Laos urges suspension of a Thai soap opera


sarNie Egg
this is dumb... about the flower thing, when it's valentine in lao, roses are everywhere! pregnancy before marriage is common these days, can't help it... i wonder what the government's thinking.... if they're not open, then when will lao be developed???? ...


If you take a moment to think about it, you will understand where the government is coming from! The national flower (dok champa) is very respected among Lao people (similar to Thai respected their king). There might be people in Laos that may be pregnant without a husband, but that is not lao people. It might be okay in Thai society or in Thailand; but not in Lao and you will hardly see girls get pregnant without a husband. You could only imagine how Thai would portray Lao people.

Anywho, it is ashame that this lakorn will not be airing in Laos, but at least hopefully it will be airing in Thailand. Looking forward to see!

We have to take a moment to look at other-side perspective as well not just the democratic society prespective.
okay dear, i think you're taking things overboard. i would like to say my tush, they take it as if it's the king. you have to take a minute and think back to what you are saying also. how can you say people are cherishing a flower as much as they are to a king? true, the flower has life and has its significance. but you cannot say they are comparing it to their king. BUT if this lakorn is taking a picture of a past Laos King and burning it or stepping on it, then it will be a good comparison. you are comparing a flower to a person, and that's just not making much sense. The king for Thai people, is someone they are willing to die for. Will someone die for the Champa flower? Do you think someone will kill themselves if they see a flower being thrown away? This is just bogus.

Additionally, people in laos being pregnant aren't laos. Where have you gotten your statistics from? I guarantee to you, there are more than a quarter of the girls in the country with babies, hiding it, and getting abortions because of people's perspective of pregnancies. Then when it's exposed, it's like "Oh my god, that whore". Regardless of what the hell you are, we are all human, we all make our mistakes. NOT because you are lao, you are guaranteed to not have a baby and be a single mother.

This is a lakorn, I believe people will watch the lakorn and treat it as a lakorn. But I don't want to speak for the whole viewing population.

Adding to Phon, I've only been to Laos for 5 days this past summer, but I've seen so much that Thailand has helped Laos improve, like the schools and the roads. The Thai royalty is helping Laos a lot, and yes Laos keeps demanding because they think Thailand owes them a lot. And they are doing everything to get back at Thai. As I see it now, Thailand is doing a lot to keep peace between Laos and Thailand, they are trying to limit the conflicts to the fewest possible. But it seems like with every move that Thai is doing, Laos is up their ass to find shit to complain about. Well I see a lot of effort Thailand is putting in by halting this lakorn, stopped the airing for the movie also...

Even a third friendship bridge is on it's way.


sarNie Egg
OMG.... hahaha people are tripping over a freaken lakorn... and about the flower no one meant to throw it away it part of acting. If it not acting when a flower turn old and dont' smell good in anymore then they will throw it away. those movie star, they get paid for doing that.... Anyways about thai helping laos and all those stuff well that good to hear that but the hard head laos goverment is probably thinking that if u take things and asking for help from the other side they will ask for things in return and if there is Some laos people that is getting mad about this , is probably because they still hold the grudge about the war or whatever happen back in the days it not about the flower...I think...... Anyways really it not laos people that is making a big deal out of this lakorn it the government. So don't blame the people. blame the government, get mad at them. Well i think this topic should be delete cause it making people mad...lolz


sarNie Adult
my point exactly. lol Oh I just watch anna & the King with chaoyanfat playing as a Thai king. Now I remember Thai did make a big fuss about that but they didnt ask them to ban it. They still allow them to air it in thearter. If it was the Lao goverment they be stressing over it.


sarNie Egg
Don't forget laos country are communist and the government themself are communist can expect alot from them. Please dont' compare laos country to thai because laos are communist and thai are not. so that's big different. As myself i'm laos and i have pride for my country and my lao people. but not the laos communist lover or the lao government. I hate them so u can talk shit about them all you want. anyways i heard of that movie but never got the chance to watch it.


sarNie Juvenile
It's not even out due to the criticism that Laos government is giving to Thailand. Might as well remake the damn serie like they did with that soccer movie.


sarNie Hatchling
Don't forget laos country are communist and the government themself are communist can expect alot from them. Please dont' compare laos country to thai because laos are communist and thai are not. so that's big different. As myself i'm laos and i have pride for my country and my lao people. but not the laos communist lover or the lao government. I hate them so u can talk shit about them all you want. anyways i heard of that movie but never got the chance to watch it.
Laos may have a Communist government, but that's just a name of the government like China, Vietnam, etc; However, when actually analyzing it, it is more of a socialist/kinda democractic government (if you know what I mean). What is wrong with comparing one country to another country? There are pro's and con's for both countries. Just because they are a democratic country doesn't mean they are better than or superior than other countries. For example: Look at US of A; it is a democratic country and people rights have been taking away. And if you say no, then you need to do more research and listen to politician. General Public are not even aware that there rights are deminishing as we speak. Anywho, I don't think this topic of decision is going anywhere because NO MATTER WHAT, PEOPLE WILL HAVE THEIR OWN OPINION OR ALREADY MADE UP THEIR DECISION ABOUT CERTAIN ASPECT AND I RESPECT THAT.

~I am not pro/anit-communist, pro/anti-democratic, pro/anit-lao or pro/anti-thai, etc. I want everyone to take look at it in another perspective {THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX}


sarNie Hatchling
okay dear, i think you're taking things overboard. i would like to say my tush, they take it as if it's the king. you have to take a minute and think back to what you are saying also. how can you say people are cherishing a flower as much as they are to a king? true, the flower has life and has its significance. but you cannot say they are comparing it to their king. BUT if this lakorn is taking a picture of a past Laos King and burning it or stepping on it, then it will be a good comparison. you are comparing a flower to a person, and that's just not making much sense. The king for Thai people, is someone they are willing to die for. Will someone die for the Champa flower? Do you think someone will kill themselves if they see a flower being thrown away? This is just bogus.

Additionally, people in laos being pregnant aren't laos. Where have you gotten your statistics from? I guarantee to you, there are more than a quarter of the girls in the country with babies, hiding it, and getting abortions because of people's perspective of pregnancies. Then when it's exposed, it's like "Oh my god, that whore". Regardless of what the hell you are, we are all human, we all make our mistakes. NOT because you are lao, you are guaranteed to not have a baby and be a single mother.

This is a lakorn, I believe people will watch the lakorn and treat it as a lakorn. But I don't want to speak for the whole viewing population.

Adding to Phon, I've only been to Laos for 5 days this past summer, but I've seen so much that Thailand has helped Laos improve, like the schools and the roads. The Thai royalty is helping Laos a lot, and yes Laos keeps demanding because they think Thailand owes them a lot. And they are doing everything to get back at Thai. As I see it now, Thailand is doing a lot to keep peace between Laos and Thailand, they are trying to limit the conflicts to the fewest possible. But it seems like with every move that Thai is doing, Laos is up their ass to find shit to complain about. Well I see a lot of effort Thailand is putting in by halting this lakorn, stopped the airing for the movie also...

Even a third friendship bridge is on it's way.

With that said! There is no where in my comment that I have said, mentioned or stated anything about "killing." All I said was that "the national flower (dok champa) is very respected among Lao people (similar to Thai respected their king)". If you respect someone or something you do not have to get kill or willing to die for someone or thing, well at least in my term of respect. I respect the military and certain countr,y but I am not going to die for them. It is good that your willing to die for certain things or people! And I respect you for that, but I am not going to die for you. Come on life is to precious. However, this maybe in your case, that when you respect someone your willing to give your life up for them. KUDOS FOR YOU!!! Speaking of going over board eh?

Who cares how the Lao Government handle this situation. There is nothing that we can do! Just because your opposed to it, doesn't mean that their decision is wrong or your decision is superior or better or right. Afterall, it is Lao government that have the final say!

If the producer wants to air it madly across border than it would be a respectfully thing to work with the government don't you think? I don't think Lao people freakin care if thai air their shit to
Laos (THIS IS BASE ON MY OPINION/EXPERIENCE STUDYING ABROAD TO DIFFERENT COUNTRIES, NOT BASE ON RESEARCH OR FINDING). (remember this is a IF statement) If I were Lao people I would rather watch chinese channels like Northern Laos do or french or english.

Lao Government or any government cannot please everyone (when government gets involved not everyone will be please with the decision) let us face the reality here. People just need to keep their mind open to new perspective and not so opinionated.

Yes, Thai are helping Laos building infrastructures; however they are being paid by the Lao government in which the the funding for Laos transformation came from Japan, Australia, and the WorldBank. They also signed contract with Thai contractors and Chinese contractors. If that what you are considering Thai helping. Who doesn't want to work and make money?

