? Please. (She starts walking away) Wait, Kwan. Kwan. Wait. Mom. Go back and take care of dad. (Yay the Dad wakes up :) ). (Kwan) Don't worry about me. Please. Kwan. Wait. Kwan. (The dad sees this) Kwan. (The Dad) Kwan. (He walks out of the room) Officer. Kwan. Kwan. Officer. Officer. Dad. What did my daughter do? (He goes to Kwan) She's a good girl. She studies hard. And we're proud of her. You can't take her anywhere. (Aww Kwan's face when he says all this, Kwan takes her dad's hands). Dad. You also know that I'm not a good daughter like that. You scolded me for being jealous of Min. And hurting Min. I got into a fight with you. I caused you to fall down the stairs. You can't remember? I can't remember. I only remeber that my daughter is a good girl and studies hard. And never made your mother and I upset. And every time, at the parent teacher meeting we're always proud 'cos everyone praises you. (Aww the Mom and daugther are crying) Do you rememeber when you took care of your sister and taught her homework? The image I saw is only of you two sisters loving each other. I can't remeber when you hurt her. You really remember those good things? I thought you forgot all about me. And only remembered Min. You know, don't you, what I can and can't remember? But what I tried to not forget at all is my love for you. It's not any less than for Min. Officer. What are you taking my daughter in for? I affirm that my daughter is a good person. We raised her well. (aww the poor Dad :sad6: ). She won't do anything like that. I beg you. Please don't take her. Dad. Enough. I'm really guilty. What did you do? Or (He moves her beside him) about Kwan causing me to fall down the stairs? I won't press charges on that. 'Cos it wasn't intentional. It was an accident. Dad. The police isn't arresting me for that. But they're arresting me for hurting Min. What did you do to your sister? What did you do? (they are all crying) Can I ask to not tell you? I want you to remember only the good things I do as your daughter. (She hugs them) For you to remember only the good and be happy. Better than knowing what this daughter did. And hurting you. (she get's on her knee's) I'm sorry, mom and dad. Then wai's to them?, they hug again, then she goes with the cops. (The mom) Kwan. Kwan. Kwan.


sarNie Coma
หัวใจศิลา Episode 26 Recaps

Wan scene

in the Forest

Da. (Pirath) Wan. Da. Da. Where are you? Wan. (He grabs her arm) Stop. Go back. I'm going to find my sister. Da. Wan. I understand you. And how you feel. But your sister is guilty. And she needs punishment according to the law. My sister was shot and she ran into the forest. And you want me to do nothing? You might think that my sister is a murderer. But to me, she's just a small woman. Wan. Your sister killed people. And what about others? They're tormenting my sister to death! Aren't they guilty? It's unfair! In this world, there's no one who is guilty and doesn't get punishment. The people who hurt your sister they'll also get punished. As for your sister, she killed people she also needs to receive her punishment according to the law. I don't care. Wan. Da. Let go. Da. Da. Da, where are you? Da. Da, please come out. Da, please come out. Da.

Sida scene, watching the news

News reporter

From the incident that Nang Sida Litinatgoson resisted arrest while officers attempted to arrest her, she's on the run now. And the lastest, it's been 15 hours since. And the officers are still searching for her. And if anyone has seen or has any into of Nang Sida Litinatgoson to please call the police immediately. (She is walking, she get's to a house. (A woman open's the door) Who are you here to see? Are you Satorn's wife? I am Sida. Hello, Sida. Please come inside first (She helps Sida). I'm sorry for Satorn. Because after Satorn died it must be hard for you. Satorn told me that you aren't working. Yes, Sida. After Satorn died it's been hard for me. But if you're willing to help me I'll give you a sum of money. Agreed?


