Ocean Mist : Kob l Tik


sarNie Adult
Chapter 17

***In the middle of the little dirt road way with two fence barrier the sides. They walk toward the house***

Mrs. Pholdee: “Ah. Tik, this makes me wonder, when you plan on marrying.”

Tik: “There is no need to rush.”

Mrs. Pholdee: “I want to see a grandchild.”

They continue to walk on forward not knowing Kob had stop to look at the horses that were on the other side of the wooden fence. Kob step on one of the log and lean against it as a white horse came her way. She rubbed the forehead of the horse

Kob: “I envy you because you can run free without any worries.” The horse neigh after her sentence as though not agreeing with her. “You wished you were me eh. Cause you want to talk…” She laughs. “I guess everyone envy each other in a way.” Tik stops and turns back, he stares at Kob who had smile, one expression he hasn’t seen for awhile. He excused himself from his mother’s side and went to fetch Kob.

Tik: “You have second thoughts about the wedding?”

Kob: “No…” She gets off the log but stumbles back. Tik open his arms to get her, but she got to her feet. “Did I scare you?” She teased. “You’re mother is waiting…” She waited tell he gets to her side before she started walking the same pace as he up the road.

***In the house. Mrs. Pholdee and Kob were inside the kitchen peeling lychee fruits that they just picked. Tik was outside staring at the pink dotted sandal and bike.***

Mrs. Pholdee hears the car engine come into a halt near the house so she asked Kob to take some of the peeled lychee out to the table out in the yard.

Tun finally arrives walking in with boxes. The wedding clothing were done. There was more boxes brought in by the driver. Mrs. Pholdee looks out and saw that her husband has also arrived. Tun asked where Kob was because he wanted her to try on the dress.

Outside the yard, Kob could see Tik standing near the side of the pool. He comes toward her when she put the tray of lychee onto the table. He takes one and was about to eat it but Kob’s stops him.

Kob: “You’ll choke.” She takes the fruit out of his hand and plucks the nut out. “Your mom must have forgotten to check this one.” She raised the fruit to his mouth. “You’re not going to eat?” He takes hold of her hand and moved it toward his mouth so he could eat the fruit. When he swallow, Kob shyly moved her hand away. “You’re really going to let this wedding happen?”

Tik: “I have nothing to oppose it.”

Kob: “Really? Nothing at all?”

Tik: “Everyone agrees with it.”

Kob: “You aren’t going to fight?”

Tun: “There you are, I’ve been trying to look for you all over.” He slid his hand under her arm. “Go try on your gown.” The words were difficult for Tik to hear.

***Wedding day.***

Tik: “Him again.” He was upstairs looking down at the guest.

Maid: “Yesterday he picked Kob up and today he sent her here, Arnas Rapanich.” Tik turns back to walk into the empty hallway.

Kob sat in a chair looking at herself as the hairdresser were combing her hair and getting the strands ready to curl. One of the hairdresser fix her bangs aside and curled it out. Within seconds they were done. Kob went behind a dressing board and carefully put on her dress.

Very elegant khaki evening gown. The cloth was tightened to the thigh then having three loose layer of light fabric swirled down. Since the dress was strapless she put her arm around her chest to hold the dress and had to reach one arm around to zip the back.

She calls for one of the hairdresser to help her with the dress. She can feel a hand on the zipper.

Kob: “Careful not to zip my skin.” Her hair is swept to the side, revealing her bare back. The zip is gently pulled up.

Hairdresser: “I forgot my hair pin bag. If you need anything, we’re in the other room fixing the hair of the little brides maid”

Kob: “Your partner went with you?”

Hairdresser: “She already left to the other room.” Kob opens her mouth to scream but was quickly covered.

Tik: “Shhh…” He tugs her on and whispered into her ear. As soon as the door he release his hand that was over her mouth.

Kob: “This is my changing room.”

Tik: “Then ask me to leave.”

Kob: “Leave.”

Tik: “Now, say it like you mean it.”

Kob: “You shouldn’t be in here.” She shrugs her shoulders.

Tik: “Doing that will make your dress fall, I haven’t zip it all the way up.” She could fell it lowering.

Kob: “Then zip it quick and get out.”

Tik: “Who’s guest is he?” He refers to Arnus.

Kob: “He’s a mutual friend of Tun.”

Tik: “What is he to you?”

Kob: “I’ll tell you later.”

Tik: “Why not now?”

Kob: “I don’t want any trouble happening in Tun’s wedding.”

Tik: “There you go again only acknowledging this as Tun’s wedding and not yours.”

Kob: “Help me zip and leave.”

Tik: “Now you sound like you mean it.” He approaches her.

Kob: “What do you think you’re doing?” He put his arms around her.

Tik: “Stop moving so I can zip it.” He angled his head so he can smell the rosy scent of little flowers that were clip to her hair. Kob can feel his warm breath brushing against her air. While his arms wrapped he scoots her closer as though he couldn’t reach the zip around her.

Kob can hear loud noises of shuffling in the hallway, she knows the wedding was about to start. Tik gently let Kob go. Before she walks out of the dressing board, Tik yanks her back.

Tik: “Don’t forget your shoes.” He looks down at her bare foot.

On the floor there was a secure box which wasn’t there before. Tik brought the shoes to her. He kneel a bit while lifting Kob’s feet off the floor. She can see the exquisite Diamond shoe. The straps were adorned with diamonds.

