Rule Number One: Never Fall In Love


sarNie Hatchling
to jeeja: lol...pan...thanks...

to sajenna: you prefer noon and paul to be the leads, i also would love that

to huajaukuantur:


sarNie Hatchling
ello there again...

this is chapter 6...hope you guys are enjoying this so
anyways, chap 6 is short...>.<
me no
anyway, here it is, i'll update chap 7 soon...



(Pan walk into the apartment.)
Tam: So, how’s the movie?
Pan: Movie was boring and I couldn’t get close to Saike either.
Tam: Seem like you’re having a tough time, shall I help?
Pan: No, its ok, but I have a plan though. You can take him to the park and I’ll meet him there.
Tam: Ok, whatever you say.


(Saike sits up on his bed. He opens a drawer and took a notepad out. Two photos drop from the notepad and he picks it up. One photo is a picture of him and his old girlfriend.)


(Saike and a girl were sitting down, dipping their feet into the water.)
Saike: May, don’t you just wish that life would be peaceful like this lake?
May: I sure do.
Saike: *Sigh* I just wish we could just stay like this forever.
May: Umm…yeah, I guess.
Saike: So how about it?
May: About what?
Saike: A game.
May: *laughs* Oh, Saike, not another game.
Saike: But this game is simple. Just please play with me.
May: Hmm…alright. What do I have to do?
Saike: Close your eyes.
(May close her eyes.)
May: Ok, now what?
(Saike takes out a small purple velvet box and opens it. Inside it was a diamond ring that sparkles in the sunlight.)
Saike: Ok, you can open then now. (She opens her eyes and holds her breath as soon as she sees the diamond ring.) May, will you marry me. (Silence follows his last words as her face turns from a joyous to sadness. She turns away from him, looking into the lake. Tears start to streak down her cheeks.) May? Is something wrong?
(She brushes the tears away.)
May: I’m just so happy that you propose to me.
Saike: Of course I would. I love you.
May: I know that you loved me and I also love you too, Saike, but there’s something I was meaning to tell you.
Saike: And what is that?
May: I – I’m already engage to someone else. (Saike was shocked.) I – I’m so sorry, Saike. I meant to tell you earlier but –
Saike: No need to explain. I understand why.
(May looked at her watch and stands up.)
May: I have to go. I guess this is the last time we see each other.
Saike: Yeah, I think it is.
(He stands up too and holds her hands but she brush them away and turns her back to him)
May: Goodbye, Saike.
(She walks off, leaving Saike alone with the purple velvet box. He looks towards the lake, frustration and tears runs across his face and he throws the box into the lake.)


(He quickly throws the photo back into the drawer and picks up the second photo in which he, Tai, and Tam were in. He focuses on Tam.)
Saike: *Sigh* If that hurt you, I’m very sorry.


(Tai was walking around the park when he spotted Pan sitting on a bench. He walks over to her.)
Tai: Hey there.
Pan: What do you want?
Tai: Look, I just want to apologize for yesterday. I was so rude.
Pan: Oh, it’s ok.
(Just then, Saike walks to them.)
Tai: Saike, what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at work?
Saike: I’m on break and Pan feels really down today so I just wanted to cheer her up.
Tai: Oh really.
(He looks at Pan with suspicion.)
Saike: Yeah. Her dog just ran away yesterday when we came back from the movie.
Tai: I see. So Pan, may I have a look at this dog.
Pan: It’s not just any dog. It’s my dog and I’m really worried.
Tai: Ok, may I see this dog of yours then?
Pan: Umm…I don’t have a photo.
Tai: Oh come on, who doesn’t have a photo of their own dog? Unless, it’s an imaginary dog that is.
(Pan just frowns at him, knowing that he had figured something out.)
Saike: Tai, please, she’s having a hard time.
Pan: I need to go to the restroom.
(She quickly stands up and walks out.)
Saike: Oh, ok.
Tai: I’ll go too.
Saike: Tai!
Tai: Relax, I just need to go too.
Saike: Well, ok.
(He walks out to the restroom.)


(Pan is talking on the phone.)
Pan: Yes, he came here and he’s driving me crazy! I can’t use my tactics with him around!
Tam: That’s why I asked if you needed help or not.
Pan: I’ll try to handle things myself and break Saike. If I need any assistance, I’ll give you a call.
Tam: Ok but don’t lose to them now.
Pan: *laugh* I know.
(She hangs the phone and took a step outside.)
Tai: So, is there anything you like to tell me?
(Pan shiver in fear, but took a deep breath and turns to look at him.)
Pan: Like what?
(Tai went up to her and holds up a stethoscope.)
Pan: Ew, you pervert!
Tai: May seems like it but I heard what I needed to know.
(He puts the stethoscope away and pins her against the wall.)
Pan: W – what are you doing?
Tai: I heard everything, Pan! You’re trying to break Saike! What does that exactly mean?!
Pan: Get, get off me!
(Tai lets her go.)
Tai: I’m warning you now, leave Saike alone.
Pan: And what if I don’t?
Tai: *smirks* I’ll send you somewhere far away, somewhere no one will ever reach you. Somewhere where your cries for help can never be heard, you understand.
(Terrified and angry at the same time, she just nodded and left. Tai just look at her go and went back to Saike.)

