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  1. Q

    adobe CS6?

    does anyone have a free download to that photoshop CS6 or 5 master collection (or something like that)? i havent been here for so many years i dont even know if this forums is alive or not >_<
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    Super Natural?

    i just heard today that in MN theres a number that calls people. when you answer "hello" the voice (man or female, its a mystery) on the other line will say "lets go (in whatever language you speak)" then hands up. couple days later you are announce dead. happened to couple people (hmong peeps...
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    chinese shaman

    ok this is like the first time i ever heard of a hmong boy that has chinese spirits. wtheck someone explain well my half sister has like, 6 girls and they say shes going to have 3 more girls. but this hmong boy that only communicates with chinese spirits said he can do his thing and switch the...
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    omg now be aware of your eyes!!

    omg its as scary as the boob picture. OH LORD OMFG i gots the chill again
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    Fashion discuzz

    Whats IN now that makes you go fitteds? UHHHHH i dont know about some people but i personally think it's straight up ghetto and it's not hot. especially that gold sticker. WTF? guys who approach me wearing fitteds are -_- how about these? well, it was nerdy back then, still nerdy now...
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    Whats the dumbest spam mail you ever got?!

    Whats the dumbest spam mail you ever got?! Whats the best?! Dumbest- From: Do You Want To Own Your Own Destiny, Penny! Literal Ability! Enlarge your penis! :rolleyes: Sorry.. my invisible penis can wait. I can imagine those losers (men/boys) clicking on it asap PUAHAHAH...
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    mai moua

    hi guys =] ... does anyone happen to know that one song that goes like "che cha koj sia koj yoj neeg zong"? i dont know how to spell in hmong, but the song goes somewhat like that. please help? :( thanks!
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    best site to buy plane tickets?

    hi guys what's the best website to buy plane tickets? that is, cheap or affordable. i'm planning to visit colorado (my lovely home town) for halloween. searched up a few but wasn't sure if it was scams or whatever. where do you guys buy your tickets? thanks =]
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    Funny picture

    girlxgirl boyxboy ...... poor girlxpole LOL .. i bet it's the guy in white's idea haha
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    QUESTION about hair

    my hair is getting on my nerves because after a shower it gets really puffy and i have to spend 30-1hour with the straightener plus adding all these expensive products (that i can't afford anymore). SOOOOOOOOOOOOO i'm thinking about getting an anti-curl (?). It's around $200 +. You guys think...
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    The picture I have been looking for, I found it!

    and i said i was going to find this picture no matter WHAT. i found it. finally. ok just go there. too scared to post the picture here. I saw it years ago, but now i'm screaming and jumping again trying to rub it off me. and it's not even on me...
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    ok, like when i type fast, the letters are NOT in order. example, i'm going to type fast here. ---the chap stick i was using yesterday is like, the wron kid! n THAT, is supposed to be wrong kind! what is wrong with my keyboard? T________T help?
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    How does it feel like to get kick in the nuts?

    ok so last time i was with my bf, and bla bla and bla and that and bla and i accidentally (i swear) bump his nuts (I SWEAR it was a tiny bump) and he, acted like he was going to die! he's laying there half dead while i laughed my ass off. LOL. his face was priceless! i wouldn't know how that...
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    Please take GOOD care of your eyes!

    Bizarre as it may seem, the preceding photos are authentic, though the same cannot be said of the accompanying narrative, which is a fabrication. We don't know who assembled the emailed collage, but after a painstaking search we did find the source of the individual images, an article entitled...
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    Question about Limewire

    I dont know if i can ask questions about limewire here, so if i'm not allow, tell me and it's ok. so i have limewire pro and somehow when i double click the song for it to download like i usually do, it doesn't download. like, it doesn't do anything. you know how when you double click the song...
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    Go Younha

    Go Younha born April 29, 1988 in Seoul, Korea is a K-Pop and J-Pop singer.(ALSO sings GREAT in English) this girl deserves her own sarnworld thread. she's super talented with her voice and the piano. she's a true singer, unlike those wackos lol Younha - Password 486 MV(English Subtitles)...