Tik: “Don’t want you stepping on stones and thorns.”

Kob: “You’ve seen my works? It’s the only way you knew there was a painting of a person walking in a path of stones and thorns.”

Tik: “Yesterday I was looking for your recent work, but stumble upon your old works. They’re dark and gloomy. Even the light of the moon was cover by clouds.”

Kob: “No. The moon wasn’t covered. The beam it created, wasn’t strong enough, not enough to light the way through the pathway, so she blindly walked into the stones and thorns. She only knew then, when the sharpness prick through her skin.” She squints her eyes as though she was in the trance, feeling the stings. Tik began to fix the last heel on. “More pain more suffering. It’s hard to continue onward, she stops in the middle of the road. It’s torturous for her to go on but because she would never admit defeat. She continue walking.” Tik straps the last ribbon around her ankle.

Tik: “Does she feel anymore pain?” Kob stomps and could feel the heel crackle on the floor, there was something to support her from stepping on the harsh floor.

Kob: “Eh. The pain is suddenly gone.” She stares at Tik who was below her. “Giving me shoes…encourages me to run away from you.”

Tik: “Do you realize what you are doing?” He thinks quietly to himself.

Kob: “I don’t believe I’ve heard of this story before. The story of a prince give a glass slipper to Cinderella so she can marry another man.” She swiftly walks past him.

In Tun’s room he was fixing his tie when Tik walked in.***

Tik: “You are going to take care of her aren’t you?”

Tun: “You gave her to me, so what I do, you shouldn’t be concerned over it anymore.”

Tik: “Do you think she suit best with you?”

Tun: “Then who? I asked who deserved her more. You?” He walks up to him. “Who cares if I get marry to Kob without having feelings for her.”

Tik: “I care.”

Tun: “I being a medical person shouldn’t believe these things because there is no evidence to support such happenings.” He slid his coat over his blouse. But when Kob was in coma, I sought help from a buddha. What he told me was that she was trap and doesn’t realize it. I was to put a bless necklace next to her beside and he’ll go into a spiritual dimension to get her back. I put it in her room at night and the next morning she awoken. I don’t know what she experience while her spirit traveling through the world of the living and dead. But if I was to imagine it, it would be like the story I read in town, the story written by you, Tik. I decide to believe, after seeing the fallen pigment of the painting, Ocean Mist.” He approached Tik. “Even if Kob knew you in the past. Today a wedding will happen whether you want it or not.” He scratches his head. “Arnus Rapanich, he’s a mutual friend a mine, as well as a girl-friend fiancee.”

***In the Pholdee’s bedroom***

Mrs. Pholdee: “I know you’re not fond of Kob. Put up your good face today.”

Mr. Pholdee: “Giving happiness to my family was suppose to be my job, but this girl comes in…brighten everyone. Watching her fall during the cruise ship, had only made me realized, how much weight she is putting on her shoulder because of a weak men who selfishly decided to put himself off duty.” He holds his wife hand. “She made a villain for me to see when she really isn’t one.” He swallows his pill and took a gulp of water.

Mrs. Pholdee: “Dear…so Kob convince you to get better by getting well to keep her away from our son. That girl is mysterious in a way, I can help but bond with her. I can’t seem to explain but when I look into her eyes…”

Mister and Miss Pholdee: “Though she doesn’t say it, she’s craving for affection.” Tik closed the gap of the door to his parents room. He couldn’t break the news that he didn’t agree with Tun’s marriage. He couldn’t forget what his parents just said about Kob, they analyzed her better than him.

While peeking outside. Arisa and her mother arrive. To Kob’s surprised it wasn’t Tik who invited them, it was Tun. Tik walks outside and was terrorized by Arisa who tug on his arm like a chew toy. He looks up at the window and Kob quickly hides, although he already saw the curtain fling.

***At a green area. Near the creek. The wedding set: chairs and altered, were put into place. The Pholdee’s relatives and the singer relatives were sitting in place*** Tik can hear the piano beginning to play. There was no one walking down the aisle. He felt a bit dozy, so he closes his eyes.

In a yellow field Kob had wondered off toward a willow tree, it caught her attention because it was the only tree and green color thing on open field. She tips her head and watch carefully at hard husks that hand down from the branches. Soon they start crumbling and Kob realized they were cacoons. The exotic yellow butterflies surrounded the tree, when they open their wings there were so much of them that they made the tree cover in yellow. A strong breeze within through Kob which made her dress wave and her hair blown aside. She closes her eyes and smiles when she remember the times she spent with Tik, all of it was coming clear into her mind. They both had a huge smile on their face as the breeze blew on them and the sweet and giddy memories blast through them. Kob slowly opens her eyes, the blissful images made her contented to have the whole truth reveal to her.

When a pop noise was heard the butterflies swirls around and into the distance. Kob was so memorized by the image that she forgets she wasn’t only a groom’s maid but she carried the rings. She rushed through the fields, so elegant like a tigress running in the wild.

Tik opens his eyes and was stun to see Tun and other men who he had seen on the cruise ship together. Arisa her mother jaws also dropped a bit, not knowing what was going on. They were saying their vows to each other not even noticing Kob’s disappearance.

Tik: “Why did he made me reveal I had feelings for her? He’s hinting me what will happen in the future if I don’t fight for her?” He looks to the side where Arnus was sitting, Kob was no where to be seen, be began to be agitated. Since he was sitting at the edge it was easy to excuse himself. As he gets up he feel someone pounds into him. Kob holds onto him so she wouldn’t fall backward.