FYI: The building of the friendship bridge between Laos and Thai over Nong Khai that was opened on April 1994 was fully funded by the Australian government. That's good that there are more bridges been built, but lets wait where all the funding will come from(Thailand? Australia? Japan? or the grants/loans from the WorldBank)? Only time will tell.

Anywho, I don't think we are going to resolved this matter! No what what everyone complain or b**** about it will not matter! People already have their opinion made up! Final say is that the decision is up to the government and like I said the producers should work with the government so their will be no hard feeling for both parties.


P.S. I am not pro/anti-Thai, pro/anti-Lao, pro/anti-communism, or pro/anti-democractic I think you get the point. Just chill okay...


sarNie Adult
Um.............can I say something? All I have to say is Laos need to focuse on Laos and stop focusing on what Thailand is doing. How do they know the storyline anyway unless they read or watch whatever Thailand does. Laos has more issue in Laos so focuse on Laos and stop sticking thier nose in Thailand BZ. Thailand can make whatever kind of storyline they want and if Laos got problem dont watch it simple as that. You cant go around demanding a ban. Laos rules Laos not Thailand. Look europe america they make movie mocking everyone and puting down everyone no problem there. Thailand isnt even mocking Laos and not puting Laos down so why are they stress over this? I just say they always find something to make problem. Thats how communist works. And I dont think the producer need to work with the Laos goverment of course they will change it to the point where the story will suck. The producer is Thai live in Thailand he is under Thai rules. So Laos goverment dont have any rights to make him change anything. Is Laos and Thailand one country? nope. Laos need to worry about Laos and stop sticking thier flat communist nose in other people movies. Them burmanese war movie never had any problem but why Laos always make big deal about when people make movie about them? I say let Laos stress what can they do anyway beside complain. If I was Thailand I let them complain who will listen the United Nation? People make big deal about killing and rape and stuff but they making a big deal about a movie give me a break........And an eagle is a simbol of America but those bird used to get shot dead everyday until it was protected by the law. China is communist yea so but they are different from Laos. Communist China are open thier not close minded like the Laos goverment. China makes movie themself and I gotta say thier movie pretty good. Laos movie comment. China is communist but an open minded communist. People say they got bad human rights oh well who doesnt. Cant compare the 2 communist nation becuase one is smart the other is dumb and a puppet of Vietnam. If the royal Lao was still in power there wouldnt be such a big fust about this movie or the soccer movie. They remade the soccer movie and I watch it and it sucked big time. I watch the preview on youtube when it was still about the Lao soccer team it was funny. Then I watch when they change the story I was like what is AVEE there is no country name AVEE and its not funny becuase AVEE doesnt exist. lol And who was the one that said America not as free as we thought it was? Last time I check I still had freedom of speech and freedom to watch or do what I please that isnt against the law. America still free not like Laos please dont compare Laos to America they are not in the same level. America like #1 or 2 in the world while Laos rank down there with all them close minded goverment. Only thing I hate about America is our redneck president Bush. Well hey if I had a king who as good and nice and care about his people like the Thai king I fight for him to. I rather be ruled by him then them Communist Laos. Thai king he care about his people unlike laos who dont care about thier people. My uncle in Laos told my dad now they make you pay for bike & tv every month. Thats bs this goverment is all about money. And Dying for your king nothing wrong with that without your king you wont have a country. That dok champa laos can it give me a land to live in? no when there is war can dok champa fight for me? no that flower is a flower nothing special. If it cant do anything for me then screw it. I dont care about it if its useless lol. Just my thoughts. No harm no harm........ :yahoo: :loool: :drool:


sarNie Hatchling
Um.............can I say something? All I have to say is Laos need to focuse on Laos and stop focusing on what Thailand is doing. How do they know the storyline anyway unless they read or watch whatever Thailand does. Laos has more issue in Laos so focuse on Laos and stop sticking thier nose in Thailand BZ. Thailand can make whatever kind of storyline they want and if Laos got problem dont watch it simple as that. You cant go around demanding a ban. Laos rules Laos not Thailand. Look europe america they make movie mocking everyone and puting down everyone no problem there. Thailand isnt even mocking Laos and not puting Laos down so why are they stress over this? I just say they always find something to make problem. Thats how communist works. And I dont think the producer need to work with the Laos goverment of course they will change it to the point where the story will suck. The producer is Thai live in Thailand he is under Thai martial law. So Laos goverment dont have any rights to make him change anything. Is Laos and Thailand one country? nope. Laos need to worry about Laos and stop sticking thier flat communist nose in other people movies. Them burmanese war movie never had any problem but why Laos always make big deal about when people make movie about them? I say let Laos stress what can they do anyway beside complain. If I was Thailand I let them complain who will listen the United Nation? People make big deal about killing and rape and stuff but they making a big deal about a movie give me a break........And an eagle is a simbol of America but those bird get shot dead everyday lol. China is communist yea so but they are different from Laos. Communist China are open they close minded like the Laos goverment. China makes movie themself and I gotta say thier movie pretty good. Laos movie comment. China is communist but an open minded communist. People say they got bad human rights oh well who doesnt. At least they are open. Cant compare the 2 communist nation becuase one is smart the other is dumb and a puppet of Vietnam. If the royal Lao was still in power there wouldnt be such a big fust about this movie or the soccer movie. They remade the soccer movie and I watch it and it suck ass bad. I watch the preview on youtube when it was still about the Lao soccer team it was funny. Then I watch when they change the story I was like what the hell is AVEE there is no country name AVEE and its not funny becuase AVEE dont exist. Did I spell exist right? lol And who was the one that said America not as free as we thought it was? Last time I check I still had freedom of speech and freedom tow atch or do what I please beside kill people. America still free not like Laos please dont compare Laos to America they are not in the same level. America like #1 or 2 in the world while Laos rank down there with all them close minded goverment. Only thing I hate about America is our redneck president Bush. Well hey if I had a king who as good and nice and care about his people like the Thai king I fight for him to. I rather be ruled by him then them Communist Laos. Thai king he care about his people unlike laos who dont care about thier people. My uncle in Laos told my dad now they tax you for bike tv every month. Thats bs this goverment is all about money. And Dying for your king nothing wrong with that without your king you wont have a country. That dok champa laos can it give me a land to live in? no when there is war can dok champa fight for me? no that flower is a flower nothing special. If it cant do anything for me then screw it. I dont give a damn about it if its useless lol. Just my thoughts. No harm no harm........ :yahoo: :loool: :drool:
Okay, then why are you making a big fuzz about Lao government for banning thai tv soap opera? You just said that Laos is its own country and Thailand is its own country. So, then why can't Lao government make a call or decision what they want to do afterall they are an independent country!! It sucks to be Thailand to still have its martial law afterall it is a "Monarchy Democracy" country. At least a communist country doesn't follow a martial law. Do you even know what a "MARTIAL LAW" is? When a stablize/democractic country such as Thailand have to follow a martial law that is just ridiculous and embarassing to the world (what a ashame) and Thailand should be speaking about how bad Laos is (And you said Laos needs to focus on its own problem?) Too funny!! If they still follow a martial law, it better focus on stablizing that first. If not, Thailand is worse off than Laos. Speaking of democratic/communist society, you would think that in a democratic society citizens would have a vote to remove its PM (prime minister), then why was the military involved in removing Taksin? A true democratic country will have a recall of Prime Minister correct? So, much for a democratic country and criticizing other country (i.e. Burma for having military involvement)? Now, look who is doing the freaking same thing? Another point for democratic society, my international thai friends told me that on the 14th of February there was a curfew issued in Bangkok, so much for people's freedom/rights? With that said, I don't think one specific type of government will work everywhere throughout the world. In additional, democracy government is not perfect either! If it is, then President Bush will be out of the office and it will be a perfect world. Just like is free market a perfect market? There are certain aspects that I think democracy and communist have its strengths and weaknesses. For example, having a democractic government doesn't mean that it is far better because when people protest or criticize about the government, there is no action. Only annoying group of hobbyists or complainers. Even though people complain about the US government, I still see President Bush as a Commander and Chief. So, there is no point of criticizing the government if there is no results right? In a communist government you can do whatever you want, but don't criticize the government, in which I can understand why.