that's all for chap
chapter 7 will be posted soon...
and i am thinking of posting up another fan fic...
if my scanner will work on me...XD
thanks you all for reading... :p
and no previews...sorry... >.<


- Marina ♥
awwww, poor Saike. I feel bad for him. the flashbackk..
Tai... wow.., can't wait to continue reading.
please continue.
a new fanfic? please tell me when your putting it up!


sarNie Hatchling
to sejenna: lol...thanks for reading...:p

to jeeja: i also feel pity for them too...T_T...poor tam and saike...

to huajaikaungtur: i feel for saike too, especially when i made him my favorite thanks...


sarNie Hatchling
i'm sorry my readers for leaving you guys hanging
but fortunately me and my partner are really busy with
anyway, here's chapter 7
hope you guys will continue to read and support...:p


(Pan was walking, her thoughts mixed up.)
Pan: *to herself* No, I can’t lose just because of him. I just can’t. (She sat down on the bench.) But what will I do with that guy around? I’ll have to think of something, something smart.


Saike: *laughs hard* Man Tai, you’re really weird.
Tai: Come on Saike, I’m serious.
Saike: You’re really funny, Tai, having to play detective but I just can’t believe Pan would do that.
Tai: I’m really trying to help you here.
Saike: Ok, ok, but don’t you think you’re over exaggerating a bit. Pan is not trying to approach me and I’m not falling for her. We’re both are just perfectly fine.
Tai: Yeah, and later she’ll strike.
(Saike looks at his watch.)
Saike: Well, anyway I got to go to work so can I have my stethoscope back. I was looking for it earlier.
Tai: Oh yeah, here.
(He gives the stethoscope to Saike.)
Saike: I’ll see you later.
Tai: Ok, bye.
(He left.)


Tam: So, he figured it out, did he?
Pan: Yes, he did. I never realize he’ll use a stethoscope to listen to our conversation.
Tam: It’s alright. You can give up if you want.
Pan: No, I’m not giving up. I’ve just underestimated him. I’ll need to change tactics if I want to win.
Tam: Nice Pan, You’re really burning.
Pan: Yeah, but I’ll need assistance.
Tam: *Laugh* Thought you’ll never ask.


(Saike was swinging his keys and walks over to his car. Tam bumps into him and acted surprise.)
Tam: Saike!
Saike: Hey there, dumpling. What are you up to?
(She twitches when heard the nickname but she calm herself down and talk in a sweet tone.)
Tam: Well, now that you asked, a friend of mines is really lonely these days and I wonder if you could cheer her up.
Saike: Umm…sure, I’m not doing anything at the moment.
Tam: Ok.
Saike: But I want to play a game first.
Tam: Saike, not again.
Saike: Don’t worry, it’s really easy.
Tam: Do we even have time for this?
Saike: It’s only one simple game. Just play with me please.
Tam: Hmm…alright.
Saike: Close your eyes.
(She closes her eyes and he flicks his index finger at her forehead.)
Tam: Saike!
Saike: *Laughs* I’m sorry I just couldn’t help myself.
(She rubbed her forehead and forced out a smile.)
Tam: It’s ok, but anyways, can we go.
Saike: Sure, lead the way.


Saike: This is where your friend works?
Tam: Of course, there’s a reason why I always come here.
Saike: *laughs* Ok, I see.
(Tam looks around until she spots Pan and points at her.)
Tam: She’s over there.
Saike: Wait a minute. Isn’t that Pan?
Tam: You know her?
Saike: Yeah, we both knew each other.
Tam: *laughs* At least this will be easier. (They both walk over to Pan who seems gloomy.) Hi, Pan. I bought someone along.
Pan: And who could it be. (She turns around to see Saike and acted surprise.) Saike it’s you.
Saike: Yep, it’s me alright.
Tam: I told him that you’re having a hard time so he wanted to come and cheer you up.
Pan: Aw, that’s so sweet of you Saike.
(She stood up to hug him. Tai just walks in and see what is happening. He quickly walks up to them and separated them both, facing Pan.)
Tai: *whisper* I told you not to go near him.
Pan: *whisper* I’m not going near him, he’s coming to me and besides, it’s not me that make him come here.
(She looks over at Tam and Tai follows her gaze.)
Tai: Tam, you came here with Saike?
Tam: *laughs* Yeah. (She holds onto Pan’s hand.) Pan is my very best friend. She feels really lonely today so I thought I’d introduce her to Saike since he’s always so nice.
(Tai looks from Tam to Pan, then to Tam and Saike. He holds onto her arm and pulls her out of earshot from Saike and Tam.)
Tai: So, you’re really lonely, huh?
Pan: Umm…yes. Why? You don’t trust me at all.
Tai: Of course I don’t trust you but because Tam is right there with you, I’ll make myself believe that what you said is true.
Pan: Well then, there you go.
Tai: But then, if you try anything funny, I will come after you.
(Pan’s heart is scare and aware but she just stood her ground and smiled.)
Pan: You got it officer.
(She went off back to Saike and Tam while Tai stood there, watching.)


