Our Story...Vic Zhou/Angela Zhang


sarNie Egg
Chapter 10:

Vic was so annoyed by Lyn because every time he thought he had forgotten her, she would appear out of nowhere and ruin his mood. And every time she appeared, it would bring back the day when his heart was stabbed a million times. He was also scared that if he had stay any longer then the love he still have for her would push him to embrace her in his arms again. That was what he feared the most. He thought so much that he didn't notice he was still holding onto Angela's hand. It feel as if she was the thread holding him from taking Lyn back.

Throughout that short distance walk to the apartment, Angela didn't say anything or push his hand off of hers. It felt wrong as if he was using her to get at Lyn for what she's done, but yet she couldn't find the strength to interrupt or do anything to destroy his moment. His hand held tightly onto hers as if it was a signal that he needed someone badly at his side. She of course didn't want to be in the middle of whatever it was that happened between them.

When they finally got to their destination, the tension on her hand broke away. Angela looked up to see Vic staring at her. His eyes were sad, tired, and lost.

I'm sorry... I didn't mean to put you in the middle. I shouldn't have done that at all. Did I hurt your hand from holding it too harsh?" Vic finally spoke up in a sincere tone of voice.

As if all the questions and confusion she had was answered, she smiled. "It's okay, I don't feel caught in between at all. Don't worry about me, start worrying about yourself. You look as if you've just got done running a marathon. Get some rest and feel better. If you need to talk about anything, I'm always available." Angela tried to ease up the atmosphere.

"I wish I'm the type who knew how to explain everything. But the situation is kind of hard for me right now to think about, so yeah. I'll take that advice for now. Thanks a lot!" Vic manage to show a slight grin, with his eyes staring down.

"Will hopefully you feel better tomorrow." Angela said and left.


That night before going to sleep, she took out the ring she had found on the beach.

"I wonder who's ring this is? Is the rightful owner still looking for it? Mom? Dad? Did you guys send me this lucky ring from above on purpose?" Angela sneered turning her body to face the ceiling. "More like an un-so-lucky ring. It's been giving me bad luck ever since I found it." She talked to herself while laying in bed.

All these wonder and thoughts came upon Vic. Angela blinked a little and shook her head after realizing that it was ridiculous for her to even have questions about what status Lyn was for Vic.

Will Come Back & Finish This Chapter!!!!


sarNie Juvenile
.more please.
.i can't wait for what will happen next.
.vic is realii kute.
.&&i love the storyline.
.it's so kute&&sad&&fun.