With what your saying, I think that its not the Lao government that is complaining or making a big deal about it. I think its the people like you and not the government. By changing the script of the drama (modifying it), is basically working with the Lao government don't you think? If you modified after a talked with Lao government don't you think that's working with them? Just face the reality here, Thai producers are working with Lao government. If they don't want to change it, then just air it. If they are not airing it after a banned was issue then it must mean that Thai producers are up to something (maybe propaganda? who knows). If not, why not just air it in Thailand; afterall Thailand is it own independent country and Laos is independent from Thailand. Then why is the news report all up on this matter? It seems to me that Thailand is trying to cause a problem by what your trying to say up above.

Are Thai producers really desperately wanting Lao audience to see it or what? What is the purpose of getting Lao people to watch this lakorn? If I am Lao people I could careless if the thai soap opera is air or not!! Don't Lao government have a say in what should be air or not? Look at America everything is all censor and only certain things can be air or shown on tv? I guess you don't even notice that eh? Now, how free is America? So, what's the big problem or issue about Lao government banning thai soap opera?

Well, like I said if they don't change it then it will not be air in Laos period!! What is so important to you that you want this drama to air in Laos? I don't think Lao people even cares if it airs or not, well if I were Lao people at least living over in Laos.

Okay, I don't know where you get your information about people killing bald eagle everyday? It is illegal to kill bald eagle in the United States, the only people that have the right to get close to the bald eagles are the Native Americans. Dude, I don't think you understand the entire concept here. AVEE might symbolize Laos, etc in which producer just don't want to openly say LAOS, etc. Do you get it? It is like a metaphor, etc.

You think you have freedom of speech in America? You need to do some catching up on your reading on America Freedom of speech and listen to the politicians. What's the last controversy that you heard about politicians talking about freedom, etc. When is the last time you attended college or university? Let me ask you this, how free do you think America is? Do your comparison analyze of America vs other countries (i.e. England, Australia, France, Canada, etc). After that then you should come back and debate about this topic again. Hint: follow up on the laws is the start.

In America isn't there a tax (i.e. sales tax, city tax, local tax, state tax, property tax, corporate tax, etc)? So, what is so wrong with implementing a tariff policy? That is how you will improve the infrastructure in the country. I am pretty sure Thailand have a import/export tax as well because I don't think it is a FREE TRADE world yet!

Well Dok Champa is a respect thing among Lao people. In what term or context don't you understand?

Anywho, didn't want to sound so harsh on this topic of discussion! I guess I will stop here for now...This remind me of a debate that I had similar to Avon China the banning of direct sales and how the US government wants to place a high tariff on China importing because Chinese's currency is fixed vs US is floating and the US government believe that the Chinese government did not let yuan (currency) appreciated that's bs. Just because US dollars is depreciating in value agains Chinese Yuan. Too funny!!

REMEMBER: I am NOT pro/anti-thai (lao, democratic, communist, etc).


sarNie Egg
I personally think its stupid that they are adjusting scenes and delaying the airing. I mean if they are so worried about Lao ppl being protrayed negatively then I dont see why they dont complain about King of the Hill. I mean in that show that is the worst portrayl of Lao ppl ever! Like I am kinda mad everytime I see the neighbors on King of the Hill. Basically everyone in america sees Lao ppl as annoying, stupid FOBs that cannot speak enlglish well and when they do speak lao on the show you can barely understand wat they say. Their protrayl of Lao ppl is waaay worse then this lakorn and the soccer movie put together. And furthermore they should be more worried about what america thinks of Lao ppl, because in reality the US is the more powerful country then Thailand, and if they were really looking for a beneficial governmental friendship shouldnt they seek it through the US, since everyone and their mother watches American TV n for the majority only Thai ppl and Lao ppl watch Thai TV/lakorns. Plus I think Thailand and Laos would be better friends if Laos would stop bustin their chops on every film production Thailand tries to make that includes Laos. Doesnt Laos understand that they are helping us become recognized to the world n we should take any good promo we can get!!!

I mean the lakorn could be somewhat detrimental to the lao culture, but its a Lakorn, it doesnt mean its real life. I think becuz they made such a big deal over these faults in the lakorn ppl are going to notice the faults more, like the whole flower (dok champa) being thrown away, i bet you more then half the people who watch lakorns could not even distinguish between a dokchampa flower or another type of flower, for all they know it could be a tulip or a rose or something. And the whole being pregnant n not married, that happens plenty of times in Thai lakorns, like Oum Ruk, the nang aek was totally pregnant before she got married, and her pregnancy happened becuz she was drunk it wasnt even out of love, and guess wat Ann Thongprasom won Best Actress for Top awards 2006 for that role. And you dont see the Thai government complaining.

Man, its just frustrating because I know a lot of ppl in Laos and overseas have been really looking forward to this Lakorn just because it incorporates Laos in it, we could careless about a little flower, we just want the drama, and yes to produce drama there must be plot lines like being pregnant without a father otherwise it WOULDNT BE A LAKORN aka drama aka soap opera!!!!



With that said! There is no where in my comment that I have said, mentioned or stated anything about "killing." All I said was that "the national flower (dok champa) is very respected among Lao people (similar to Thai respected their king)". If you respect someone or something you do not have to get kill or willing to die for someone or thing, well at least in my term of respect. I respect the military and certain countr,y but I am not going to die for them. It is good that your willing to die for certain things or people! And I respect you for that, but I am not going to die for you. Come on life is to precious. However, this maybe in your case, that when you respect someone your willing to give your life up for them. KUDOS FOR YOU!!! Speaking of going over board eh?

Who cares how the Lao Government handle this situation. There is nothing that we can do! Just because your opposed to it, doesn't mean that their decision is wrong or your decision is superior or better or right. Afterall, it is Lao government that have the final say!

If the producer wants to air it madly across border than it would be a respectfully thing to work with the government don't you think? I don't think Lao people freakin care if thai air their shit to
Laos (THIS IS BASE ON MY OPINION/EXPERIENCE STUDYING ABROAD TO DIFFERENT COUNTRIES, NOT BASE ON RESEARCH OR FINDING). (remember this is a IF statement) If I were Lao people I would rather watch chinese channels like Northern Laos do or french or english.

Lao Government or any government cannot please everyone (when government gets involved not everyone will be please with the decision) let us face the reality here. People just need to keep their mind open to new perspective and not so opinionated.

Yes, Thai are helping Laos building infrastructures; however they are being paid by the Lao government in which the the funding for Laos transformation came from Japan, Australia, and the WorldBank. They also signed contract with Thai contractors and Chinese contractors. If that what you are considering Thai helping. Who doesn't want to work and make money?

FYI: The building of the friendship bridge between Laos and Thai over Nong Khai that was opened on April 1994 was fully funded by the Australian government. That's good that there are more bridges been built, but lets wait where all the funding will come from(Thailand? Australia? Japan? or the grants/loans from the WorldBank)? Only time will tell.

Anywho, I don't think we are going to resolved this matter! No what what everyone complain or b**** about it will not matter! People already have their opinion made up! Final say is that the decision is up to the government and like I said the producers should work with the government so their will be no hard feeling for both parties.


P.S. I am not pro/anti-Thai, pro/anti-Lao, pro/anti-communism, or pro/anti-democractic I think you get the point. Just chill okay...
this is a comparison, just like you compared the respect to the flower to the respect for the king example. you have to understand that NO we aren't talking about killing here. i am just saying, the significance of that flower can be compared to the respect of thailand's flower. you can't go out and say the flower is being respected just as much as someone's respect people has for the king. regardless of the country. the king is compared to the top of a pyramid, while the flower is probably almost touching the ground. and with that in mind, dying for someone you respect and love, i am willing to die for anyone in my family because i can, and thanks for the kudos. life is precious, but how precious is it when the person who brought you to life needs your desperate help...u'd walk away, but that's your choice and another story.

i didn't say my decision/opions are right. regardless of who the hell you are, once you made a point, you will stand behind it regardless of how wrong it may be and that's how i see this, laos politicians will remain strong because they don't want to lose face by giving in after all those other huss and fuss with a stupid movie and now this lakorn. and i'm very open minded. i am just saying what i know and learned. of course the government will chose to do as they please, they see that they are the tough shit and all else doesn't matter.

i don't think the producers want to desperately air it in laos. it all boils down to the relationship thailand is trying to build with laos and laos is being ignorrant as it will remain to be.

what about those roads the daughter of the king came over to build, i don't remember the name of the street anymore, in donation to their neighboring friend. of course we can point out many infrastructures that were built by thais but funded by Laos which were initially donated by others, but that's not what i'm focusing on here. of course who wouldn't work for money, but is the king's daughter getting anything for building a brand new roadway for them? she's paid and expensed it to be built. everything was in donation or a gift if u'd like to see it as that.

i don't really care who funded the bridge... the point is, i lived on the border for a few weeks, Lao people ALWAYS cross over to buy things in thailand. it's in their benefit to come over to thailand because everthing in laos is overly priced so they'd rather cross over. do you think it's in benefit for thailand to have those bridges? not really. what is thailand really getting? what are they getting? travel industry? from where? most of the people are lao people just crossing back and forth to buy things. then you'll have like 10 foreigners backpacking across the border on a dead day.

yes, regardless of how much we complain, no one will hear us and will listen to us. but we all are entitled to opinions because we are still on the gounds of USA. well this website is based on USA server.

lol i'm just answering the posts. no need to be feared of harm.