(Saike and Tai finally get out of the coffee shop.)
Tai: So, how’s the little talk?
Saike: It was fine. I just comfort her a little, that’s all.
Tai: Ok.
Saike: And I hope you don’t mind but I invited her to my birthday party.
Tai: What? You invited her to your party!?
Saike: Well, Tam mentions it and so I thought its ok to do so.
Tai: Saike, you don’t invite random girls to your party.
Saike: *laughs* Come on Tai and besides, she’s not just a random girl, she’s a friend.
(Saike walks over to his car and drove away, leaving the dumbfounded Tai.)


(Tam and Pan were walking in an aisle.)
Pan: What do you think Saike will like for his birthday?
Tam: I don’t know.
Pan: Come on, you do work with him.
Tam: True I do but that doesn’t mean I know everything about.
Pan: Right.
Tam: Pan, really, I don’t know anything. I am not his lover.
(But something is nagging her mind because she does know what he likes.)


(It was cold winter and Tam was waiting outside of Saike’s house, holding onto a gift. A servant saw her and walked up to her.)
Girl: Is there anything I can do for you?
Tam: Oh no, I’m fine.
(Tai comes out and saw her.)
Tai: Tam! What are you waiting out here for? Come in.
Tam: I – I ‘m not sure.
Tai: *laugh* Just come in, Saike wouldn’t mind if you’re late.
(Tai went in and Tam followed. They both went into the backyard and look around. Some people were drinking punch and talking about their lives. Saike was talking to some other people until his eyes laid on Tam. He politely excused himself and walk over to Tam.)
Saike: Hey Tam, glad you could make it.
(She smiled and nodded.)
Tai: She wouldn’t make it if I didn’t find her outside the gate.
Saike: Really? How come you didn’t come in?
Tam: I – I –
Saike: Don’t worry. Tai was afraid too when he first comes to my house.
Tai: Hey! (He pushed him and Saike chuckled.) I was lost alright.
Saike: Yeah, I know. (Switches attention back to Tam.) Anyway, enjoy yourself here. (He was about to walk away but Tam stops him by holding onto his arm.) Hmm…What is it?
Tam: Umm…
(She shyly handed the gift to Saike and he accepts.)
Saike: This is for me? (Tam nodded.) Thanks.
Tai: Aren’t you going to open it?
Saike: Why should I?
Tai: You did open your other gifts already.
Saike: Fine, if you say so. (He opened his gift and inside was two angels, flying together inside the snow globe.) *laugh* A snow globe. How do you know I like snow globes?
(He started shaking it while Tam explain.)
Tam: I felt guilty for broking the one in your office so I thought I’d buy you this one to replace it.
Saike: You don’t need to but thanks anyways. I like it, a lot.
(The song changes and Saike started to look around. Tai went up to him.)
Tai: *whispers* I think she can’t make it.
Saike: *whispers* Yeah, I was thinking the same. (Tai look over at Tam, who is looking at the table of appetizers, and pushes Saike towards her.) What are you doing?
Tai: Dance with her.
Saike: What? Why?
Tai: She looks lonely. Dance with her, come on.
(He continues to push him until Saike bumps into Tam and make her spill the punch all over her.)
Saike: I – I’m so sorry.
Tam: It’s ok. (Sweat is started to pour over his face with nervousness as Tam looks over at him.) Is there anything you need?


(Pan tugs at her arm.)
Pan: Are we leaving?
Tam: Oh yeah, lets go.

end of chap 7
thanks for reading lol

A two word preview


FF Writer!! Love it!
sounds great already really intersting

Ello there...this is my first fan-fic so tell me if there's anything wrong alright...and it'll also be nice to leave some comments...i wrote this fan-fic with the help of my


(Pan and a guy went up the bridge. They hold each others hand and looked into each others eyes. Pan smiled but the man had a sullen face.)
Pan:So Mark, what do you want to talk about?
Mark:pan, I just wanted to tell you straight out.
Pan:Tell me what?
(Mark lets go of her hand and turned his back towards her.)
Mark:pan...the only reason why I dated you was to stall my parents from arranging my marriage with another girl.
Pan:Well, that's alright. That way we could both get marry and live in a joyous life together.
(She walked around to face him but he shifted his position to look at the sea.)
Mark:I'm sorry, Pan, but I just can't.
Pan:What? Why? I thought you loved me, more than anything else?
Mark:To tell you the truth, Pan, I already have a girlfriend from the start.
(She became shocked and her eyes are filled with disbelief.)
Mark:Sorry Pan, but it's true, I already have a girlfriend from the start but she went and study aboard in America. (He turned around to look at her.) My mom wanted me to marry this girl that I don't know so I needed you until my girlfriend comes back from America. (Now Pan is looking at the sea, tears slowly race down her cheeks.) I'm very sorry, Pan. I just -
(She turned her head to look at him, anger flushed over her face.)
Pan:Don't you know how much I sacrificed just to be with you?! I argue with my dad everyday, taking about how strong our love is, telling him that I don't need stinking money from another rich boy to back me up but all of that has shatter before my eyes right this moment, when all I know now is that this is all fake!
Mark:I - I'm very sorry.
Pan:Sorry?!Is that all you could say now?!
(She raised her palm above her head and brought it down but stopped just a few few inches from his face. She slowly retreated her hand back to her side, tears still rolling down her cheeks. She ran past him, leaving Mark alone.)


