Looking for Ton Ruk (Channel 7: Kade & Noon)


Staff member
I was wondering if anyone happened to have a copy of this lakorn for sale? A close friend of mines really wants this lakorn, I've searched the net and can't seem to find a place that is selling it. If anyone has a link that would work also, 
Thank You in advance! 


sarNie OldFart
KhoOnxNouxWanxJai said:
I was wondering if anyone happened to have a copy of this lakorn for sale? A close friend of mines really wants this lakorn, I've searched the net and can't seem to find a place that is selling it. If anyone has a link that would work also, 
Thank You in advance! 
You can purchase it at EthaiCd. Here's the link: http://www.ethaicd.com/show.php?pid=63203