Okay, then why are you making a big fuzz about Lao government for banning thai tv soap opera? You just said that Laos is its own country and Thailand is its own country. So, then why can't Lao government make a call or decision what they want to do afterall they are an independent country!! It sucks to be Thailand to still have its martial law afterall it is a "Monarchy Democracy" country. At least a communist country doesn't follow a martial law. Do you even know what a "MARTIAL LAW" is? When a stablize/democractic country such as Thailand have to follow a martial law that is just ridiculous and embarassing to the world (what a ashame) and Thailand should be speaking about how bad Laos is (And you said Laos needs to focus on its own problem?) Too funny!! If they still follow a martial law, it better focus on stablizing that first. If not, Thailand is worse off than Laos. Speaking of democratic/communist society, you would think that in a democratic society citizens would have a vote to remove its PM (prime minister), then why was the military involved in removing Taksin? A true democratic country will have a recall of Prime Minister correct? So, much for a democratic country and criticizing other country (i.e. Burma for having military involvement)? Now, look who is doing the freaking same thing? Another point for democratic society, my international thai friends told me that on the 14th of February there was a curfew issued in Bangkok, so much for people's freedom/rights? With that said, I don't think one specific type of government will work everywhere throughout the world. In additional, democracy government is not perfect either! If it is, then President Bush will be out of the office and it will be a perfect world. Just like is free market a perfect market? There are certain aspects that I think democracy and communist have its strengths and weaknesses. For example, having a democractic government doesn't mean that it is far better because when people protest or criticize about the government, there is no action. Only annoying group of hobbyists or complainers. Even though people complain about the US government, I still see President Bush as a Commander and Chief. So, there is no point of criticizing the government if there is no results right? In a communist government you can do whatever you want, but don't criticize the government, in which I can understand why.

With what your saying, I think that its not the Lao government that is complaining or making a big deal about it. I think its the people like you and not the government. By changing the script of the drama (modifying it), is basically working with the Lao government don't you think? If you modified after a talked with Lao government don't you think that's working with them? Just face the reality here, Thai producers are working with Lao government. If they don't want to change it, then just air it. If they are not airing it after a banned was issue then it must mean that Thai producers are up to something (maybe propaganda? who knows). If not, why not just air it in Thailand; afterall Thailand is it own independent country and Laos is independent from Thailand. Then why is the news report all up on this matter? It seems to me that Thailand is trying to cause a problem by what your trying to say up above.

Are Thai producers really desperately wanting Lao audience to see it or what? What is the purpose of getting Lao people to watch this lakorn? If I am Lao people I could careless if the thai soap opera is air or not!! Don't Lao government have a say in what should be air or not? Look at America everything is all censor and only certain things can be air or shown on tv? I guess you don't even notice that eh? Now, how free is America? So, what's the big problem or issue about Lao government banning thai soap opera?

Well, like I said if they don't change it then it will not be air in Laos period!! What is so important to you that you want this drama to air in Laos? I don't think Lao people even cares if it airs or not, well if I were Lao people at least living over in Laos.

Okay, I don't know where you get your information about people killing bald eagle everyday? It is illegal to kill bald eagle in the United States, the only people that have the right to get close to the bald eagles are the Native Americans. Dude, I don't think you understand the entire concept here. AVEE might symbolize Laos, etc in which producer just don't want to openly say LAOS, etc. Do you get it? It is like a metaphor, etc.

You think you have freedom of speech in America? You need to do some catching up on your reading on America Freedom of speech and listen to the politicians. What's the last controversy that you heard about politicians talking about freedom, etc. When is the last time you attended college or university? Let me ask you this, how free do you think America is? Do your comparison analyze of America vs other countries (i.e. England, Australia, France, Canada, etc). After that then you should come back and debate about this topic again. Hint: follow up on the laws is the start.

In America isn't there a tax (i.e. sales tax, city tax, local tax, state tax, property tax, corporate tax, etc)? So, what is so wrong with implementing a tariff policy? That is how you will improve the infrastructure in the country. I am pretty sure Thailand have a import/export tax as well because I don't think it is a FREE TRADE world yet!

Well Dok Champa is a respect thing among Lao people. In what term or context don't you understand?

Anywho, didn't want to sound so harsh on this topic of discussion! I guess I will stop here for now...This remind me of a debate that I had similar to Avon China the banning of direct sales and how the US government wants to place a high tariff on China importing because Chinese's currency is fixed vs US is floating and the US government believe that the Chinese government did not let yuan (currency) appreciated that's bs. Just because US dollars is depreciating in value agains Chinese Yuan. Too funny!!

REMEMBER: I am NOT pro/anti-thai (lao, democratic, communist, etc).
having a curfew on Feb 14th and American channels not showing porn on television is on the same basis, the governement is demoting sexuality. do you think it is good for a 10 year old to flip the channels and see a couple having sex on tv? thailand, in bkk has a curfew for ppl, eversince taksin was the prime minister, he had clubs close at 2am and gas stations closing at 10pm so people won't stay out all day all night. this is the same for certain sections of USA, many clubs and facilities closes at certain times.

there is no such freedom and rights in thailand either. i've never said thailand is a great country in a political stance. they are as corrupted as any other asian country out there. thailand or any other country besides USA, doesn't have much freedom or rights. hence people wanting to seek a better life in the states. same goes for thailand, which isn't communist, you can't talk about politicians or you have a very high risk of being imprisoned. additionally, many media that had information about the coup had to remove their airings and publications or they also were at risk of being imprisoned.

i may not be a major in history or political science, but there are many things known from experiencing the life of someone living there.


sarNie Adult
I personally think its stupid that they are adjusting scenes and delaying the airing. I mean if they are so worried about Lao ppl being protrayed negatively then I dont see why they dont complain about King of the Hill. I mean in that show that is the worst portrayl of Lao ppl ever! Like I am kinda mad everytime I see the neighbors on King of the Hill. Basically everyone in america sees Lao ppl as annoying, stupid FOBs that cannot speak enlglish well and when they do speak lao on the show you can barely understand wat they say. Their protrayl of Lao ppl is waaay worse then this lakorn and the soccer movie put together. And furthermore they should be more worried about what america thinks of Lao ppl, because in reality the US is the more powerful country then Thailand, and if they were really looking for a beneficial governmental friendship shouldnt they seek it through the US, since everyone and their mother watches American TV n for the majority only Thai ppl and Lao ppl watch Thai TV/lakorns. Plus I think Thailand and Laos would be better friends if Laos would stop bustin their chops on every film production Thailand tries to make that includes Laos. Doesnt Laos understand that they are helping us become recognized to the world n we should take any good promo we can get!!!

I mean the lakorn could be somewhat detrimental to the lao culture, but its a Lakorn, it doesnt mean its real life. I think becuz they made such a big deal over these faults in the lakorn ppl are going to notice the faults more, like the whole flower (dok champa) being thrown away, i bet you more then half the people who watch lakorns could not even distinguish between a dokchampa flower or another type of flower, for all they know it could be a tulip or a rose or something. And the whole being pregnant n not married, that happens plenty of times in Thai lakorns, like Oum Ruk, the nang aek was totally pregnant before she got married, and her pregnancy happened becuz she was drunk it wasnt even out of love, and guess wat Ann Thongprasom won Best Actress for Top awards 2006 for that role. And you dont see the Thai government complaining.

Man, its just frustrating because I know a lot of ppl in Laos and overseas have been really looking forward to this Lakorn just because it incorporates Laos in it, we could careless about a little flower, we just want the drama, and yes to produce drama there must be plot lines like being pregnant without a father otherwise it WOULDNT BE A LAKORN aka drama aka soap opera!!!!