Kob: “Thank you.” She lifts her dress so she can rush to the altered. Tik looks at his hands and shirt, it was cover in almost glittery dust. A sign that she had been at the area of the butterfly grassland near their house. Kob takes the rings out of her little pouch and gives each of the ring bands to the men.


sarNie Adult
Chapter 18

***Afternoon party*** The kids were running around while the elders snack and sat down to talk.

Kob sat at a rock and threw leaves into the creak, she watches the leaf flow down the river, no point of return. Arisa came to bother her.

Arisa: “I knew it. No one wants to marry a person like you. A person like you even turn a man gay.”

Kob: “Haha…” She laughs hard. “What a funny joke. Never knew you had it in you.”

Arisa: “If I get marry” she changes the topic. “My wedding would be bigger than this.” She was criticizing how the wedding was outdoors and had insect. She swayed her hand around.

Kob: “Assuming? Or there will be one?”

Arisa: “I’m not assuming.”

Kob: “Why did you say ‘if’ you should had said ‘when’ this means you’re doubting yourself.”

Arisa: “Don’t be so cocky just because you caught my wrong usage of words.”

Kob: “I want to know did Tik propose to you yet?”

Arisa: “….” Even if she said yes, she didn’t have a ring to prove it.

Kob: “First comes the kisses then comes the pregnancy. You’re mother wouldn’t like that. You still have to learn your mother’s con-artist skill.”

Arisa: “How dare you?”

Kob: “I’m just looking out for my step. One last thing I do in my father’s respect.”

Arisa: “You’re being sarcastic. Mocking me. You think I need someone to look after me.”

Kob: “Of course you do, that why your mother is always tailing you around. Is so she can clean up your mess.” Arisa raises her hand at her. “What’s wrong? I’m just speaking the truth.” She swung at Kob but she ducks, causing Arisa to fumble onto the ground. The green grass stain part of her dress. She gets up again and this time more angry. “Don’t slap me. You’re going to wound the same area, which the kettle burnt. Aren’t you afraid of touching that raw and melted skin.”

Arisa shudder is disgust as though seeing the images of when the heat of the kettle did damage to Kob’s right cheek. She stomps away. Kob hears a croak nearby and felt something slimy when she fidget her toes. She screams, jumping into the air, to be caught by Tik.

Kob: “Fr….og…” She was in a nervous wrecked as she continue to hide her face into Tik’s chest, not knowing how’s arms she had jumped into. A boy came by and picked up the frog, holding it up toward them.

Boy: “Cool.” He pets it. Kob looks over to the boy below her.

Kob: “Ahh…Don’t bring it so close, put it back into the water…” she orders the boy. She clutched onto Tik as she squints her eyes at the frog. It looked like it was going to leap at her.

Tik: “A frog can’t bite it doesn’t have teeth.”

Kob: “But it has a long tongue.” She looks at the person carrying her. “Tik?”

Tik: “You were expecting someone else?”

Boy: “It’s harmless, lady.” He had his hands gently wrapped around the frog and raised it toward her.

Kob: “Keep it away…” She was beginning to shriek.

Tik: “Ah…ah…” He moans when Kob clutched tighter onto him, her fingernails were drilling into his skin. The boy’s parents call him and he puts the frog back into the stream before leaving. “It’s gone.” Kob looks over and gives out a sigh of relief.

Kob: “How long do you think you can carry me?”

Tik: “I would expect you to ask me to let you down.”

Kob: “Ha.” She chuckles. “I know. Until you see Arisa then you’ll let me off the hook. Why is it that way?”

Tik: “What are you implying?” Tik quickly puts her down when Arisa barge over demanding to know what happen. “You’re creating a scene, darling.”

Kob: “See what I told you?” She told Tik. “I came on to him, so don’t scold him.” Kob walks over to Arnus who had just came out from the house.

***Later in the afternoon. Kob and Arnus sat in the bench outside***

Arnus used a toothpick to stab a piece of fruit and offer it to Kob. She declines the offer. She watches the two grooms relatives interact with each other. She looks back at the area she was standing with Arisa and suddenly she saw another scenery. Everyone was gone, she was standing near the creek alone talking to Arisa. Arisa fumbles onto the ground and her mother comes to help her up. “You’re not running away this time.” Both mother and daughter’s voice echo. Kob backs up and could felt her arms being held by someone with strength. “Yeah. Take your last breath.” Tik chuckles loudly and evilly with the other and daughter. She could hear her voice repeating in agony “No…no…” Kob quickly shake her head to get the scene out of her head. She looks into the distance and see Tik and Arisa standing together, they seem to love each other’s company. Kob leans back on her chair and looks into the sky above. “Even when I told him my side of the story. He still stuck by their side. The only person who I wanted to believe me didn’t.” She remembers her father rejecting her explanation, exactly like Tik. “Déjà vu all over again. Things repeat themselves. When will this nightmare be over.” The laughter of children who were playing tag with each other distracts her, they were so pure and innocent, lighting up the whole area.

***Kob and Arnus went to snacked table, Kob poured herself some punch where she bumps into Tik and Arisa***

Tik: “Are you going to introduced us.”

Kob: “Sure. Arnus, I give you the honor.”

Arnus: “I’m Kob’s fiancée.”

Arisa: “Really? But Kob just gotten over Tun. Are you that desperate?”

