Mary Kay Letourneau & Vili Fualaau


sarNie Granny
have ya buddies been following the news about this couple ? wat do u think ? is it real love ? she have an affair wiht her 6th grade student and at the time she was 33 , he 13 ! She was sencent to 7 1/2 year in jail .


she was sent to jail for something that was socially considered as breaking the law and not following the norm. she was in her 30's, he was in his early teens. was it bad????

well, we have to consider their point of view, and not to look at it with out own eyes. to us, it seems nasty for an adult to have a relationship with a kid. to them, they were probably really in love back then, and i believe that 1 teen in large amount of teens really are very mature in the mind than others, and i think he was mature to know what he was feeling and doing with his teacher. i think their relationship is okay and it is not bad because they are not hurt by it. they seem to be perfectly happy together, and they're expecting a child together. they seem very happy...and that's all that counts. i think the law have to look at the situation in a deeper insight, rather than looking at it from the outside. im sure they had a nice relation bk then or else he wouldnt have waited all these years for her to get out of jail.


sarNie Elites
it's inappropriate that she was his teacher... i mean.. she should know better... but TRUE LOVE come in many ways... so if this was their true love... let it be... we can't really force people in the matters of love... sometimes... we just have to accept it even if it is un-ethical or immoral..


sarNie Hatchling
true love???...i highly doubt that...he was 13!...barely a teenager...think of yourself at that age...did you really know what love was or were you still an innocent?...the way i see was more about hitting puberty than "true love"

as for her...not only did she commit statutory rape...but she also committed adultery...and she only got 7 1/2 yrs??? stupid is that?...the justice system in this country sucks!...she was 33 AND a teacher...parents send their kids to school to get educated not to get raped by their teacher because she doesn't have any morals and no sense of right and wrong...isn't school supposed to be a safe place for kids???...another thing...she's a criminal and now she's suddenly a celebrity???...shows how much morals this country really has...promoting that rape is okay as long as there is "love" involved...what kind of BS is that???!!!...if i were the kids...i'd be embarrassed to call them my parents and rather be a ward of the state or some other


sarNie Granny
true true at 13 i thought guy was gross lol. 33 vs 13 nearly 20years a part and yes she commited adultery but dat a personal matter the law can't punish her for dat but statutory rape a minor she got 7 1/2 and was on parol after 6month for good behavior and even though she on a restran order to stay away from the boi but dat didnt' stop them and they were bursted by the cop while having sex in a car !!! So she was send back to jail to sever the full term and she did got pregrant again during her time in the pen house . They got two kids together Omg and he was only 14 .


Staff member
HmMm this story was like the spark of alot of similar relationships... For one thing since this story made headlines back then there were more and more headlines about teachers and their young students. I'm pretty sure things like this were going on way before mary kay's story, but since her story made it big other teachers and students relationship started coming up also....... I remember a story similar to this the pamela smart story where a teacher manipulated her student into killing her husband.... so to me I think a teacher is way more mature than her "13" year old student. And she should be in control of the situation....


sarNie Adult
That's nasty -_-
She's a teacher for godsake, and he's clearly a minor. If he doesn't know any better then she should at least put a stop or a line to their relationship if her hormone was really asking for it she should go for someone her own age or someone legal


sarNie Adult
Americans surely love to celebrate these kinds of sticky situations. Thats one thing I don't get about America.

Anyway I'm sure the kid "thinks" that he was in love. When guys are 13 years old they are all horny little bastards and it didn't take her long to convince him of that. And they're definately not mature in any sense. Now if he was 17/18, a senior in HS then perhaps that would be more believable.

The only thing that worries me is the fact that this is going to help make these liaisons become socially acceptable or at least help these people think in their head that its OK to do it.


they made a movie out of this story..... and I had watch it...... to it seem that they are really in love....... eventhought he is only 13 years old at that time...... love take many from and you cant judge it....... it may seem nasty but you cant stop love from happening...... and they are expacting their a child...... I just want to wish them good luck and hold in there storng........


u guys are not getting the point.

how can it be stat. rape? how is it that she had committed adultery? they were WILLING to go throo their relationship then (and are now), thus...they KNEW what they were doing. yeah yeah...he was the peak of puberty and MAYBE he WAS just trying to get his freak on with the teacher initially ... but ALSO he thought twice about it and started to really like her and vice versa. we don't know their heart's calling. it IS rediculous to think that a 13 yr old boy would fall "in love"...with his own teacher.

society thinks it is unethical - BUT between THEM, it's not. they KNOW what they were heading for, and i am quite sure that the teacher knew what would/could happen if their relationsip was revealed.

they must be in a real relationship because that lil boy waited all these years for her to get out of jail - and most i mentioned before...they're having a kid.

and yes....i bet there were plenty of the same situation between student and teacher during their peak of relationship bk then - and probably even before. the widespread mass media just made it even more easier and more comfortable for others to come out. the same thing could be said about homosexuals. they are vastly coming out of shadows compared to, say...a decade ago.

so how does it make sense about stat. rape???

it seemed like they were willingly going through it, knowing what would happen.'s not quite correct to say she was wrong - at least not completely.


sarNie Hatchling
Even if it was love, I think she should have waited and got a divorce from her hubby first. Love is about wanting the best for the person you love, even if that means not being together. A 33-yr old woman should have definitely knew that it's not in the best interest of the other party to start a relationship now. How is it fair to start a relationship with a child who doesn't have the life experience and knowledge to fully understand what's happening to him and the consequences for everybody? She should have let him go and experience his life to the fullest. Then if it was really true love, he would have found his way back to her.