Thats what I been saying swtaznlaogrl. Her mom got pregnant in the movie not like she got rape or did she? lol But alexandra still have a father in the movie who she go looking for and thats how she meet the main actor. Dang and yea king of the hill thats even worst but laos goverment cant complain about that..........complain to america? naw...................Laos wouldnt dare America no one tell them what to ban or to air. America dont care about what other country like or dont like to watch. The bottomline is YOU DONT LIKE IT DONT WATCH!................simple as that. Thailand does alot for Laos what laos need to do is if thier not gonna give anything back to Thailand at least shut up about thier drama and movies. It was worst when these lao deang they 1st rule the country everything was ban outside world was even cut off. Then they relize they need loan and benifits from the outside world to servive thats why they open thier doors now. But that doesnt mean they arnt communist anymore they are still close minded they just open thier doors for $$$$$$$$ beside that they still the same old mofo cave educated goverment. My parents hate these goverment especially my dad who a former royal lao soilders.


sarNie Hatchling
I am making a big fuss about this? I believe you are mr or misses pro communist. Your defending this goverment and you know it. Even tho you said your not on any side but everything you said are on the lao communist side. Yea I said laos is laos thailand is thailand thats why laos need to step out of thailand bz about thier lakorn or movie. Its up to them what they wanna make. Laos have no right to tell thailand what to do does laos rule thailand? no Laos need to worry whats going on in laos not thailand. Dok champa is respectful thing for the country laos but if you ask any lao in laos if they care about this flower most of them maybe all of them will say who cares. only you making a big fuss about this stupid flower. You sound like you know what every lao thinks in laos. No one cares about this flower its just a flower what part of that dont YOU! understand? Yea we got taxes in America but maybe you didnt read right. America tax you for your bills and stuff you buy. But they dont make you pay monthly for a bike or tv when you buy it its yours. In laos they make you pay monthly if you have it like its some kind of bill you owe. There freedom of speech in america if you think laos is so perfect go live there and not america. seem like you love that country so much. I like laos not the goverment. Stop defending a brain dead goverment nothing good about them if thier is people would flee to thailand to come to a 3rd country. why are you in america if laos is so great? America have freedomt o vote unlike laos and freedom to protest unlike laos freedom to say what you dont like about the law unlike laos. About avee they had to change it becuase hard headed goverment like laos are stupid to take a movie so seriuosly. No one take movie that far its a movie. If they dont like it dont watch it! simple as that. Well if laos doesnt care if this drama air then why make thailand ban it or change it then? Now your not making any sense if they dont care then like I said earlier DONT WATCH IT.................Thailand air it in thier country. If laos goverment have so much problem with Thailand drama why do they allow thai tv in laos ban it since thier good at baning stuff. I dont care if this drama dont air in laos either I dont live there. Get your fact straight man do you know what your saying half of your comment to me dont make any sense. Yea you cant shoot eagle anymore its becoming less and less of them they will protect anything that will be gone in the near future.

You make you freaken sense at all man. Why would the producer of Thailand what laos to help them make thier lakorn that thier making in thier country? What make Laos so special for them to come and tell thailand how to direct thier film? And you said Thailand want laos audience to watch this lakorn? WHo said? Thailand dont give a damn about laos watch it or not the tv rating only counts in thailand not laos. And they arnt forcing laos to watch Thai tv drama. Laos just watch it becuase they have thai channels in thier television. I never said Thailand was cuasing a problem dude you need to read carefully. I said laos was causing a problem. Laos is the one making a big deal about this not Thailand. Laos is the one making a big fuss about this not Thailand. Thailand wasnt the one who wanted to change the script laos was.
You make me laugh! America dont censor anything. You got cable at home son? maybe you still use antena. America dont censor anything unless its regular tv if you have cable everything is shown. Half of american movie is erotic or racist and they air it all the time. Where the hell you get this from? You say I dont know what I am talking about boy you need turn on your tv oh wait you dont have cable. I also didnt say laos cant ban thai drama. Laos rule laos they can ban whatever that is in laos but to cross the river and tell thailand what to do thats being stupid. Telling another country what to do. Its like England telling america to ban thier movies. Which england never do becuase thier 2 different nation they only worry about what going on in thier country unlike laos. Laos goverment can have a say what air in laos not Thailand laos goverment dont own channel 7 thai tv. If they dont like this drama all they gotta do is ban it from lao television. they already ban Thai music or television in public area anyway.
Yea your right like you said if it dont change it wont be air in laos. And do you think Thailand care if laos air thier drama or movies? No no one cares what laos does in laos no one pay attention if the world care about Laos..........Laos would be in trouble along time ago for torturing killing hmongs. But the world doesnt care about laos right now the world care about iraq and the middle east. No one give a damn what laos goverment ban in thier country. I can tpye until my finger bleed and you wont have a clue on what i am trying to say. Stop living in the cave and come out and open your eye. Laos cant be compare to america or thailand. America is free thats why people come here for freedom and thats why you are here if you dont think you have freedom in America get out and go home to laos since your always defending these communist go live with them and tell me how your freedom over there is. I been to school I learn stuff about USA goverment and thier one of the best goverment out there. They give u welfare they give u housing to live in if you cant afford a house. What does laos goverment give to the people beside a big head ache? You think people over there are happy no there not but they got no freedom of speech or protest they cant do anything. If you havent notice Thailand just over threw thier old goverment taksin shinawat. After they protest after protest after protest he wouldnt leave office. Now can laos protest like that? If thier was a protest you be seeing people running for thier lives just toexscape prosecution. After every comment you tpye you put not anti thai or anti laos or anti democractic but to me your a pro communist everything you talk about is defending those communist I wonder why are you in America?

If you sapport everything they do go live with them. My parents left that country for a reason becuase those old farts are stupid. Thier just a vietnam puppet. Exceot the fact thier a puppet vietnam point thier finger laos does it. I dont agree with anything you said. Laos need stay out of thailand bz and focuse on themself and if they got a problem with thai movie or drama dont watch it. Burma I thought was a bad country thier way better then laos at least they dont complain about thai drama or movies. I dont think thai producer need to work with laos on anything if they work with laos its going on the lao favor. Everyone making a big deal about this becuase its stupid to make people change story just over one stupid flower only you my friend stupid enough to believe its a good thing. The only one having a problem about this drama is laos goverment thier the one who started all this stress well actaully thier the only one stressing about it. Everyone was looking foward to watching this drama. No one have a problem with it but no that stupid goverment had to complain about it. Thats all thier good at is complain and nothing eles. Thailand made a drama about mekong it had the lao king in it Fa ngum if you know him. Why didnt laos complain about that? Fa Ngum is the father of laos but yet no complain but they complain about a stupid flower. Oh wait I frogot these goverment overthrew the kings so they dont give a shit about who make movies about them. THis goverment is nothing but bad news will always cuase problem and complain. I am a anti communist and I will always be an anti communist. Like it or not one day i hope Laos become free again and have a king laos prince in france should take back his ancestor countries. Anyone agree with me do reply. :angry:
First of all, you did not address any of my questions, instead you babbling on about nothing (after awhile your fingers will start to bleed, if you keep typing about non-sense stuff). When providing insight it would be nice if you could provide good reasoning and try to leave your personal bad experience because that will distort the fact from reality. As a result, it will only provide you with anger and frustration of what other is trying to say. Thus, it will make you only see one perspective which is your side!

I suggest you to not make up your mind about me being a pro-communist because that is a false accusation and I can assure you that! All I am trying to do is play devil's advocate!

Yes, I agreed that a country cannot tell other country what to do (but this happen frequently (i.e. US vs Iraq situation, US (and the world) vs N. Korea, etc). However, I think you are missing the basic point here that as the topic of the discussion simply stated "urges/urging" and not telling. Thai producers do not have to compromise with what Lao government are suggesting. They are simplying "urging" Thai producers to take into considerations about how they felt about this lakorn. If Thai producers don't like what Lao government is suggesting then they should just air it. The decision is on the hand of Thai producers!

Another point is that I am making a big fuzz about dok champa? All I simply said was that "dok champa is very much respected among Lao people" ( in the basis of level of respect). Please explain to me how am I making a huge fuzz about this statement? The root of dok champa goes way back to the monarchy period.

Regarding taxation of owned products in Laos is false accusation! Did you went to Laos to witness this happen before making this accusation? Or did you overheard this talking among Lao community?

I do have to agreed with you that America grants us freedom, but to certain extend! The freedom that is giving to us by the American founding fathers are diminishing and that is the truth! For example, if America is so free as you (Phon) said they are then why can't Americans fly directly to Cuba? Or why can't you import Cuban cigars? Or why are states trying to ban smoking in public areas? Or why were there big debate about allowing government officials tapping on telephone conversations? Isn't that beat the purpose of freedom to privacy? Or why are college students limited to freedom of speech? Aren't these the rights and freedoms that Americans want? These are few examples that popped up in my mind at the moment.