Kob: “We were betroth to each other when we were children.”

Arisa: “What about Tun? Why did you decide to date him?”

Kob: “So many questions.” Kob gulped her punch. “Ah. Groom and Groom.” Tun and the singer approach them.

Tun: “My ear is burning, someone’s talking about me.”

Kob: “Since you’re here, you have some explaining to do.” Tun gives them an easy explanation. About pretending to date Kob so it will minimum his family’s suspicion about his sexuality.

Tik: “Everyone knows except us?”

Tun: “You know now. Isn’t it a sense of relief, Tik?”

Kob: “Good. Now everyone is on the same page.”

Arisa: “Everyone is not on the same page. You’re engage to Arnus, why do you still bother with Tik.”

Kob: “I was always the first to take the initiative. Maybe because I have more guts than the other person.” She pats Tik’s cheek as in mocking him. He clutches it before she could move away, then uses his other hand and place his palm over Kob’s neck, pulling her over. He remembers the times, Kob’s spirit made the first move on him. Tik kept on a stern face as he close in on her. Everyone was still, waiting to see the outcome. Kob takes her eyes off Tik as she took a long gulp, tense. Tik’s hand caress her hair then took out a thin leaf that was stuck in her hair.

***Arnus cellphone rings. Interrupting the silence***

Arnus is called in for an important meeting. Tun insists to leave Kob and he’ll order his driver to send Kob home. Arnus looks over to a man in the far distance and nod to his undercover partner who was keeping an eye on the mother and daughter.

***As the evening progresses***

The mood changes as the children’s laughter dispersed. The kids were inside the house while the teens and elder were outside enjoying some wine.

Kob had gone to the lake area to get quiet time. She sat in the white row boat for a long while. She rested her arm on the railing and rested her head on her arm. She skim her other hand through the surface of the water and watches it ripples.

***When the rowboat rocks she looks behind her and opposite of her, Tik was seated in. He grabs the paddle and starts rowing the boat.

Kob: “What do you think you’re doing?” She tries to grab onto the paddle. It was only when they reach the middle of the lake that he stuck out the paddle at her, when she reached for it, he threw it into the water. She could see it floating in the far distance. “Now how are we going to get back?”

Tik: “Swim.”

Kob: “You should stop doing this.”

Tik: “Doing what?”

Kob: “Sneaking to meet me. It’s obvious you don’t want anyone to know this.”

Tik: “Having an affair adds the suspense to my life.”

Kob: “Do you know you put yourself out like a maniac.”

Tik: “Perhaps, I am one. Are you afraid?”

Kob: “No.” The fireflies began to come out as night fall and the water began to ripple to the blows of the wind. “It seemed you’re denial that a women doesn’t remember you or the love she once had for you.”

Tik: “I’m over it.” He thinks what she said was something Tun told her.

Kob: “So…what gives you the right to continue and harass me?” The sentence makes him silent.

Tik: “You don’t believe in fairy tales.”

Kob: “Fairytales are for children, no one really believes that stuff because it never happens.”

Tik: “People think you’ll have to see it to believe it, but it’s believing that’s leads to seeing.”

Kob: “I don’t want to waste time, what are you here for?”

Tik: “You said your going to tell me who the men was.”

Kob: “You already know.”

Tik: “I didn’t listen to his introduction because I was opening my ear only to you.”

Kob: “You haven’t answer me…What gives you the right to constantly badger me?”

Tik: “It’s the only way I can get close to you.” The fireflies began to surround the lake. Their lights flick and reflect in the surface of the water.

Kob: “I don’t want to be part of your affair.” She swayed her hand into the water trying to paddle with her hand.

Tik: “I never said you were part of my affair. You’re the victim here.” Indicating he was cheating on her with Arisa. “When you bump to me earlier at the altar, the sparkle in your eyes, what did it really mean?” He thinks to himself then gets interrupted by Kob’s laugh.

Kob: “Haha.” She laughs hysterically. Kob continued to laugh until she covered her mouth and took a few slow breaths. “I feel sick.” He just realizes there was a bottle of champagne on the floor of the boat.

Tik: “I have been talking to a half conscious person.” Kob cross her arms, rocks back and forth. She bumps her forehead into his when he came near. “Ouch!” Kob rubs her forhead.

Kob: “Oh no…it’s still there…Go away. Away.” She urges as she gets up and covered her ears. The boat was rocking violently as Tik tries to get her to sit. “Don’t touch me!” She shoves him and he flips into the water. Once the water splash into her face she sits down and waves over to him. “Since you’re in there push the row boat toward shore will you?” She leaned over the boat.

Tik: “You’re not drunk at all.”

Kob: “Yes. So?” The champagne bottle wasn’t even open. When she raise it for him to see. Tik puts his hand on the railing of the boat and start shaking it. “Stop.” She yells as some water was spilling into the boat. “Tik. The boat is sinking.” She saw water pumping in through a little whole. Pull me back to shore, right now.”

Tik: “Why should I?”

Kob: “Hurry.” She lift her feet and put it on seat she was at. Tik swims to the paddle which was a feet from him. He throws it into the boat.

Tik: “Row yourself out of there.” He swims to shore first.