(Pan cried in her bedroom. Tam entered the apartment with shopping bags in each hand. She became alert by the sound of Pan's crying and drop the bags on the table before going into her bedroom.)
Tam:What's wrong, Pan?
(She slowly raises her head from the pillow.)
Pan:It's Mark. He broke up with me.
Tam:What?! That lame son of a thing. I'll teach him a lesson or two!
Pan:No, no, Tam, it's alright. It's alright. I already got over it.
(She sat up on her bed and wiped her tears.)
Tam:You sure you're alright.
Pan:*sniff* I'm positive.
Tam:Man, guys are real jerks. If I know he'll broke up with you like that, I'll hang him by his neck.
Pan:Yeah, I would too. Hey, does love hurts this much?
Tam:I don't know? You know me, I'm the one who does all the heart breaking.
Pan:Oh yeah huh. I almost forgot you're the leader of the Heart Breaker Troop.
Tam:Got that right. I lure them in and later, crush them like little insects like they are.
Pan:Yeah. (A light crosses over her eyes.) Hey, Tam, do you think there's room for me in that club.
Tam:Sure there is. Any girl can join. Why, you wanna be in it? But I see your heart is too soft to do it.
Pan:*smirks* Just watch Tam, this soft heart of mine will be strong. I will inflict pain to the hearts of man and leave them crying on the streets. I'll become the brightly red color rose with thorns of the sweetest venom.
Tam:Alright, Pan, you can join but always remember rule number one.
(Pan looked at Tam.)
Pan:What is it?
Tam:Never fall in love.

That's it, thanks for reading...
will update chapter 1


lol, can't believe Tai was listenin' 2 them through the wall. :D

Cute update, next chapter seems more fun with the birthday party! :p


sarNie Hatchling
Note to readers:

Hi, this is diamond's friend

diamond can't go to sarnworld and post things up due to her laptop being taken away. She told me that she'll post up updates soon as soon as she get it back. Again, she apologizes for late updates.

diamond's friend and fanfic partner.


sarNie Granny
i LOVE paul and noon! this is a good story, i can't wait to read more. i hope diamond gets her laptop back soon and gets her updates ^^


sarNie Hatchling
I'm sorry guys for leaving you hanging because:

write's block+college=disaster XD

lol...this is chap 8 of rule #1...
sorry for the wait T~T



(Like last year, a lot of people came to Saike’s birthday party, happily enjoying themselves over the punch and appetizers. Saike and Tai were just not too far from the table, talking.)
Tai: *laughs* Happy birthday bro. (Saike sigh.) What’s wrong? Aren’t you happy?
Saike: Na, I’m just too tired.
Tai: You still miss her do you? (Saike shifts uneasy, looking at the freshly green grass below him.) Hey, you have to let things go alright.
Saike: I know but I don’t know why I couldn’t let her go.
Tai: What do you mean?
Saike: I mean…like…well, let’s just say she’s like a cancer in my heart, it cannot be cure.
Tai: *laughs* You and your doctor’s analogy again. (He stops laughing as soon as he spots his gloomy face again.) But again cheer up, man. It’s your birthday, you don’t want your guest to see you all sad looking don’t you.
Saike: Eh, I thought you would say that. (He slowly walks away from him, now looking down at his glass of punch.)
Tai: *sigh* What could I do to make him smile. (He looks to the side and saw Pan walking up to him.) Oh my, the succubus is here.
Pan: What?
Tai: Oh nothing. I thought you’re too busy sucking out the lives of other people.
Pan: Very funny but I’m not going to miss out on this party. It would be very embarrassing not to come when the owner already invited you.
Tai: *sigh* Women these days like to prey on innocent rich guys.
Pan: How about saying that straight to my face!
Tai: Whoa, whoa, take it easy there Pan. Are you trying to make a scene or something?
Pan: But what you’re saying isn’t true. I’m not like other girls who date guys just for their money.
Tai: Oh really, then how about you get off of Saike’s back.
Pan: What do you mean?
Tai: Don’t play dumb, Pan. Tell me, what are you up to?
Pan: hmph, do you think that I’ll tell you? You may overhear my conversation but you can’t do anything about it. As I can see, you fail to tell Saike to get off of me.
Tai: Fine, don’t tell me that evil plan of yours but do remember what I say to you back there.
(The thought still haunts her but she brush it off and smiles.)
Pan: Of course, I remember and I’m not scared because I haven’t done anything.
Tai: Pfft, you better not. (He left her to talk to a guy. She smiles.)
Pan: *whispers* Well, I haven’t done anything…yet.


(As Saike walks he accidentally bumps into someone. He centered the punch as to not spill it and look up at whoever it was that is in his way.)
Saike: Tam?!
Tam: Oh, Saike, it’s you!
Saike: *laughs* When did you came?
Tam: Just a moment ago.
Saike: Oh, well, welcome to the party.
Tam: Hmm, anyways did you see Pan anywhere?
Saike: Pan? Nope.
Tam: Darn it.
Saike: Why did you ask?
Tam: Oh, it’s nothing. Anyways, happy birthday.
Saike: Thanks.
(Saike’s mother joins them.)
Cecilia: Oh, hi Tam, how are you doing?
Tam: I’m doing fine, madam Sakda. Thank you for your concern.
Cecilia: *laughs* So, are you both going to dance again?
Tam: Um, I don’t think –
Saike: Sure we are.
(Tam gives him an obnoxious look then turn to Cecilia again.)
Tam: I don’t think I’ll be dancing today.
Cecilia: Aw, but you both danced beautifully last time.
Tam: *laughs* Sorry, but I’m in no mood to dance today. (She turns to Saike.) Say, Saike, why not ask Pan to dance with you?
Saike: I wish but she’s not here. I wonder where she can be.


