Say sumthang to my HomeBoies...

Buddies... Ima so not sure what to feel right now... In a way I feel disgusted and angry; also at the same time Ima starting to really HATE hmong guys. That is why I MUST NOT have any attraction towards them cause they alwaise to SHIET around me that bugs the F*cken Crap outta me... So I was wondering if I should let my homeboies know of this...
Last nite one of my boys called me asking for a favor. I agreed because they have alwaise been there for me thru thick and thin; I thought giving a place for one of their relative/friend to stay for a few days wouldnt hurt. I did tell my boy that I am rarely home and etc... Its tat my boys NEVER ASK anything from me and this was the least I could do in return. Anywaise last nite my homeboys and the friend along with me hanged out and drank at my crib. Yes, it was a workday and I am a light drinker now cause I dont drink as much as I used to... Butta anyhow we kicked it all nite until midnite and my homeboys left. Then me and this FRIEND or RELATIVE of theirs chatting until 2 just getting to know one another and see if maybe we can click and staying with me dont have to be such a pain. Dude Ima nice person, down to earth, relaxing, and seriously I dont give a damn about anything... As long as you respect me as a person then I respect you back. I did tell the FRIEND this straite up as well... So as the nite goes... 2 o'clock rolls around and I head off to sleep. I told the FRIEND that if he needs anything to KNOCK on my door...
Suddenly around 3:42am I felt a hand around my waist and sum1 under my blanket. I FREAKED OUT. I was like WTF!!! I quickly turned around and I was like damn I drank 4 beers and probly 16oz of Hurricane butta Ima not tipsy or drunk yo... So I was tried as a mo-fo too cause this morning I have to wake up at 7. So the reason to why he was in bed with me was that he was trying to get me to led him my car. I hesitated a few times saying NO and NO and NO... Each time I try to say NO to him he kept getting closer with me in bed and I was getting rather uncomfy. I then said FINE TAKE IT... WELL JUS PRETEND THAT YOU TOOK IT SECRETLY WITHOUT ME KNOWING OKAE... He replied THAT WAS COLD but AITES! So he got out of my bed and took off with my car; I KO after that. I was way too tired to even think or say anymore. This morning I woke up feeling so sore. Sore between my legs... I thought to myself that if anything was to happen I woulda know and I dont want to be thinking in that way first of all... So I was driving to work and I really wanted to tell my homeboys what happened last nite cause to me it was unacceptable and I didnt feel respected. I mean this FRIEND is very cool and nice and open butta the WHOLE THING with me in the bed was too much for me. SO SHOULD I KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT OR TELL MY HOMEBOYS. I MEAN MY BOYS HAVE ALWAISE BEEN THERE FOR ME AND ETC... I DONT WANT THEM TO THINK THAT I HATE THEIR FRIEND OR ANYTHING. AND THE REASON TO WHY I HESITATED TO LET THE FREIND TAKE MY CAR WAS THAT HE WAS GONA GO BUY SUM DRUGS AT SUM DUDES HOUSE IF I HEARD THAT CORRECTLY WHILE SO TIRED OUT. IMA NOT SURE... I DUNO... OR MAYBE SHOULD I WAIT TO TELL MY BOYS AFTER HE LEAVES. I DONT WANT TO TELL THEM WHEN HE STILL HERE. I SAY FEEL FREE TO STAY AT MY CRIB AND ALL... I SERIOUSLY DONT WANT TO GO HOME ANYMORE.... I FEEL SO VIOLATED IF THAT IS THE CORRECT TERM TO USE... HELP ME BUDDIES.....


sarNie Adult
hmmm...first of all, its ur shouldnt feel violated...I think you should tell ur boys about what happen and tell that guy to leave...I would be scare in the first place to let a guy stay w/ me alone...but u were kind enough and he took advantage of you...whenever you feel uncomfortable, you should do something about it...dont let the problem continue..get with ur boys and tell them..this is kinda serious... hope nothing bad happened and that you'll be ok.. :)


sarNie Hatchling
This is very serious, not a joke. He totally violated your rights bodily and emotionally.