Kob: “I’ll get you when I get there. When she put her feet down the water was up to her ankle. It was hard for her row the boat, standing up with the short paddle. Her back ached because she was leaning down to row. When she reach shore the boat was half way sunk. The water soaked the feet to the knee length of her dress. As she got out of the boat she squeeze the water out of the dress because it was so heavy for her to walk in. She finds Tik lying near by. “Don’t pretend to be asleep. Ouch.” She shakes her head when a memory zaps her brain.

***Flash back***
It seem she had been swimming for a long time when she saw his body floating down. She had taken him to shore, the moment she took a breath into the air, she felt as though a new life was created*** Ends***

Kob: “Are you ashamed of me, that’s why you don’t want others of knowing about me, and only write me out as unknown character in your story.” She lets out how she really felt when she first found out he was writing about her. “I can drown myself in the tears you force me to shed.” She mutters quietly. “I despise you so much…during that moment.” She kneels beside him. “Why don’t you think that the memory was a dream, now it’s over, you woken up. What happened in the fairy tale land are all lies, lies, lies.” She said as though it was something easy to do. “There is no angel, no prince, no happy ending.” It was almost as though she was telling herself as well. Tik pulls her down toward him, their eyes met.

In the far distance, the piano began to play. In the distance they both can hear the piano continue to make it’s way to the high notes. “Tong Hua (Fairytale)” was played.


***The lyrics***

I forgotten how long it has been
Since I’ve last heard from you
Telling me your favorite story
I’ve thought for a long time
I’m starting to get worried.
Have I done something wrong again?

You cried to me.
Fairy tales are only a lies
There is no way I’m your prince
Perhaps you don’t understand
Since you said you loved me,
My skies, the star started to twinkle.

I'm willing to change into,
The angel you love in those fairytales.
I’ll open my arms wide,
And turn them into wings to protect you
You must believe
Believe that we'll be like the fairytale
With “happily ever after” as the ending.

You cried to me.
Fairy tales are only a lies
There is no way I’m your prince
Perhaps you don’t understand
Since you said you loved me,
My skies, the star started to twinkle.

I'm willing to change into,
The angel you love in those fairytales.
I’ll open my arms wide,
And turn them into wings to protect you
You must believe
Believe that we'll be like the fairytale
With “happily ever after” as the ending.

I'm willing to change into,
The angel you love in those fairytales.
I’ll open my arms wide,
And turn them into wings to protect you
You must believe
Believe that we'll be like the fairytale
With “happily ever after” as the ending.

Together, we’ll write our own ending.


Tik: “You finally remember.” He now understood the sparkles in her eyes. They were hidden tears. A droplet slid down her cheek. Tik cups her face with one hand and rub his thumb across her cheek, wiping away the tear. He arched forward and was about to give her a kiss.

Kob: “Even if I remember, it won’t change a thing, we both had moved on.” She gets out of his hold. “I’ve seen you and Arisa on many occasion, it seem you two really entrust each other, even after what I had reveal to you. It makes me realized, you won’t give me back my ownership paper, and there is no use fighting for it back. So...I'm made my decision.” She gets up. “I will leave abroad with Arnus when he gets promoted. Goodbye.” She lifts her dress and runs off. Tik took a moment to think of what he should do next. His heart trembled.


sarNie Adult
oh i hope kob remembers that even though she was in a coma..and that her steps pay for everything...poor tik..having to be arisa and see kob with other guys like arnus...at least tun and the singer are getting married :D lol mrs. pholdee is funny...fainted because of boredom...
When I first started writing this story, Tun was suppose to be Tik's rival, to make Tik jealous, but then I didn't want brothers to get involve so I found a way around it by making Kob and Tun's relationship mutual and not intimate or passionately in love. I don't want people to feel sorry for Tun. :p I'm gald I surprise you guys with Tun's sexual orientation.

oh my... tik still didn't know that his brother is a gay.. hahaha.. it's so funny...
You can say most of the characters are selfish and have their own goals, they do things for their own gains so they overlook clues and hints. :lol:


sarNie Adult
Chapter 19

Tik: “Those police, no wonder Kob didn’t believe in them, they won’t take action until something is too late.” He gets up and chase after her.

As Kob runs through the dark road, the lights from the sides began to turn on, reacting to movement. She stops when the heel of her shoe got stuck in the crack. Hearing Tik running after her, she takes off the strap of the shoe and slid it off. Tik slow down where she left the shoe, he picks it up and went after her. When Kob rush around a corner Tik jumps infront, she couldn’t halt so she crash into his arms.

Kob: “Release me.” She struggled.

Tik: “No. Not until you listen to me.” He pulls out but holds her arms tightly.

Kob: “There is nothing more for you to say.”

Tik: “You’ve seen with your own eyes, but you don’t know the depts of my actions. I’m on a quest that can’t be reveal until certainty.”

Kob: “Quest? Is that one of your excuse.” She gave a sarcastic chuckle. “When I didn’t remember, I wonder why I stop half way and couldn’t read your story. It was because I already know the outcome of the story. Your quest…you’re writing the sequel to your story, that’s the only reason why you and Arisa are willing to let me live, to make a fool out of myself. I know you want me dead, I know I’m nothing to you, I know you hate me.” She yanks out and walks around him. He hugs her from behind.

Tik: “Didn’t I tell you not to say such things infront of me.”

Kob: “You want me dead, I’m nothing to you, You hate me.” He snuggles against her.

Tik: “I am…everything opposite of what you accuse me.” Kob slid his hand off her waist. Silently and slowly she walks away.