(Pan looks around her. Then she spotted Saike along with Tam and quickly walks over but she was intercepted by Tai.)
Tai: Where do you think you’re going?
Pan: Going to talk to Saike and Tam, of course, who else?
Tai: Heh, you’re smart aren’t you.
Pan: Tch, (she looks away from Tai and cross her arms.) I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Tai: You know very well. You’re taking advantage by using Tam to make this bridge. (Pan became frighten that he knew her strategy but she stays calm for she knows that Tai isn’t aware of Tam cooperating with her.)
Pan: Hmph, and so what? Like you can do anything. (She continues to walk past Tai but he manage to take hold of onto her arm before she became out of his reach.) What do you want?
Tai: What? All I want is a dance.
Pan: And the answer is no. (She brushes his hand off her arm but he manages to take hold of it again.) Let me go.
Tai: I know you are just going to ask him to dance with you.
Pan: So what? A little dance couldn’t’ hurt no one.
Tai: Then, a dance with me couldn’t hurt, right? (Pan’s eyes widen as Tai smiles and take her to the dance floor. Pan tries to resist but he was too strong for her. Moments later, she was force into a dance position and move by Tai’s strong arms.)
Pan: *whispers* Stop, you’re hurting me.
Tai:*whispers* Then dance more properly, miss, or do I have to force you to move again.
(She glares at him but submits to his will and follows his lead. For the first time, their eyes met each other’s.)


(They both were looking around until Saike spotted Pan and Tai dancing.)
Saike: Hey look, there they are.
(Tam looks over and became disappointed that their plans were once ruined again by Tai.)
Tam: Hmph, they sure look like they’re having fun. (Soon the song change but Tai and Pan seem to be dancing still. Saike soon recognize the song and smiles. He turned to Tam and offers his hand to her. She gives him an awkward look.) What are you doing?
Saike: What does it look like?
(Tam soon recognizes this stance and quickly back away.)
Tam: Saike, please I’m not in the –
Saike: Tam, please. May I have this dance?


(Saike shakily reach out his hand to her.)
Saike: M – may I have this dance?
(Surprised, Tam doesn’t know whether to accept or not. Her mind race until she found her answer.)
Tam: Yes.
(She took his hand and he leads her into the dance floor. With their hands lock on, Saike’s hand on her hip and Tam’s on his shoulder, they begin to dance, moving freely to the song. They both twist and turn into the crowds but their eyes never lost each others. Tai look from afar and smiles at the sight of them, wishing that somehow he would be out there for once. Again they twist and turn again, their eyes never left one another until at last the song ended.)


(As the song ended, Tam just walks away, leaving Saike with his hand open still. Pan pushed Tai away and runs out of the dance floor. He smiles knowing that he has won.)
Tai: Running already. (Pan runs into the house and Tai ran after her but lost her when he enters the living room.) Where can she be?


(Pan walked silently upstairs so Tai wouldn’t notice her footsteps. She tip toe up to a door and slid inside Saike’s room. She spun around and before her eyes, is a collection of snow globes filled on top of the book case. She walks up to the snow globes and examines one of them. Tai comes in.)
Tai: What are you doing in there?!
(Pan turns around quickly and knocks a chair down in which hits the bookshelf. The bookshelf rocks to and fro and one snow globe fell to the ground. Soon the other snow globes were rocking towards the edge. Pan crouch down, shielding her head but Tai ran over and shields her with his body. The snow globes falls down one by one but as luck has it, not one hits them. As soon as the crashing sounds were over, they both look at each other. Pan could see the concern in Tai’s eyes and her heart lightens. Saike and Tam both rush into the room and looks over at them. Tai and Pan quickly let go of each other and straighten themselves up.)
Saike: What happened here? My snow globes!
(He rush up to the nearest one and picks up the base.)
Pan: I’m sorry, Saike. It’s just that, I was looking at your snow globes when Tai came in and startle me, which make me knock over your snow globes. I’m very sorry.
Saike: *sigh* It’s alright. At least the most important one didn’t break.
Pan: Which one?
(Saike smiles and walks over to the drawer that was next to his bed. He picks up a snow globe from on top of the little drawer. Tam was surprise because it’s the snow globe that Tam gave to him on his birthday.)
Saike: This one is my most important treasure.
Tam: Saike, you can’t be that serious.
Saike: I am serious. You see all those down there? I bought those but this one is given by you, Tam, that’s why it’s special.
(Pan became surprise also upon hearing the words. She didn’t know that Tam have given him a snow globe as a gift.)
Tai: Well, looks someone have to clean it up.
Saike: I’ll have someone come and clean.
(Tam looks at her watch.)
Tam: Ah, we have to go. Pan, you coming?
Pan: Eh, go where.
Tam: To our business.
Pan: Oh, ok. Well, Saike, we’ll be leaving first.
Saike: Hmm, ok. I’ll see you girls later?
Pan: Yeah.
Saike: Take care.
(Tam and Pan left.)
Tai: *Sigh* It’s always trouble with that girl around.
Saike: Which girl?
Tai: Pan, of course.
Saike: Ha ha, Pan is a nice girl I think.
Tai: Yeah, that’s what you think only.
Saike:*laugh* Cheer up, just get to know her more then you’ll see.
(Saike left the room to call on the servants.)
Tai:*whisper* Yeah, the more I know her, the more I can drive her off from you.


