Sapai Salapat Pith


sarNie Oldmaid
I was wondering if anybody remembered this lakorn and who acted in it? I remember watching it back when i was in elementary school and really liked it. But I don't remember who the stars were. All i remember was that Duangta was the mother of the P'Ek. and Pilot was the father of the N'Ek.

I don't even know if the title is correct. I remember that the story started off like this:

P'Ek was married or had a relationship with N'Ek's older sister. He's rich. So, the sister was pregnant and had a baby. But she died when her baby was born. So, N'Ek finds out about it and decides to go live and take care of her nephew and basically replace her older sister. At that time, this postal worker had a crush on her i think. or else he was a teacher or something. But they're from banh nok. and then there's some drama with the mom not wanting her son to be with N'Ek and etc. Does anybody have this lakorn? My uncle who had it on video tape recorded over it or lost it or something like that. and i really would love to see it again.


sarNie Oldmaid
Isn't the p'ek is Panudeth and the n'ek is Leelawadee?

Or the one with Bordin Duke, and Leelawadee? :D Sorry not quite remember, but I remember she play with both p'ek but wasn't sure which is which because I believe the one with Duangta as the mother in law was starring Bordin Duke.
It's been so long don't remember, sorry for not be able help much.


sarNie Elites
if this is the lakorn that i think you're talking about, i have it...on tape. lol yeah, i like this lakorn too but for some reason i was annoyed by the nang'ek. maybe it was because i felt she wasn't nang'ek material...but her acting was quite good.

i don't know her name but i definitely know who pra'ek was...sort of. i'm blanking out on his name right now....crap...but he played the pra'ek in old version of la ong dao with ann sirium.

anyways, back to the lakorn. yeah, it was a very good lakorn. i remember everyone in it and other lakorns that they were in but i just can't remember any of their names right now. i don't know what's wrong with me. lol

the story went like this right (if we're talking about the same lakorn): rich, but weak-ass pra'ek loves poor, overly fragile girl (nang'ek's sister), and takes her to go live with him in his evil, stuck-up family's house minus the also weak but nice dad (even though both sides of the family disapproved of the relationship).

anyways, nang'ek's sister is pregnant, and the mom and sister of the pra'ek would always torture make her do hardcore chores and stuff. finally, when she was about to have the baby (which was around the same time pra'ek was away on business or something), the mother refuses to take nang'ek sister to the hospital because she doesn't want to get the car dirty. the maids had to take the sister out into the streets to get on a 'tuk-tuk'. nang'ek sister was losing blood and by the time she had the baby, it was too late to save her. she dies.

nang'ek, contrary to her sister in terms of mental, emotional, and even physical strength, finds out about her older sister's death and vows to get revenge. she moves herself into pra'ek's household and forces pra'ek to sign a marriage license in order to have more power and title in the household.

on the other hand, the pra'ek's mother and sister still think they have the upper hand because nang'ek was on their territory and they figured she was probably weak like her sister. too bad they were wrong. lol

anyways, nang'ek totally did stuff to when they would "make" her do their laundry, she would completely destroy their clothes, and when they "made" her cook, she would put all sorts of nasty shiet in their food. LMAO it was a mad war in that house.

during this whole time, pra'ek is falling in love with nang'ek, and vice versa. pra'ek's mom was also attending those want to be "koon ying" meetings and pra'ek's dad is having an affair 'cuz he can't stand how evil his wife is. anyways, nang'ek would attend those meetings with the mom too cuz she wants to embarrass the mom. she would introduce herself as the dirt poor daughter in law and wear ugly clothes. it was funny. the only way that nang'ek would semi-behave would be if the pra'ek's mom "played nice" sometimes and go along with what she said during those meetings.

on top of that, those koon ying society ladies starts gossiping about how pra'ek's dad was having an affair so it gets worse for the pra'ek's mom. even though nang ek was against the dad having an affair, she was satisfied that pra'ek's mom was suffering. pra'ek's mom started off angry about the whole affair thing and even kicked the dad out of the house later on, but then she starts getting sad and depressed because she really loved him, and wants to be a "koon ying" so nang'ek starts to feel bad.

and so, at another one of those koon ying meetings, the higher society ladies started to pick on pra'ek's mom. the nang'ek, feeling bad, sticks up for her. she said a bunch of good come back stuff but i can't really remember what she said. pra'ek's mom was so touched that she started sort of being nice to nang'ek...kind of, because she didn't want to look weak.

but yeah, aw man, i'm tired of typing. pretty good lakorn.


sarNie Oldmaid
yes. i will go take a look at that later. and possibly order it next month when i get money and done with insurance bills, and paying for books and shots, etc.


Memories with Oil from his U.S. Tour in Nov 2009!
OMG i loved this lakorn...i had it on VHS too, but it also got ruined with all my 200 lakorns in a flood we had. I loved the bloopers at the end of the lakorn, soooo FUNNY. My dad actually liked it, and he rarely watches lakorn. LOL