sarNie Coma
หัวใจศิลา Episode 26, Recaps

In Min's room

Bak comes in. Si. It's been a whole day and night. You been sitting here without rest. I think you should go back and rest in your room first. I'm going to stay with my wife. (Tor is still holding her hand :icon12: ). But Si... Bak. Alright. Then I'll go wait for you outside. hmm. (He kisses her hand) It's because I didn't believe you from the start, right, that I lost everyone today? I love you, Min. (He caresses her head) Please wake up and talk to me. (He touches her lip with his thumb, he is crying again :sad6:. His head is on her and he is sleeping :icon12: ) (Her hand moves, she touches his head, her eyes are open, he wakes up's and sees her hand. He looks at her hand then her) Min. Min. You came back. (He takes her hand) Does it hurt anywhere?. (She shakes her head no) (He presses the button for the nurse, He caresses her head) Nurse! Nurse! My wife woke up. (She touches his face, He kisses her hand, she has her hand on the side of his face) Thank-you. (She nods yes, he hold's the hand that is on his face). please don't leave me again. (She shakes her head. The nurse and Bak comes in the room). Nurse: How are you? I'll get the doctor for you. (Min nod's her head) Please hurry. Alright. (Tor sit's on the bed beside her holding her hands)

Sida scene

She is in a room, she just finished eating (the women, bring her things) Sida. This is what I got from selling your items.(Money) and this is the items you had me buy. Did you get everything? Yes. (she looks at the money, they gives the woman a bit) This is your payment. Thank-you. Don't be afraid. I won't stay with you long. I'll be gone soon. (She takes the bowl and leaves the room, Sida has a wig).


Just staring into those eyes, warms my heart. ♡
I need more sleep too.
These late nightss 3-4am bedtime isnt good.


sarNie Adult
I should go to sleep. Here is too late but I can't. I'm thinking about writing a sila/min fanfic but I don't know :(.

I will miss them so much. TwT


sarNie Coma
หัวใจศิลา Episode 26, Recaps.

The next day

Sida scene

She is all bandaged up and has a cellphone. (She calls Da) Hello. Who is this? It's me. Da. Da. (Wan moves away from the cops) How are you? I heard you were shot. And where are you now? Do you want me to come get you? You don't need to come for me. I'm calling you because I want to tell you not to worry about me. I can't take care of you anymore. If Pirath asks to divorce you, you need to be strong. Da. In this world in the end the people who loves us most is our own selves. Remember that. Da. Can you tell me where you are? I'll come help you. Just tell me. You don't need to help me. But if you want to help me I want to ask you to do something that I want to do the most. But I can't do it. Yes. What can I help with? You can tell me. Arrange a funeral for Ae. While Ae was alive Ae was living fatherless. And after his death I don't want my son to be a wandering corpse. Yes. Yes, Da. I'll arrange the funeral for Ae the best I can. Don't worry. But say can you tell me where you are? I'll go get you. Tell me. You shouldn't know. It's just dangerous. Just help arrange the funeral for Ae, that's enough. ( The women comes in the room) That's all, Wan. Here. The other gun that Satorn kept in the house. (Oh no she has a gun)