But it didn't happen that way. So it's really a mute point to debate about this.


sarNie Adult
So those of you who thinks its ok, would you have the same view if it was a 30 year old man and a 13 year old girl?

The fact is that the kid was not mature enough. Where do you draw the line? You can keep going lower and lower. There are kids who are 10 and seems mature enough. Fact is, I wouldn't give a kid the right to carry a gun (even if he was responsible), the right to vote, the right to be a parent, and lastly the right to have a sexual relation with an adult when he/she is only 13 and barely knows the consequences.

The law should be harsh whether the victim was a boy or a girl. Just because she's a pretty blond lady it seems all right???


Darvil said:
So those of you who thinks its ok, would you have the same view if it was a 30 year old man and a 13 year old girl?

The fact is that the kid was not mature enough. Where do you draw the line? You can keep going lower and lower. There are kids who are 10 and seems mature enough. Fact is, I wouldn't give a kid the right to carry a gun (even if he was responsible), the right to vote, the right to be a parent, and lastly the right to have a sexual relation with an adult when he/she is only 13 and barely knows the consequences.

The law should be harsh whether the victim was a boy or a girl. Just because she's a pretty blond lady it seems all right???

Hey Dervil..... in some culter it is ok for a 30 year old man to marry or had relationship w/ a 13 years old gril........ take me for an example..... my husband and I had an 11 years age different....... we met when I was just only 14 years old..... and than got marry..... it was ok.....


sarNie Elites
it may be true that he may still be a child... but after all those years of her being in prison, he waited for her... they got married.. has two kids together...

what she did was definitely WRONG no matter what... but we can't say that they didn't have true feelings for each other...

this just reminds me of a friend i had in middle school who got married to a teacher's aid.... she was 14 and he was 27.... now they're happily married and with 4 kids...


Official Robert Pattinson Ambassador
Amira said:
u guys are not getting the point.

how can it be stat. rape? how is it that she had committed adultery? they were WILLING to go throo their relationship then (and are now), thus...they KNEW what they were doing. yeah yeah...he was the peak of puberty and MAYBE he WAS just trying to get his freak on with the teacher initially ... but ALSO he thought twice about it and started to really like her and vice versa. we don't know their heart's calling. it IS rediculous to think that a 13 yr old boy would fall "in love"...with his own teacher.

society thinks it is unethical - BUT between THEM, it's not. they KNOW what they were heading for, and i am quite sure that the teacher knew what would/could happen if their relationsip was revealed.

they must be in a real relationship because that lil boy waited all these years for her to get out of jail - and most i mentioned before...they're having a kid.
and yes....i bet there were plenty of the same situation between student and teacher during their peak of relationship bk then - and probably even before. the widespread mass media just made it even more easier and more comfortable for others to come out. the same thing could be said about homosexuals. they are vastly coming out of shadows compared to, say...a decade ago.

so how does it make sense about stat. rape???

it seemed like they were willingly going through it, knowing what would happen.'s not quite correct to say she was wrong - at least not completely.

Statutory Rape means that the offender had sex with a minor regardless whether or not the minor was willing...and it is against the law to do so...the party in question has to be at least 17(16 in some states) to engage in sexual intercourse...I got this from the Wikepedia online... "Thus, even if they willingly engage in sexual intercourse with a legal adult, their sex partner may well have used tactics of manipulation or deceit against which the younger person has not yet developed sufficient discernment or defense."

So therein lies the fact that Mary K Letournou committed a "statutory rape" but not "forceful rape"

that's why it's so wrong


sarNie Adult
She's a pedophile, bottomline. Had it been a 30 year old man with a 13 year old girl, everyone would've seen him as a sexual predator, no if and or buts. Furthermore she's a teacher and there are certain standards needed to be upheld in that profession. When parents send kids to school, there's a trust that goes with that.

Statutory rape means sex with a minor because the law doesn't believe that minors can give consent to having sex. For example if a 16 year old guy had sex with a 13 year old, the parents could press charges of rape on the guy. The specifics are up to the states I think.

Also I don't really think all the press coverage is "celebrating" per se. Its like the saying, you see a gruesome train wreck and you just can't look away. Morbid fascination. If you watch local news or CNN, 80% of it is bad news. No one cares about happy sunshine unicorns crapping out rainbows kind of news. And its not just in America, its human nature. People are interested in that kind of stuff for some reason.


sarNie Juvenile
I think she has mental problems. And after all these years they probably both think they are "In Love".

The courts need to give out heavier penalties and punishments to these pedophiles. And from all these new reports about more women sleeping w/ their students, they need to be more severely punished. 'Cause if it was a man doing this they would persecute him. But for the women its like a slap on the wrist the sentences they get.