I never once stated that Laos is a perfect country! However, I will say that there is no such place in this world that is a perfect country; otherwise there will be an utopia! But the perfect country is in your heart!

The other point that I want to make in regard to your (Phon) comments about Laos will be in trouble for "torturing Hmongs" then Germany will be in trouble as well for the holocaust incident with Jewish. Furthermore, America will be in trouble for Hiroshima incident in Japan, etc. Have you ever think about that?

I would like to point out that Laos do have a voting system and people do have the right to vote! They recently had elections in 2002 for a new national assembly. However, the only thing that citizens cannot do is criticize the government, in which I understand. Citizens in the US protested about the war in Iraq and criticized tremendously about the government daily and there is no outcomes arises from citicizing the government. If the criticizing continues then all the US government will see is another day of criticizing. Do you see where I am going with this? By criticizing the government it doesn't help the government at all. They will just get use to it.

Like I have stated numerous times that if Thailand wants to air it then go right ahead, but all the Lao government is doing is urging them. They are not holding a gun against their head. If Laos wants to ban it then they will have to find a way that will not allow viewers in Laos to intercept Thai tv frequency.

The question about "do you think people in Laos are happy" is an opinion question. I do think that majority of the people are happy living in Laos. Now, do you think that everyone living in US of A are happy? or Do you think everyone living in Thailand are happy?

Well about the shooting of bald Eagle, that was a replied to you stating that "And an eagle is a simbol of America but those bird get shot dead everyday lol" (Phon) and all I wanted to point out was that it is not a true statement! Glad you agreed!

In regarding to your (Phon) comments about US Government being the best government, I have to disagree/agree with you to certain extend. Yes, US Government do provide public assistance to low income families (some families abuse the system); however, other countries such as England, France, etc provides public assistance to families as well. They even have a better healthcare system implemented for better welware of their people. If you are considering US Government as being the best by offering public assistant then there are much more that you still did not learn while your in school. There are numerous factors that contribute to make US Government "the best" and not only base on the public assistance aspect! Do me a favor, go out and do a quick survey of Americans by asking them if US Government is the best government? I CAN GUARANTEE you that you will get NO responses. If US Government is "the best government", why do Americans have so many enemies around the world?

Regarding your comment about "why would Thai producers want help from Lao?" (Phon) Well, I not once stated that they want help from Lao government! All I said was that when Thai producers is modifying their script after Lao government "urges" then Thai producers are working with them because they are taking into considerations of the suggestion provided by Lao government.

I am glad that you find my comment to be hilarious regarding censor! I hope you know what censor is because with your replied it doesn't seem like you fully understand that term exactly. Yes, I do have cable (internet cable and cable tv). In addition, I also have satellite (Directv and Dishnetwork) at my places as well as DSL for my internet as well as LCD/PLASMA HDTV. Is there anything else that you assume that I don't have, which I think is useless personal information. Furthermore, I also have foreign satellite systems. I strongly still agree that US of A censor majority of the programs. Even Thailand have censorship. They recently issued a censor regarding airing alcohol. For example, do you think American people get to see everything in their home about the war in Iraq? Do you think the Pentagon release video for the 9/11 incidents? That's just some few examples. Now, compare US with European countries regarding censor. You will be surprise on some of the stuff you will see in Europe television.

To answer your question about "Yea your right like you said if it dont change it wont be air in laos. And do you think Thailand care if laos air thier drama or movies?" Well, your asking for my opinion so here it is. I think that Thailand do care, otherwise they will not modified the drama! If not, by now it should have be air.

"No no one cares what laos does in laos no one pay attention if the world care about Laos.........." (Phon). Are you positively sure that no one cares what is going/happening in Laos? If so, we will not have this topic of conversation! Or you or other will not have any knowledge about this topic or what is going on in Laos! And I am pretty sure that their are someone that cares what Lao does in Laos.

I am fully aware of the situation that recently happened in Thailand; there was a military coupe to over-throw Prime Minister- Thaksin Shinawtra. However, the overthrown was not done by the voting of the Thai citizens; the military plays a vital role in this matter, while PM Thaksin Shinawatra was in a meeting at New York .

"Stop living in the cave and come out and open your eye" (Phon). This is more of describing yourself, because it seems to me by reading your comments that you have not see the world outside your home territory. One advice, get out and see (not smell) the world. All I got to say is that I have been to most parts of the world to vacation, visit, and study. So, if that is me living in the cave then I have no word to describe what you have been living in.

Why do you think that I make no sense on this topic of discussion? If you think that I make no sense then you need to re-read what you typed because half of the stuff that you typed does not even make sense. It is very difficult to follow what you are trying to say. I advise you to not jump to conclusion that I am new to America. Does it matters if I am new to America or not? My perspective may not make any senses to you because it maybe to difficult for you to interpret or comprehend (maybe next time I will speak on your level of intelligent so you can comprehend more of what I am trying to say).

"Exactly noungning thats what I was saying. Every country in asia is corrupted"(Phon). There is no where on your comments that you implied or intented to implied that "every country in Asia is corrupted." All I got from reading your comments is bla bla and how bad Laos is in comparison to Thailand and how good Thailand is to Laos, etc and if people don't agree with you that they should not reply (speaking of me being a pro-communist).

"Thailand not affraid of laos at all Thailand right now hold the laos economy in thier hands. Thailand can close thier border with laos and what will happen laos economy will collapse. I wonder if they even have an economy" (Phon). I am fully aware that you have no knowledge about the economy period! If Laos, do not have economy, then how do you think that the currency kip is circulating and performancing better than some of its neighboring countries. I don't think it is wise to under-estimate a small country with potential in the near future. I don't think you have a knowledge about the economy at all, because how the economy work is not all about one country. It is network of countries working together. I am pretty sure if Thailand pulls a plug out from Laos that not only Laos will suffer but other countries as well. Economy is like a dominos effect similar to Asian Crisis in 1997.

"But we got one close minded person in here who just dont GET IT! I can flood this forum with these comment and this one person still wont get it" (Phon). If that one close minded person that you are referring to is me-Champ; then you need to re-think and re-consider because it seems to me that the close minded person is you. All the comments that you made is all about you and you and you! Furthermore, if people don't agree with you, you don't want them to reply. And if they do offer another insight, then you go blistic. I am not dumb as you think I am, this is referring to your comment that you made about " close minded person in here who just don't get it". Overall, our intelligent is not on the same level.

"Then they relize they need loan and benifits from the outside world to servive thats why they open thier doors now. But that doesnt mean they arnt communist anymore they are still close minded they just open thier doors for $$$$$$$$" (Phon). It seems to me that whatever Lao government do or does there will be no win/win situation but only a lose/lose situation. If they open their door to the outside world they get blame for and if they don't open up the door, they get blame for. Mind as well you go and run the country because it seems like only your opinion matter!

"America is free thats why people come here for freedom and thats why you are here if you dont think you have freedom in America get out and go home to laos since your always defending these communist go live with them and tell me how your freedom over there is" (Phon). I don't think people are here just for their freedom afterall majority of the legal immigrates can't or don't even vote, thus giving up their freedom of speech away. I cannot speak for everyone, but I can only speak for myself that people come to America not just for freedom but more for opportunity that they cannot get/have in their homeland country.

"Get your fact straight man do you know what your saying half of your comment to me dont make any sense" (Phon). My facts are straight as they can get! Have you ever think about getting your facts straight before making comments? Do you want to know why half of what I am saying don't make any senses to you? The reason is that they are to complex for your tiny brain and your tiny brain cannot comprehend my intelligent!

Regarding the bridge issues, what is so wrong about Lao people crossing the border to Thailand and buying goods and services. By Lao going across the bridge to Thailand to purchased goods and services, they are actually helping the Thai's economy. That is why majority of Thai's revenues come from tourism sector and the reason for building a bigger airport. If Thailand do not want Lao people to cross over then don't agreed at the first place to build the bridge. You have to look at it economically as well and not just people going over to Thailand.

"Thier just a vietnam puppet. Exceot the fact thier a puppet vietnam point thier finger laos does it. I dont agree with anything you said ... I dont think thai producer need to work with laos on anything if they work with laos its going on the lao favor" (Phon). You don't have to agree with me or everything that I said, that is why this is a topic of discussion. That's your opinion of Laos though being a puppet state. Thailand was a puppet when French and Japanese entered Southeast Asia and China was a puppet. Basically, majority of the countries today are a puppet to US or other countries are a puppet to other countries as well. The point your trying to make is? Too bad, too sad Thai producers had already work with Lao government. I guess your thought and opinion does not matter anymore. But thanks for your insight.