On the way inside the house she takes off the one shoe she had on. Tik trail behind her as they reach the middle of the living room. Where a crowd of grown ups gathered.

Tik: “Kob!” He says loudly. “You forgot your shoe.” He reached out and dangle it forward. The crowd grew silent and awkwardly at the two. Tun the singer and their parents were on the second floor looking down from the railing. Arisa runs to Tik’s side and tugged on his arm. “Retrieve it and get it over with.” Kob approaches him and reached out for it with her free hand. Now her left hand held the left shoe, the right hand held the right shoe. “Bad move Kob. Now you’re defenseless.” He slid his hand out of Arisa’s hold and immediately pulled her in for a kiss. He lift her face up that she had to tip toe to reach his lips. Kob couldn’t move, her hands were out holding the shoe. When she remembers all the times he had cared for her, she sanks into his kiss and relaxed. She was filled with mix emotions. He lifts his lips off hers.

Tik: “I’m was never ashamed of you.”

Arisa: “You whore!” She swung at Kob but Tik held onto her hand.

Tik: “Definition of whore: A person who is unscrupulous, especially one who compromises their principles for gain. Kob had lost everything she had, you on the other hand got everything you want.”

Arisa: “Why are you saying this to me? I’m pregnant.”

Tik: “Congratulation…to Harris? Ittipol? Susakorn? Thomas?” He continued one with numerous names that Arisa is familiar with. All men who she had played with.

Arisa: “It’s your child.” She delicately put her hand on her stomach. A man came out from the crowd who looked very anxious. “Vee Veeraparb.”

Vee: “How can you claim my child to be his?” Arisa’s mom begin to think, they had already gone to the doctor to get rid of the child so Tik wouldn’t be suspicious of her tummy. And numerous times, she tried to tell Arisa to sleep with Tik, her daughter always end up falling asleep first, so she wouldn’t had known if they slept together or not. That’s because Tik always use sleeping drug on Arisa.

Tik: “My job is done.” He grabs Kob’s hand and leads her outside to his car. As the car leaves, Kob can see a bunch of police car lights flash pass them. “Are you scare?”

Kob: “What’s going on? Why am I the one clueless right now?” Tik gets a call and answers it putting it on speaker, Kob can recognize Arnus voice.

Arnus: “What kind of stunt are you pulling?

Tik: “I’m creating a chain reaction. You’re partner is now in a room with your price possessions, follow her and you’ll soon find out who he is.”

Arnus: “Who are you?”

Tik: “TJP.” He shuts the phone off. “A writer never gives out his real name.

Kob: ““What is it you want from me? Torturing me like this, I don’t know what to think.” She complains under her breath. He didn’t answer her throughout the ride. Until they stop at her beach house.

Tik: “You can’t get marry to him? Time again and again I considered moving. But I didn’t, because of this tiny hope…if I stayed, eventually you would come back here, straight back here, to me. Concerning Arisa, I have my reason to be with her. But it’s not what you think. As long as you believe me, Kob, nothing else matters.”

Kob: “I have been hurt enough. I don’t want to be yanked around by you anymore.” She looks away. “Stop it already.” She says as though pleading him.

Tik: “I won’t stop!” His voice rougher and determined.

Kob: “You think doing this will make me happy?”

Tik: “Even if staking my life. You’re more important.”

Kob: “Stop getting cocky.”

Tik: “You’re the one getting cocky. Even if you have no intention of it. Don’t dash my hopes.” He grips her shoulder.

Kob: “Tik, it’s enough already. I can’t take this anymore. You’re just too pitiful.”

Tik: “I’ve already become such a fool. No one can cure this fool except you, Kob.”

Kob: “Why are you doing this?”

Tik: “I want you to fall in love with me.” Kob could only give a little laugh at his statement.

Kob: “You’re crazy. I cannot fall in love with anybody…”

Tik: “But you already have, with me.” Kob can hear the knob of the door turning.

Kob: “As a writer, you would understand the meaning of ‘the end’ don’t you?”

Tik: “It just beginning.” He kisses his two fingers then put it against her lips.

Kob: “It’s over.” She gets out of the car and Tik calls at her from the car.

Tik: “Think carefully where you had put your ownership paper.”

Kob shuts her eyes the open them in shocked. She rushed into the house. Open the cabinet to get Tik’s pocket knife. She goes toward the side of the sofa were the painting Tun had recently given her was at. She cut the sheet of brown paper that was covering it revealing her painting ‘Ocean Mist’ carefully pilling the painting and the frame apart she finds her ownership paper. I have unconsciously done it. I knew somewhat I was going to leave. I did it so assure we will meet again. It was me.” She can hear Tik knocking on the door, but she wouldn’t open.

Tik: “You can’t lock me our of your heart forever.” Kob fell asleep on the sofa as he banged outside. She doesn’t know how long she took a nap but the noisy cry of the crickets work her up. She picks up the phone and call Arnus. She went to the window and peeked between the curtain. She could see a fire was built but Tik wasn’t no where to be seen nor his car.

Kob: “He didn’t…” She opens the door and walks out. “…actually leave. Why is my heart shaking?” She reached the fireplace area. She saw cut out heart shape of crackers pile along side herseys and marshmallows. “He remembers my favorite snack.”

