The Person Below You....


sarNie Hatchling
Allergic to all fruits but love and eat them anyways. Just ate a watermelon.
The person below me has watched and loves Koo Gum 2013? 


sarNie Hatchling
Yes. Chinese food.
The person below me is usually either on their phone or laptop most of the time at home?


sarNie Adult
Not really, my parents are pretty strict about me with electronics.
The person below me loves to photoshop.


sarNie Adult
Yes, and I want lots of rest.
The person below me...
                                    is a straightforward person.


sarNie Adult
no, i always think before i say something because i'd hate it if i say something recklessly that may offend the other party. 
the person below me likes to receive hand-made gifts. 

Cupid Candy

sarNie Coma
I'm not one to reject things given to me, so yes
the person below me is annoyed by a certain celebrity.


sarNie Adult
no, i don't fancy jewelleries at all. so whoever marries me is a very lucky man lol!  
the person below me cannot survive without a smart phone. 