I think that the media (i.e. newspapers, articles, news, etc that report this matter) may have blown this situation out of proportion and I can bet on that (media=biase). Besides, neither you or me have seen the sample clip of this lakorn (who know exactly how it was portray). Please don't immediately jump to conclusion when you get the info from other sources especially the media, unless you are there at first hand. The media may have making this simple/solveable matter and turn it into a huge huge dilemma, which make parties involved lose face (look bad).

I am in no shapes or forms defending any government! I've provided you with different perspective of this situation! It is good to hear that you went to school! How much of an education did you received?

I will add more later after I am done with my midterm exam! This is just an outline...So, stay tuned everyone...


sarNie Adult
First of all, you did not address any of my questions, instead you babbling on about nothing (after awhile your fingers will start to bleed, if you keep typing about non-sense stuff). When providing insight it would be nice if you could provide good reasoning and try to leave your personal bad experience because that will distort the fact from reality. As a result, it will only provide you with anger and frustration of what other is trying to say. Thus, it will make you only see one perspective which is your side!

I suggest you not to make up your mind about me being a pro-communist because that is a false accusation and I can assure you that! All I am trying to do is play devil advocate!

Yes, I agreed that a country cannot tell other country what to do (but this it happens frequently (i.e. US vs Iraq situation, US (and the world) vs N. Korea, etc). However, I think you are missing a basic point here that as the topic of the discussion simply stated "urges/urging" and not telling. Thai producers do not have to compromise with what Lao government are suggesting. They are simplying "urging" Thai producers to take into considerations about how they felt about this lakorn. If Thai producers don't like what Lao government is suggesting then they should just air it. The decision is on the hand of Thai producers!

Another point is that I am making a big fuzz about dok champa! All I simply said was that "dok champa is very much respected among Lao people". Please explain to me how am I making a huge fuzz about this statement? The root of dok champa goes way back to the monarchy period.

Regarding taxation of owned products in Laos is false accusation! Did you went to Laos to witness this happen to make this accusation? Or did you overheard this is talking among Lao community?

I do have to agreed with you that America grants us freedom, but to certain extend! The freedom that is giving to us by the American founders are diminishing and that is the truth!

I never once stated that Laos is a perfect country! However, I will say that there is no such place in this world that is a perfect country; otherwise there will be a utopia! But the perfect country is in your heart!

The other point that I want to make is that if Laos will be in trouble for "torturing Hmongs" then Germany will be in trouble as well for the holocaust incident with Jewish. Furthermore, America will be in trouble for Hiroshima incident in Japan, etc.

I wold like to point it out that Laos do have a voting system and people do have the right to vote! They recently had elections in 2002 for a new national assembly. However, the only think that citizens cannot do is criticize the government, in which I understand. Citizens in the US protested about the war in Iraq and criticized tremendously about the government daily and there is no outcomes arises from citicizing the government. If the criticizing continues then all the US government will see is another day of criticizing. Do you see where I am going with this? By criticizing the government it doesn't help the government all at. They will just get use to it.
Like I have stated numerous times that if Thailand wants to air it then go right ahead, but all the Lao government is urging them. They are not holding a gun against their head. If Laos wants to ban it then they will have to find a way that will not allow viewers in Laos to intercept Thai tv frequency.

The question about "do you think people in Laos are happy" is an opinion question. I do think that majority of the people are happy living in Laos. Now, do you think that everyone living in US of A is happy? or Do you think everyone in living in Thailand is happy?

Well about the shooting of bald eagle, that was a replied to you stating that "And an eagle is a simbol of America but those bird get shot dead everyday lol" and all I wanted to point it out was that it is not a true statement! Glad you agreed!

Regarding you comment about "why would Thai producers want help from Lao?" Well, I not once stated that they want help from Lao government! All I said was that when Thai producers is modifying their script after Lao government "urges" then Thai producers are working with them because they are taking into considerations of the suggestion provided by Lao government.

I am glad that you find my comment to be hilarious regarding censor! Yes, I do have cable (internet cable and cable tv). In addition, I also have satellite (Directv and Dishnetwork) at my places as well as DSL for my internet. Furthermore, I also have foreign satellite system. I strongly still agree that US of A censor majority of the programs. For example, do you think American people get to see everything in their home about the war in Iraq? Do you think the Pentagon release video for the 9/11 incidents? That's just some few examples. Now, compare US with European countries regarding censor. You will be surprise on some of the stuff you will see in Europe television.

To answer your question about "Yea your right like you said if it dont change it wont be air in laos. And do you think Thailand care if laos air thier drama or movies?" Well, your asking for my opinion so here it is. I think that Thailand do care, otherwise they will not modified the drama! If not, by now it should have be air.

"No no one cares what laos does in laos no one pay attention if the world care about Laos.........." Are you positively sure that no one cares what is going/happening in Laos? If so, we will not have this topic of conversation! Or you or other will not have any knowledge about this topic or what is going on in Laos! And I am pretty sure that their are someone that cares what Lao does in Laos.

I am fully aware of the situation that recently happened Thailand; there was a military coupe to over-throw Prime Minister- Thaksin Shinawtra. However, the overthrown was not done by the voting of the Thai citizens or Thai citizens; the military plays a vital role in this matter, while PM Thaksin Shinawatra was in a meeting at New York .

I am in no shapes or forms defending any government! I've provided you with different perspective of this situation! It is good to hear that you went to school! How much of an education did you received?

I will add more later after I finish studying for my midterm exam! This is just an outline...So, stay tuned everyone...

Who dont have that flower dok champa cambodia grows them in their country Thailand have them to but they call it dok luntome. But oh well this topic gone way to long this be my last time replying I got other things to do. The coup was a military coup and was not the vote of the citizen but you dont notice the citizen sapport the coup. They all came out and sapport the military after it happen. The King was the one who order the coup. He call all the leaders in his palace and after that the coup happen. If the peacefull king sapport it the citizen sapport it then there shouldnt be a problem. And there wasnt 1 gun shot fire if there was the king would have a say in this. They say he has no power? people dont know that he still control his country he isnt there just to make the country look like a monarchy. He even has his own troops and if he didnt have control over his country he wouldnt be able to order a coup.

If Thailand was like Burma who didnt give a shit about anyone they wouldnt care about laos feelings. And about no freedom here in the USA there alot freedom people mock president bush everyday. What happen to those people? nothing. This country make joke about every religion buddihst chirstian whatever jews. No protest or any ban made here. Only if you ment to talk shit about thier religion then there a problem but if its all fun and jokes no body cares. Everyone is all open to hear a good joke. And to have a good joke you gotta make fun of others if not it wont be funny. Thats why that soccer movie they made it the way it was made. If they didnt do that will that movie be funny? no it just be another boring drama. I am all for a good luagh nothing bothers me if laos was mock or made fun of. If people are so up tight cant handle a joke those people or living nothing but stress. Your right not everyone is happy in Thailand or the USA. But at least thier goverment isnt like laos. People vote in laos? why do I still see communist in laos? This is a one party nation even if you vote you got no choice but to vote for these communist again. But just different guy. Big wow even if you vote they are still in power. If they had more parties these communist wont be in power today. They be long gone let people vote for the communist and the monarchy or other parties 1 of them will win but not communist. If they did vote you think thier vote actually counts?

About the iraq war I know they dont show everything. But at least they dont ban or censor movie. But at least the USA goverment show how thier troops torture iraqi how many time lao goverment will show how bad thier troops are? How about them raping of hmong girls and shooting thier breast? They even deny it happen but they know they can get away with it like i said before United Nation doesnt care about Laos.
But yet again this country america the only country you can mock and make fun of your president and wont get in trouble for it. Thailand you cant accuse the king but I dont see why people would anyway he a good guy. But in england you also cant accuse the queen but america did make fun of the queen of england in a movie and other comedy show but I dont see any tension flying around. The queen a simbol of england but how come I dont see or hear any ban coming from england? Laos just take things to far open up thier mind and this world be better to live in. If every country was like laos this world be boring. everyone will be stress out cant watch what show or movie they want.


