Our Text Goodbye


Staff member
Sorry, here I am again writing a new fanfic when I haven't completed the others.. I'm very sorry.. But please do enjoy this new fanfic i'm going to write.. I shall try to finish my other fics soon.. My inspiration for this fanfic.. KOIZORA T_T....

Our Text Goodbye


*** 3 Years Ago ***


I'll be waiting at our favorite spot tomorrow morning. If you don't come, I'll finally give up on you...

The next day.

I stared across the river as I waited for you to arrive. Hours passed but there still was no sign of you. I sat upon the tall green grass as I gazed at my left hand. Our ring, it wasn't a fancy diamond ring or made out of gold but if I was to compare it with them, ours would be more meaningful. You were my first love, and you will be my last love. That's what I've decided. Secrets are bound to unfold as memories will be set loose. If I knew how painful love will be, I would've never given love a chance. As I reflect upon our love story, I never regretted meeting you. I believed that fate brought us together. That's what I want to believe.

I gazed upon the sun as it slowly set. I lied on the grass and cried silently. You were like a river. You were always able to cheer me on and wash away my problems. I shall join your river if we're not fated. I took off my socks and shoes as I slowly stepped in the water. The cold water chilled my warm body. Soon the water was above my waist already. I stared at the red dusk once more as I closed my eyes. I was ready to leave. I whispered these three words for the last time as I dunked my head underwater. I love you.



Staff member

"Man.. I can't even get a girl. How lame is that." Kane sat on the grass as he scratched his head. He thought to himself. "I am a useless fool." The soft warm breeze swirled around him. "Ouch.." he whispered as he rubbed his eyes. "What a bad day today." He soon got up and was about to leave but as he was about to leave he suddenly stumble upon a pair of shoes. "What kind of idiot leaves their shoes out here?!" He turned around trying to look for the shoes owner. "That's odd.." He walked closer to the river. He spotted some footprints. "Don't tell me..." He hurriedly ran in the water as far as he can go. "ANYONE HERE?!" He continued swimming and screaming. "ANYBODY HERE?!" Kane soon got pissed off and decided to go back on shore but something caught his attention, a red bow tie. He continued scanning the surrounding areas as he got the bow tie. He continued to swim farther and farther until he saw a body floating. "You got to be kidding me right?" He grabbed the body and went back on shore.

"HEY!! YOU!! GIRL!!" he shouted as he shook her shoulders. "CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" He suddenly stopped and stared at her. "Oh what to do? I'm not good with situation like this. What did I learn at school?" He pulled his hair out of frustration. "Ahh.. Bingo.. Check her heartbeat." He grabbed her wrist. "I can't feel her pulse." He looked at her chest. He swallowed a gulp as he closed his eyes shut. He leaned on her chest. After a few seconds he began to hear the feint beat.

Kane got up and slowly unbutton the girl's uniform sweater. He then took three deep breath as he begins to do cpr (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). Counting slowly he did mouth to mouth giving her oxygen. He stopped and leaned to hear her heartbeat once more. "It sounds better but.. Why isn't she conscious yet? He stared at her face. The paleness color on her face was slowly turning to a peach color.

Kane shook her shoulders once more. "HEY GIRL!!! HEY!! WAKE UP!!! HEY....?" She suddenly threw up the water as she gasped for air. Seeing that she was in desperate need of air, Kane took in deep breath as he transferred it over to her. The girl soon calmed down as she lied silently on his lap. He stared at her with disgust. "What a stupid girl." He thought to himself as he gently pull his leg away.

"Aishiteru (I love you in Japanese).." she whispered softly as she gently open her eyes.

"Aishiteru??" Kane was very confused. "What does that mean?" He scratched his head once more. "Ahh.. I LOVE YOU!!!" He looked at the girl as she opened her eyes. "BAKA (IDIOT)!!!" He quickly got up.

"Where am I?" she asked. "Who are you?"

Kane slightly cough. "My name is Watanabe Kane." He looked at the river. "I saved you."

"My name is Sato Izumi." She sat up. "Why did you save me?" Kane stood still confused. "I didn't want to be saved. I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU!!" She quickly got up and ran back into the river.

Kane chased after her. He tightly gripped her arm. "BAKA! My day is already bad enough!"

"Stop trying to be a hero. I didn't need one to begin with. LET GO!" she screamed.

"BAKA!!!" Someone shouted from the hill. Kane and Izumi turned to look. "Why do you think I left you?" The guy took out a cigarette. "I never liked you to begin with." He lighted the cigarette. "Stupid girl." he laughed as he blew out smoke.

Izumi stood silently. "But.. I love you." Tears streamed down her face.

"BAKA!! I don't want to carry any burden with me, besides I caught you having an affair just awhile ago. And I thought our relationship was fast. He already reached first and second-base."

"What are you talking about?" Izumi glared at Kane.

"Don't worry, nothing happened." said Kane as he looked at the reflection in the water.

"I don't want a dirty woman!" He turned his back on them.

"Wait!! Tenjo!! Wait!!" she yelled as she runs toward him. Kane silently followed.

"STOP IZUMI! STOP!" Everyone paused. "This is goodbye." Tenjo dropped the cigarette onto the ground as he killed it with his shoes. He silently walked away as tears gently poured down his face.

"WAIT TENJO!! WAIT!!" Izumi cried with her whole heart. It seemed as if everything meaningful in her life was burned to ashes, being blown away with the wind. "I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU!!" she screamed at Kane.

"What can I do? It wasn't like I planned this. I don't even know who you are." Kane pulled her in. "Look at yourself! You're now full of anger and sadness instead of love." He let her go as he let out a smile. "If this is what it feels to be in love, then I wish to never fall in love."

Izumi slapped him hard on the face. "Don't you even dare talk to me when you don't even know what love is itself. Me a fool? You're a fool. You would never understand the meaning of love. YOU BAKA!!" She grabbed her shoes and walked away.

Kane lied on the tall green grass as he stared at the dark sky. "It looks as if the sky is about to burst." He sighed deeply as he closed his eyes.

......TO BE CONTINUED......