(They both enter the car.)
Pan: Tam, did you have something with Saike?
Tam: No, why?
Pan: Because I was just wondering. Why did you target him the first place? Did he do something to you or something?
Tam: No, he didn’t. I just…I just hate his guts that’s all.
Pan: But that snow –
Tam: That snow globe is nothing ok. It’s just a present I gave him on his birthday, nothing more.
Pan: Hmm, ok, if you say so.
(Pan drove out of the mansion and off into the open road.)

That's chapter 8...hope you guys like it :p
I'll try to update as fast as i can since i have a ton of homework to do x.x
thankies for all those who read :D


aw...i'm so happy ur updating again.
XD XD XD can't wait for more!!!!


sarNie Hatchling
Chapter 9 is up...
read ppls :D


(Pan drives over to Saike’s house. She stops and looks around before she sees a servant.)
Pan: Excuse me, is Saike here?
Servant: Oh, Master Saike already left.
Pan: He left? To where, can you tell me?

(Tai and Saike were enjoying Rena’s play Cinderella.)
Kid: And then, the Prince and the princess lived happily ever after. The end.
(The audience applauds for a play well done. The children bow before getting off the stage. The parents went over to their child, telling them how well they did their play. Rena runs over to Saike and Tai.)
Rena: Saike! (He laughs as he lifts Rena up.)How did I do, how did I do?
Saike: *laughs* You were a perfect little Cinderella.
Rena: Yay!
(They both embrace each other while Tai smiles. Then at the corner of his eye, he spots Pan, looking around the crowds.)
Tai: Saike, I’m going to have to do some business.
Saike: Oh ok. Hurry back.
Tai: Alright. (He left them and went straight to Pan, who is still looking around at the sea of crowds.) So, I see the succubus is trying to find its meal.
(Pan was surprise when she heard Tai but she keeps her guard up and turns to face him.)
Pan: Hmph, think whatever you want.
Tai: Ah, so you finally admit it.
Pan: I didn’t admit anything, you’re just assuming, that’s all. (Pan looks over his shoulder and sees Saike with Rena. She tries to move but Tai blocks her way. She tries to go around but he moves to block her again.) Out of the way.
Tai: Or what?
(Without a word, she stomps on Tai’s foot and went pass him while he jumps, nursing his foot but Saike already left his spot.)
Pan:*whispers* That Tai!


(Saike was holding Rena’s hand and was walking out of the school when Tam came up to him.)
Saike: Oh, hi dumpling. What are you doing here?
Tam: I came to see your little sister’s play of course. (She kneels down and gave her the flowers.) You are very good, Rena.
Rena: Thank you, dumpling. *giggles*
(Saike chuckles until he spotted Tam’s eye’s furiously looking at him. He clears his throat and scratches the back of his head.)
Saike: Um, Rena, can you go and wait at the car for me?
Rena: Sure, big brother.
(With that, Rena skips out of the building while Saike and Tam are face to face.)
Tam: You taught her to call me dumpling?
Saike: Not exactly, she sort of picks it up from me. That’s all.


(Pan walks in the aisle, looking around while Tai follows her.)
Pan: You’re really starting to get on my nerves.
Tai: Heh, it’s no different that you’re chasing my friend.
Pan: I’m not chasing, it’s just a…mere coincidence.
Tai: Ok…so, you being here is just a coincidence?
Pan: Of course, I just happen to…to…came here with Tam.
Tai: Oh, that’s funny. I thought she was busy.
Pan: You’re saying that I’m lying aren’t you?
Tai: How could you not be lying? Saike asked Tam to come before we came here.
(Pan grits her teeth, her plan was failing.)
Pan: Ok, fine I admit it. I came here to see Saike.
Tai: Hmph, and so the succubus was looking for her meal.
Pan: Listen, Sherlock Holmes, don’t call me a succubus.
Tai: Why can’t I, you’re behaving like one.
Pan: For your information, I don’t go out and look for random men to marry. I go out to break their hearts. That’s what I do.
(Tai holds both of her arms and pin her against the wall.)
Tai: Is that what you’re going to do?!
Pan: It depends on what you think only. I’m not going to say anything. (She looks into Tai’s furious eyes.)What? Did I make you mad? Or are you shock at what I just said?
Tai: You better stay away from him.
Pan: Or what? I haven’t done anything. Therefore you can’t prove anything. (Tai just want to drag her out of the entrance but his conscience held him back.) Let me go. (Tai lets her go and she immediately slaps him.) Don’t ever touch me again.
(Setting his conscience aside, he takes hold of her arm and drags her off as she tells him to let her go.)