I. You need to file a police report because I think you got RAPE while intoxicated.

2. Your friends need to know what happened that night and why he should leave.

3. Friends come and go, but if your friend takes his side then you know for sure who your "real" friends are. Your a girl and you should not be alone with the dude and you totally should not be afraid of going to your own home. Sounds to me that the dude is not a good person, I mean hello, he buys drugs. Who's to say that he won't do it again and this time you won't wake up to face another day because he has either killed you or maybe rob your house and your car. This is serious !!! Get Help immediately.
This is very serious, not a joke. He totally violated your rights bodily and emotionally.

I. You need to file a police report because I think you got RAPE while intoxicated.

2. Your friends need to know what happened that night and why he should leave.

3. Friends come and go, but if your friend takes his side then you know for sure who your "real" friends are. Your a girl and you should not be alone with the dude and you totally should not be afraid of going to your own home. Sounds to me that the dude is not a good person, I mean hello, he buys drugs. Who's to say that he won't do it again and this time you won't wake up to face another day because he has either killed you or maybe rob your house and your car. This is serious !!! Get Help immediately.
Is it possible... Seriously... I KNOW that I wasnt INTOXICATED... Seriously I takes more ALCOHOL then that to HIT me. I just didnt know how he ended up in my bed... He was so quiet... Butta i mean IF i THINK i wasnt INTOXICATED would I of atleast felt if he was to rape me. Seriously... Ima kinda worrying myself alot right now... No one I can talk seriously with...


sarNie Hatchling
Is it possible... Seriously... I KNOW that I wasnt INTOXICATED... Seriously I takes more ALCOHOL then that to HIT me. I just didnt know how he ended up in my bed... He was so quiet... Butta i mean IF i THINK i wasnt INTOXICATED would I of atleast felt if he was to rape me. Seriously... Ima kinda worrying myself alot right now... No one I can talk seriously with...

Speak to someone who's very close to you and who can keep your secret. But most importantly, you need to go to the hospital and find out if your were raped or not--don't wait until the next day. Secondly, you will have to file a police report if you were raped. Thirdly, I wouldn't give a damn about what your homies say to you because it seems to me that they're not holding up to your friendship with them because they let an unworthy person meet you who's now is putting you in this delema.


sarNie Adult
how did he get into ur room? was the door lock..the fact that u dont know how he got on the bed kinda worries none3 said...go get urself check...


i back the suggestion of getting checked up... because u don't know if he has diseases also... and u don't wanna be pregnant if that was the case also. better safe than sorry.


i agree with the previous posters. get yourself checked, and get that dude out ASAP. have him stay with one of the other fellas. don't EVER let some dude stay with you ever again... especially one you don't know, drinks and does drugs. -_- at least, have one other person staying with you if you MUST, but seriously, don't ever let a dude stay with you who you don't know personally for a LONG time.

i don't care that he's nice or whatever. people can say anything. his *actions* were very inappropriate. so don't feel too guilty about having to kick his as$ out.


Mama Noy ♥️
definitely tell your homeboies because he violated your privacy & your home. you have every right to protect yourself. & also go get yourself check just in case. if that were me, i would've just kick the crap out of him & kick him out of my house. that right there is disrepectful.


This is very serious, not a joke. He totally violated your rights bodily and emotionally.

I. You need to file a police report because I think you got RAPE while intoxicated.

2. Your friends need to know what happened that night and why he should leave.

3. Friends come and go, but if your friend takes his side then you know for sure who your "real" friends are. Your a girl and you should not be alone with the dude and you totally should not be afraid of going to your own home. Sounds to me that the dude is not a good person, I mean hello, he buys drugs. Who's to say that he won't do it again and this time you won't wake up to face another day because he has either killed you or maybe rob your house and your car. This is serious !!! Get Help immediately.
I think none3 is correct you should file a police report if you feel like you were raped...and yes you should tell ur homebois depending on how close you are with them. I really don't know what to say but that was some fucked up shit!


sarNie Juvenile
You should tell your closes boys about it. And have a check up, becuase he have violated you.