Tik: “Hopefully you won’t burn the marshmallow like last time.” He came out from the darkness infront of her. “At times, I was irritated at myself for being unable to find the right words, the previous me wouldn’t have said anything at all.” He flicks a match. “You had lighted a fire in me, one that will never, EVER go out.” He throws into the pitch place beach area, two lines flare as they made their way creating a heart shape in the sand. He stands across from her and puts his gently place his fist from his heart to hers. “As long as you believe that I love you, Kob, nothing else matters to me.”

Kob: “By this man’s hand, everything is being broken. The shell in which I had shut myself away, to… The process isn’t painless, perhaps I can’t erase the uncertainty or the confusion, but maybe I can change.”

Kob was sitting against a log toasting marshmallow for the smore. Tik came from the house and put a cloth over Kob’s shoulder.

Tik: “You look cold.” He sits next to her and puts his palm against his face to felt the temperature through skin to skin contact.

Kob: “You’re the one who fell into the water, you should be freezing.” She slid the cloth around Tik and closer himself to him so they cloth will fit them.

Tik: “Why are you so tense?” Kob shrug.

Kob: “It’s nothing.” She put the marshmallow on a cracker, as she spread it, the malted marshmallow burns her finger. “Ow.” Tik takes her finger and put it in his mouth to cool down the burning sting. “It’s okay now.” She shyly, tries to get her finger out of his mouth.

Tik: “I’ll do it from now on.” He makes heart smores for her.

***Early the next morning. Outside the house. Tik woke up by falling in to the sand, Kob wasn’t there by his side. Instead was a folded dress with her diamond shoe on top. There was a note under the shoe as well as his knife.***

Kob’s note: “By the time you read this note. I MIGHT not be in Thailand anymore. I am really lost right now, I don’t know where to go or what to do, so I’m taking your advice. ‘If you don’t know where you are going, any path will lead you there.’ I will start a clean new path and see where my FEET leads me.”

***At the airport. 10 minutes until departure***

In a seated bench area Kob sat in the lobby and watched the news in the television above. Arnus sat by her as the news unraveled. The reporters tells that the counterfeit men that the police had been tracking had finally been caught. They also reporter on Arisa and her mother. They put on a tape recorder that capture Arisa’s confession.

***Flash back***

Men: “Anything I can do for you?”

Arisa: “Get rid of her.”

Men: “You’re the only person who can get close to her. You should had done it long time ago.”

Arisa: “I did…” she hiccups. “I pushed her a wall that had a sharp loose nail sticking out of the wall. Only if that nail was longer, it would had gone through her shoulder and into her heart….” She began to like wickedly. “You should had seen her face when charges were put against her. Haha. And it was me who attack her, yet she was the one who ends up with a criminal record. My mother was so convincing Kob’s father believe, he’s so stupid.”

Men: “Were the cops convince?”

Arisa: “They were convince when they saw money coming out of my mother’s purse.”

*** Recorder ends.***

Arnus: “You’re criminal record will be uplifted because of this men.”

Kob: “May I know his name.”

Arnus: “He wouldn’t reveal it. Only…”

Kob: “…TJP…” She finish Arnus sentence.

Arnus: “How did you know?”

Kob began to think why he was close to Arisa, to make her trusts him and reveal secrets. He’s quest was to give her justice as well as being a wall to protect her from Arisa hits. Anything Arisa plans to do, Tik would be a step ahead and shield her. She picks up a newspaper next to her and flips around until she stop at a section about TJP denying copyrights to a film director who wanted to make his story out into a movie.


sarNie Granny
i love the last few updates....tik did so much for kob ^^ and the butterflies :D arisa and her mother are going to jail YES! i hope kob realize that she should be with tik....i really like how you put pictures in here....gives me a visual image of it


sarNie Adult
tik really did alot for her... hope she'll go back to him...

i'm so happy that arisa and her mother got the punishment as what they deserved... hahahaha... so happy..


sarNie Granny
wahhhh make us suffer :( at least it's just monday and not like wednesday or friday :D awww it's coming to the end so sad....but at least i get i know what kob decides to do heehee


sarNie Adult
As promise. Chapter 20 (end). I wonder what have you guys done if I ended on chapter 19 and they don't get each other. I think I might had a beating...


sarNie Adult
Chapter 20 (END)

Kob: “Did you get your engagement ring back from Arisa and her mother?”

Arnus: “It…it’s here.” He gave her a little bag with golden powder. “Open your palm.” He pours it onto her hand. “Blow it.” She blows it into the air. You know what that means, don’t you? Kob shook her head. “You have your freedom back.”

Kob: “Didn’t I always have it.”

Arnus: “The freedom to love. To love the person you are thinking about right now.”

Kob: “I didn’t mean to do this to you.”

Arnus: “It’s my fault. To be naïve and think I can make someone who I barely met marry me just because we were engaged.”

Kob: “It’s not your fault. It’s the principle you believed in.”

Arnus: “Silly.” He nudged her.

Kob: “Will you write to me…brother.”

Arnus: “I will…little sister.” Kob sends him and watches as his plane ran off the driveway. She carries her hand bag and walked through the exit.

On the airplane ride, he remembers Tun telling him if he wanted to follow his parents wanting. Do not drag Kob along with him. His career was chosen for him and his wife, it’s unfair to drag Kob along with his misery. He hammered their wedding ring turning into powder and giving Kob a wish. While he thought a passenger next to spill coffee on him. “I’m so sorry.” She wipes his sleeve. “It’s alright.” “I’ve seen you before? Were you in the police academy in Bangkok?” “I train there.” “I did too.” All of a sudden a bond is created between the two.