(They were sitting at a bench, talking to each other.)
Saike: So, why did you come?
Tam: Oh, I was done with my work. It was quicker than I thought it would take.
Saike: Heh, I see. (He suddenly hears a familiar voice and looks up to see a woman with a child. He stands up and walks towards her. Tam notices him walking away but just observes at what he is going to do next. Saike walks up to the girl.) May?
(May looks up and she held her breath, surprised to see Saike again. The little boy looks up at both of them.)
Boy: Hey sister, who’s this?
May: Um, no one Jaime. He’s just a friend of mines. Say, can you go wait at the car for me?
Jaime: Ok sis.
(Jaime runs off, leaving them both alone. Tam looks from afar, her attention now focus on the both of them.)
May: It’s nice to see you again, Saike.
Saike: It’s also nice to see you too.
May: How’s life treating you?
Saike: Fine, I guess. Nothing much is going on.
May: I see.
Saike: So, I thought you were…
May: Oh, we came down for our daily visits.
Saike: We?
Guy: May, we have to go. (The guy runs up to them and stops to look at them both.) Who’s this, May?
May: Oh, um, Orion, this is Saike, one of my friends.
Orion: Ah, how are you doing?
Saike: I’m fine.
(They both shake hands.)
May: And Saike, this is Orion, my husband. (The words struck him. He looks down, not wanting her to see his gloomy face that is filled with jealousy.) Is something wrong Saike?
(He looks up again and forces a smile.)
Saike: No, it’s just that I’m…I’m happy that you’re married, that’s all.
(Tam is walking towards them now. May saw her coming as she approaches them.)
Tam: Hi there, I don’t believe we have met.
May: And you are?
Tam: I’m Tam, Saike’s –
Saike: Girlfriend.
(An awkward silence follows. May was surprise and Tam was confuse and angry at the sudden assumption.)
Tam: Sai –
Saike: Yeah, she’s my girlfriend.
May: Oh, I see. She’s a pretty one.
Saike: Heh, thanks.
Orion: May, we have to go now.
May: Ok. (She turns to Saike.) It’s nice to see you again.
Saike: Mhm.
(May leans over to whisper into Tam’s ear.)
May: Please, make him the happiest guy.
(With that, they both left. Saike turns around and stroll slowly across the field. Tam walks with him.)
Tam: Why did you do that?!
Saike: I’m sorry.
Tam: Sorry?! Listen Saike, I don’t really care if you call me dumpling but calling me your girlfriend is way too far.
Saike: I’m sorry.
Tam: Sorry again?! Can’t you say anything else other than – (She stops when she caught a glimpse of his depressing face.) Um, anyways, who is that girl?
Saike: She’s just…someone I know.
Tam: Cause she told me to make you happy. So I was wondering if she’s –
(Saike suddenly stops and so did Tam.)
Saike: Look, she’s just another person I know alright! Just leave it at that! (Saike continues to walk but Tam just stood there, afraid. She has never seen Saike upset before because she has always seen him smiling and not once has he snapped at her like that. Saike stops when he notices that she wasn’t following him. He took a deep breath and walks back to her.) Tam, I’m very sorry for scolding you like that. I’m just in a bad mood at the moment.
Tam: It’s ok.
(They both smile their bonds of friendship is back together.)
Saike: So, let’s go, dumpling.
(He walks off with a smile, Tam following him. She, of course, was mad to hear that nickname but was glad to hear his cheerful voice again.)


(By now, she was dragged to the parking lot.)
Pan: Tai, let me go!
(He turns around and holds both of her arms.)
Tai: And then what? Let you go so you can play around with other people’s heart.
(He continues to drag her towards the car. Tam and Saike soon walk into the parking lot.)
Tam: Tai?!
Saike: Pan?!
(They both rush towards them and try to break them apart. After a few seconds of struggle, Tai finally let go of Pan.)
Saike: Tai, what are you doing? She’s a woman.
Tai: Yeah, a heartless one.
Tam: Tai, what happened?
Tai: I was just… (He then looks closely at Tam.) Tam?! When did you get here?
Tam: I came here before the play started. I tried to look for you guys but I couldn’t find you.
Tai: So, did Pan come with you?
(Tam looks over at Pan, surprised that she was also here but understands the situation well.)
Tam: Of course, she did. How else will she get here?
(Tai looks over at Pan then at Tam and then back at Pan.)
Tai: Ermm, I’m sor –
Pan: No need to be sorry. You wouldn’t believe in me either way.
(She turns and walks off to her car and Tam followed. Tai stood there, embarrassed at what he did. Saike shook his head and follows Tam and Pan.)


(Pan is halfway up to her car when Tam catches up.)
Tam: What happened? Why was Tai dragging you off like that?
Pan: I just said things that upset him.
Tam: You’re not saying that he knows?
Pan: No he doesn’t.
Tam: Well, you’re lucky I’m here. Otherwise I don’t what Tai will do to you.
Pan: Ha ha, Tam, don’t worry. I can take care of myself aright.
(Just then they spot Saike coming towards them.)
Saike: Hey Pan.
Pan: Hey Saike.
Saike: I know you’re mad but I just want to apologize on the behalf of Tai.
Pan: It’s alright, I forgive him.
Saike: And to show it, I would like to invite you to our fishing trip.
Pan: Fishing trip?
Saike: Yeah, Tai and I are going Lake Nong Han Lake on Friday and I wonder if you would like to come?
Pan: I would love to but I wonder if Tam can come to.
Saike: *laughs* Of course, my little dumpling is always welcome.
Pan: So we’ll see you Friday?
Saike: Mhm.
(Saike left and Pan was left with a smile.)


