Nathalie's Artwork


sarNie Hatchling
I think I've lost my graphic skills since I'vent actually done nothing in photoshop cause I think I always
fell to acomplish the simplest thing.
I guess summer and chirstmas and long holiday breaks is the best time to check it out
In considering it doesn't consider me photoshopping for some super junior projects. lol.
Well I'll just update some.. its kinda blah.. I was bored and some days I had no homework.​

My first GIF Icon
Unno feels like I left out many things

Something I did to make me happy after studying like a nerd
though my filtering is kinda harsh.

Attempting to filter it was done like yesterday cause
I think I didn't do good cause the filtering is from a newbie to filtering

Here is one of my old filtering it was something I do for photography class
Its kinda simple

This is one of my lame livejournal layout.. It was my first time attempting HTML. I might change it soon.
I only log on it for 2 times this year. lol.

Errr.. So basically I want to improve on my filtering and gain back my skills
So comments are welcome.
Oh I would like to mention that the wallpapers or anything are not up to take unless you ask me personally by PMing me na​