A little while after, Tik arrives, searching frantically. The attendant women apologize to him and that the plane had already left twenty minutes ago. He asked to buy a ticket for the next flight but they were all packed. He was getting frustrated and the workers called in security. Before they could get to him Tun had arrived to take his brother back home, he almost had to strap him down to the passenger seat just to keep him cool.

At Kob’s beach house the rest of his family was there. Trying to figure out where Kob and Arnus head to. But the files were kept confidential. Tun tells him it’s no use to go to France when he doesn’t know the exact location they were staying at. His father criticize him “if you tell her all that matters to you is if she believe you love her then of course she’ll leave. It’s obvious she loves you, that’s why she thinks you won’t mind if she leaves, because in her mind she ‘believe you love you’ that’s enough for you.” Mrs. Kongying gave her husband a surprise stare. “Honey, you’re in this discussion too…Haha.” They laugh while Tik is frustrated. “Ah…the morning mist is frosting my skin.” The singer wrapped his jacket tighter on him. “Do you realized these two words on the letters were capitalized?” Tun pointed out.

Kob’s note: “By the time you read this note. I MIGHT not be in Thailand anymore. I am really lost right now, I don’t know where to go or what to do, so I’m taking your advice. ‘If you don’t know where you are going, any path will lead you there.’ I will start a clean new path and see where my FEET leads me.”

Tun: “She says she MIGHT not be in Thailand, that means she’s not sure she will go or not. However, when she said she will start a new path and see where her FEET leads her, that means she isn’t going, a plane uses flight, she will use her feet. She is still here!”

Tik: “We’re wasting time here.” He walks off.

Kob: “Excuse me. What are you doing in at house?” She walks toward the Pholdee, Tun and the singer. They all exclaim her name.

Tun: “You’re house?”

Kob: “Yes. My house. See, my ownership paper.” She pins it on the wooden pole. She slid off her poke-a-dotted slippers and puts it on the front porch. “Well…you’re my guest, enjoy your stay.”

Tun: “What am I going to tell Tik?”

Kob: “Find me in the ocean mist.” She winks and walks into the fog. Tik just arrives.

Tik: “I forgot the keys.” Everyone was quiet and didn’t say a thing but he saw the poke-a-dotted shoe on the porch and the ownership paper pin to the wooden pole. He gazed at each of the person there for an answer. He picks up the poke-a-dotted sandals, Tun gives him Kob’s message and he runs toward the beach area. He continuously called out her name in despair. But with no luck. He tells himself he was too impatient. “Stay and it’ll come to you.” The exact words he told his little sister when she was trying to catch a butterfly. “She’s just in one place.” He slowly walks forward, as he does, his necklace begun to glow brighter and brighter.

Kob sunk her feet into the damp sand underneath, the sand oozes between her toes, as water rushes forward to her ankle it clears away the sand. She stood there for a brief moment and felt a tap on her shoulder.

Tik: “My name is Tik Jessadaporn Pholdee, what is yours?” Kob turns around.

Kob: “My name…” She carves a smile. “Kob Suvanant Kongying.”

Tik: “Enough with the formal introduction.” He pulls in for a long hug. A minute later she falls to her knees, Tik stuck by her side. “What’s wrong.”

Kob: “My legs are sore from wondering all around.”

Tik: “You could had used transportation.”

Kob: “I didn’t have anything on me.”

Tik: “What’s in your bag then?” He pours it. “Sand?” The waves rush against it flatting the sand below them.

Kob: “To remember where my love originated.”

Tik: “You never intended to leave.” Kob nods. He kneels infront of her. “I told you. To have you shoes on, you don’t know what lies in the sand.”

Kob: “I paint my portraits here.” She grabs a pile of damp sand and rubs it against Tik’s cheek. He slid a finger through the mud on his cheek and stroked it across Kob’s nose. “You?” They start throwing mud at each other and rolled around the shore until Tik lays over her.

Tik: “I love you.”

Kob: “I love you too.” Tik leans down and gently place his lips over hers. As they kissed, the waves rush upon them. The mist begun to fade, clearing the atmosphere, revealing the beauty of the beach.

Tik carries Kob off as he walks alongside the shore. Kob sways her feet up and down, she wraps her arms around his neck and rest her head on his chest. She blows into it.

Tik: “What are you doing?” He chuckles.

Kob: “Trying to find that light you said was inside of you.”

Tik: “It’s invisible. You’re trying to blow it out?”

Kob: “I want to know how strong it is.”

Tik: “Ah….” He moans. “It’s burning inside.” He twirls around with her, she clutch tighter onto him.

Kob: “I will fall.”

Tik: “No you’re not” He lifts her up higher and kissed her cheek. Kob pulls herself up and gnaw his ear. He lets her down.

Kob: “Catch me if you can…” She runs ahead creating footprints in the sand. She ran into the water and splash at him then into the dry sand as Tik chases her. She whispers into the air, repeating the monks last sentence. “For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.” He finally catches her.

Tik: “Hop on my back.” Kob jumps onto his back, wrapped her legs around his waist and let her hand hang around his neck. “Where should we go?”

Kob: “Home.”

Tik: “Our home.”

Kob repeats. “Our home.” She tighter her hold around Tik.

The End


sarNie Granny
oh what a beautiful ending...it was so adorable...i really wish that someone makes this into a movie :D it's so cute...thank you for an amazing fanfic ^^