(Tai was waiting by his car when Saike approaches him.)
Tai: Did you…?
Saike: Yes I went to talk to her. She said she forgave you. (Tai sigh in relieve.) I also invited her to our little fishing trip.
Tai: You did what?!
Saike: Sorry but I have to do what I have to do right.
Tai: But…but…that’ll ruin the whole trip though.
Saike: No, it wouldn’t. Besides, I think it’ll be good to have the girls with us for a change, don’t you think? (He looks at his watch.) Ah, I have to send Rena home first before I go to work. I’ll see you later.
(Saike left, leaving Tai with thoughts of having Pan around.)

That's it for chap. 9
thankies for supporting me :D
i'm kinda lazy at color coding them right now, ima do it later -.-
right now so much homework to do XD


sarNie Egg
it was cute how Saike called Tam dumpling, then Rena called her dumpling.
Tai and Pan argue as if they are cats and dogs.
it was funny when Saike said Tam was his girlfriend.
you would expect the other people to say that first but Saike beat them to it.
can't wait to read the fishing trip.
i'm so slow at reading fanfics that get updated.


sarNie Hatchling
Hi there again
sorry i didn't update on anything, i was busy doing things that i forgot
well here's chapter 10, i hope you all enjoy :)


(Pan browse through the clothes until she sees Tai wandering outside the store. She gets out of the store but Tai spots her and runs up to her.)
Tai: Pan! (She covers her face with her bags and continues on her way, pretending she didn’t hear him.) Pan!
(This time, she turns around and faces him.)
Pan: What do you want?
Tai: I want to talk to you.


Pan: So, what do you want to talk about?
Tai: I want to say sorry, about the other day.
Pan: Ah, so you finally admitted your fault.
(Tai grimace a bit but he relaxes himself and begins to speak again.)
Tai: Yes, I admit, it’s my fault. I just went over my head and thought you were going to –
Pan: Hurt him?
Tai: Yeah.
Pan: Hmm, and why would you say that?
Tai: I was afraid he’ll be hurt again the same way.
(Surprise to hear the words, she became speechless. She stands there silently until she thinks of the words to say.)
Pan: The same way?
Tai: It’s a long story.
Pan: Please, do tell me.
(Thinking to himself, Tai wonders if he should tell it to Pan.)
Tai: Think you can keep it a secret?
Pan: I swear I wouldn’t tell it to anyone.
(Tai wonders again, whether if he can trust her. Then, he sits on the bench, making himself comfortable before he speaks up.)
Tai: Saike, he once had a girlfriend. He loved her so much that one day; he decided to propose to her. She declined because she already has a fiancée who was studying aboard overseas. Heartbroken, he went to a bar every night after work and drank, usually coming home late. He doesn’t’ talk to anyone about it, not even his family or me. When I found out about it, I started to try and cheer him up. However, it took him a long time to recover from that moment. So, I swear to myself, I will never want to see him hurt like this again.
Pan: You sounded as if you’re his brother.
Tai: *smiles* That’s what my relatives says anyways. When I first met Saike, he was bullied a lot by other kids because he was very intelligent. I always protected him from the bullies as if he were my little brother.
Pan: Do you have a little brother?
Tai: I used to, but not anymore.
Pan: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to –
Tai: It’s alright; I get it all the time.
(There was a silence until Pan decided to speak again.)
Pan: So, Tai, does he have another girlfriend other than her?
Tai: Not that I know of.
(Pan looks at her watch.)
Pan: I have to go.
(She turns around but loses her footing. Tai quickly runs up and held onto her. They both look at each other, their hearts beats slowly.)
Tai: Are you alright?
Pan: Y-yeah, I’m fine. (She stood up and straightens herself up.) Thank you.
Tai: Maybe, I should walk with you to the car.
Pan: I really appreciate it but I think –
(Tai hold onto her hand.)
Tai: No, I insist.
Pan: But I –
Tai: Think of this as an apology for my actions earlier.
(Pan doesn’t know what to say but smiles and walks to her car with Tai following by her side.)


(Tam looks up to see Pan entering the apartment.)
Tam: How’s work?
Pan: The usual.
Tam: I see.
(Pan looks to one side as she set her things down, then turns to Tam.)
Pan: Say Tam, do you think we could not bother Saike?
Tam: What do you mean?
Pan: I mean, let’s face it, he’s too easy and I wanted someone challenging.
Tam: Don’t tell me you can’t do it?
Pan: That’s not what I mean.
Tam: Then why are you saying this?
Pan: Because, he was –
(But she stopped herself before she could say anything more.)
Tam: Hm? Because, he was?
Pan: Never mind, forget it.
(Pan went into her room.)
Tam: What is wrong with her? (She then turns her attention to her scar.) I wanted you, to feel pain as much as possible.

that's all for chapter 10
i'll try to update soon if i have the time
thanks for reading this and supporting me ;)