sarNie Coma
หัวใจศิลา Episode 26, Recaps

In Min's room

She is sleeping, Tor is holding her hand. Bak comes in. Si. (Tor is annoyed at Bak :lol: ) Bak. Who told you to be loud? (They look at Min) Can't you see that my wife is sleeping? (Does the shh with his finger) Sorry. I came to ask if you want to eat-- No need. Get out. Alright Si. (Bak leaves, Min wakes up coughing) Min. Min. Where does it hurt? Does it hurt a lot? I'll get the doctor. Wait. Tor. (He is holding her hands) I'm alright. I'm alright now. Min. I'm sorry. Tor. Stop blaming yourself now. But you got hurt because of me. Because of my crazy revenge. Is it time for you to forgive yet? Tor. (Tor sit's on the bed) Tor. hmm. Have you ever seen a flower grow on top of a stone? (He wipes her tears away, wow those looks :icon12: ) (He is crying) I think I have. My forgiveness doesn't mean for you to forget the past. (He nods his head) Because I know you can't forget it. But I want you to stop using the pain from the past to destroy your own heart. A person's life whether happy or sad it's not up to who hurts us, but it's up to how we act. (He nod's his head again) You wasted 15 years dwelling in the suffering from your past. Even though your new life was much better than many other people. (He smiles :) ) You had Aunt Mam who loved you. You had a new life that give you freedom. In a person's life no one only meets good things, hmm. but everyone meets good and bad. But if we only look at the bad, then we won't escape pain. (She rub's his arm) But if you only look at the good then happiness will be with you. (He smiles again, hmm and he is crying :sad6: ) Now Aunt Sida has nothing left. Please let the past go and start a new life with me. (Those looks :icon12: ) (Tor)From now on I'll start to look at flowers. Instead of just looking at the stone. (He bend's down put's his forehead to her's, kisses her cheek, They look at each. She touches his face, she smiles at him he wipes her tears away again) (Tor) Should I get the doctor? (she shakes her head no) Just having you by my side is enough. hmm. (She laugh's) It hurts. Don't laugh then. Move your hand. (It is on the wounds) Stop laughing. (more stares, he does the shh with his finger :lol:. then put his fingers on her eyes, she moves them, he bend's down again kisses her forehead :icon12: , then moves her hair then put's his fingers on her eyes again :lol: )


sarNie Coma
หัวใจศิลา Episode 26, Recaps

Tor and Pirath scene

In the hallway, Hello Pirath. (He wai's to him) Sila. Right now the police officers haven't found Sida. And what about the hospitals? Have you checked the patient records from various hospitals if she's gone there? Sida won't go get treatment anywhere. Because if she did that then Sida will know that she'll get arrested. I think Sida will chose to hurt and hide out somewhere. Or maybe left the country already. I don't think she'll get out of the country. Someone like Sida won't run. I think she's around here. You think Sida is going to come back after you? Sida lost everything because of me. I think she'll never let me go. And the more she's unwilling to get treatment. Soon she'll come find me.

Sida is putting on her wig, eyes, t-shirt and has the gun. going back and forth from Sida and Tor now.

Ae's funeral, Da is there.

Don't worry, Ae. Please rest in peace. They'll pay for what they're done to you. Pirath comes in with two cops. I didn't think you'd come to my nephew's funeral. I saw Ae since he was little. Anyhow I would come. You came to attend the funeral or came here for the purpose of waiting to arrest my siter? Wan, If you love your sister you should tell her to turn herself in. How can I tell my sister since I haven't even seen her shadow. And this funeral I even had to arrange it alone. Wan. I.... I'm fine. Even if I'm hurt but it's not as much as a mother. Even her own son's funeral she can't attend. Please tell Nang Man's nephew that I hope he's happy. Upon the ruin of others. And I hope that ruin goes back around to him. Da get's up and walks away. (Now it is the funeral, Sida is there outside.) Ae. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I can't arrange a funeral for you. I don't have the chance to even water bless for you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry Khun. Khun. What are you doing here? I came to pay respect at the funeral. But I came to the wrong temple. (she walks away, Da sees her) Excuse me, can you please handle over here? I have to prepare something. Pirath watches her leave, tells the cops to follow. (She calls Sida) Da. Just now were you around here? Hurry and run. Pirath brought his men. And there's alot of police officers. I know. Don't worry about me. I left already. Wan. Thank-you for holding a funeral for Ae. Remember what I taught you. Don't attach your heart to anyone's bed. Or else you'll hurt like me. What are you saying? Da. I love you a lot. end's the call. We're ready, Sida. If I don't die, then you will. (Oh no Tor) Pirath calls Tor. Sila. Sida really did come to the funeral. And I think she has a plan. Be careful. hmm. (OMG Tor's face :said6:) The end. OMG that promo, Tor has to be okay :sad6:.