exactly noungning thats what I was saying. Every country in asia is corrupted. liek I said thailand doesnt care about airing it in laos but thier just working with the laos goverment becuase they want the friendship to last longer. Other then that they dont give a damn if laos watch it or not. And about the bridge yes thailand not getting anything for it just a bunch of our people crossing back and forth to buy stuff. If Thailand didnt care about the relationship between the 2 Thailand would do alot of things to make laos mad but laos as small and weak as they are wont be acle to do anything about it. Thailand is changing the script of this movie or lakorn not becuase they have to but its for the relationship of the 2 country. These 2 country had bad blood back in the past and they dont want to repeat that again. Thailand not affraid of laos at all Thailand right now hold the laos economy in thier hands. Thailand can close thier border with laos and what will happen laos economy will collapse. I wonder if they even have an economy but oh well Thailand have the advantage over laos. Laos fear Thailand more then Thailand will ever fear Laos. Laos doesnt have any advantage over Thailand. But Yea about the princess building them roads she not getting anything out of that. She did that for friendship. I dont see Laos doing much for Thailand beside complaining about thier movies and lakorn. Laos goverment are brain dead people. If Laos was running by the Lao prince in france or those guys who work with the royal lao with the french Laos be better today. Becuase these goverment now arnt open minded the old goverment would be more open becuase most of them did work with the west and was educated in the west unlike these goverment now who came out of the cave to rule the country. All I have to say is if your not educated your not open minded. Anyone who is educated wouldnt give a damn about a flower or a movie. Its enteratainment without enterataint this world will be boring like the laos goverment zzzzzzzzzzz. I wonder if that champa is new to america. How can you say this country doesnt have freedom? America is all about freedom thats why people come here becuase thier country doesnt have it. the only non free here are those illegal immagrants who sneek in the country.
yes, i believe the thai government isn't trying to stir something up, they have enough headache with their own political instability. neighboring countries like laos shouldn't be revamped as a rebounding enemy from a simple lakorn. it just doesn't make sense. it'd be like the whole reasoning behind why the crips and bloods are rivals. once u find out why, you simply look at it and laugh because it's pure stupidity.

but saying that all close minded people aren't educated is a little biased. or mean if u want to take it. i believe some people in laos leading laos in the path it is now is educated, but like u said, closed minded and won't listen to, or, respect anyone elses' opinions. kind of a distructive way of leading but there isn't much that can be done...because once someone tries, they're knocked down like a piece of dominoe because of the domination of people's minds, certain people are brought up to sincerely believe it should be this way, so remove all rebals, and no one can change it. if any, it will take more than simple words.
First of all, you did not address any of my questions, instead you babbling on about nothing (after awhile your fingers will start to bleed, if you keep typing about non-sense stuff). When providing insight it would be nice if you could provide good reasoning and try to leave your personal bad experience because that will distort the fact from reality. As a result, it will only provide you with anger and frustration of what other is trying to say. Thus, it will make you only see one perspective which is your side!

I suggest you not to make up your mind about me being a pro-communist because that is a false accusation and I can assure you that! All I am trying to do is play devil advocate!

Yes, I agreed that a country cannot tell other country what to do (but this it happens frequently (i.e. US vs Iraq situation, US (and the world) vs N. Korea, etc). However, I think you are missing a basic point here that as the topic of the discussion simply stated "urges/urging" and not telling. Thai producers do not have to compromise with what Lao government are suggesting. They are simplying "urging" Thai producers to take into considerations about how they felt about this lakorn. If Thai producers don't like what Lao government is suggesting then they should just air it. The decision is on the hand of Thai producers!

Another point is that I am making a big fuzz about dok champa! All I simply said was that "dok champa is very much respected among Lao people". Please explain to me how am I making a huge fuzz about this statement? The root of dok champa goes way back to the monarchy period.

Regarding taxation of owned products in Laos is false accusation! Did you went to Laos to witness this happen to make this accusation? Or did you overheard this is talking among Lao community?

I do have to agreed with you that America grants us freedom, but to certain extend! The freedom that is giving to us by the American founders are diminishing and that is the truth!

I never once stated that Laos is a perfect country! However, I will say that there is no such place in this world that is a perfect country; otherwise there will be a utopia! But the perfect country is in your heart!

The other point that I want to make is that if Laos will be in trouble for "torturing Hmongs" then Germany will be in trouble as well for the holocaust incident with Jewish. Furthermore, America will be in trouble for Hiroshima incident in Japan, etc.

I wold like to point it out that Laos do have a voting system and people do have the right to vote! They recently had elections in 2002 for a new national assembly. However, the only think that citizens cannot do is criticize the government, in which I understand. Citizens in the US protested about the war in Iraq and criticized tremendously about the government daily and there is no outcomes arises from citicizing the government. If the criticizing continues then all the US government will see is another day of criticizing. Do you see where I am going with this? By criticizing the government it doesn't help the government all at. They will just get use to it.
Like I have stated numerous times that if Thailand wants to air it then go right ahead, but all the Lao government is urging them. They are not holding a gun against their head. If Laos wants to ban it then they will have to find a way that will not allow viewers in Laos to intercept Thai tv frequency.

The question about "do you think people in Laos are happy" is an opinion question. I do think that majority of the people are happy living in Laos. Now, do you think that everyone living in US of A is happy? or Do you think everyone in living in Thailand is happy?

Well about the shooting of bald eagle, that was a replied to you stating that "And an eagle is a simbol of America but those bird get shot dead everyday lol" and all I wanted to point it out was that it is not a true statement! Glad you agreed!

Regarding you comment about "why would Thai producers want help from Lao?" Well, I not once stated that they want help from Lao government! All I said was that when Thai producers is modifying their script after Lao government "urges" then Thai producers are working with them because they are taking into considerations of the suggestion provided by Lao government.

I am glad that you find my comment to be hilarious regarding censor! Yes, I do have cable (internet cable and cable tv). In addition, I also have satellite (Directv and Dishnetwork) at my places as well as DSL for my internet. Furthermore, I also have foreign satellite system. I strongly still agree that US of A censor majority of the programs. For example, do you think American people get to see everything in their home about the war in Iraq? Do you think the Pentagon release video for the 9/11 incidents? That's just some few examples. Now, compare US with European countries regarding censor. You will be surprise on some of the stuff you will see in Europe television.

To answer your question about "Yea your right like you said if it dont change it wont be air in laos. And do you think Thailand care if laos air thier drama or movies?" Well, your asking for my opinion so here it is. I think that Thailand do care, otherwise they will not modified the drama! If not, by now it should have be air.

"No no one cares what laos does in laos no one pay attention if the world care about Laos.........." Are you positively sure that no one cares what is going/happening in Laos? If so, we will not have this topic of conversation! Or you or other will not have any knowledge about this topic or what is going on in Laos! And I am pretty sure that their are someone that cares what Lao does in Laos.

I am fully aware of the situation that recently happened Thailand; there was a military coupe to over-throw Prime Minister- Thaksin Shinawtra. However, the overthrown was not done by the voting of the Thai citizens or Thai citizens; the military plays a vital role in this matter, while PM Thaksin Shinawatra was in a meeting at New York .

I am in no shapes or forms defending any government! I've provided you with different perspective of this situation! It is good to hear that you went to school! How much of an education did you received?

I will add more later after I finish studying for my midterm exam! This is just an outline...So, stay tuned everyone...
no, this is no longer in the hands of the producers in thailand, because it's dealing with a conflict between two countries in which can occur and cause destruction to their country. again, like i've typed so many times, the reason why thailand is paying attention to this "urging" from the laos government is because they are not trying to create conflict amongst their neighboring country, they are trying to build a better relationship. i don't know about friendship, but it's a relationship in which will benefit them both. financially and economically.

i didn't find frustration about the respect they have for the flower, but your quote of "dok champa is very much respected among Lao People as to the respect to the King," and it's not much frustration, and it's why this flower is being a basis to many of the discussions we're having. it's just not politically correct for you to compare the respect to a flower to a king. your information of respect for the flower that represents laos may be correct, but i know for a fact everyone will agree that no one will bend down to pick up the champa flower that was just fallen onto the ground.

Germany and the holocaust, was like cambodia and pol pot, it's ended with its dictator's death. additionally, they were "in trouble," many people from other countries were sent in to help and take down the power. and america and the hiroshima incident, japan at the time tried to fight back but lost, which still lingers now, but because of business/economic power they meet again, all this world is coming to is money and power. everyone is working on becoming #1, this is why they drop the past like it's nothing. that was the past... 10s of years ago. history will be looked at just like the war in iraq today, it happened and possibly 40 to 60 years from now we'll probably be great friends with iraq.

Talking about censoring, like i've mentioned before. they have an extent of freedom because you don't want to harm someone physically and mentally by airing something. also you don't want to expose to the immature viewers what they shouldn't be observing. these are pure common sense items we should all be well aware of. likely a reasoning behind europe and other countries not screening their media as much is likely people are more active than in the states, constantly sitting on their couches and waiting to watch the next prime time episode. and also considering the demographics of the USA, you don't want to air things to defend a huge population, in europe, you can air things happening in USA it's not affecting them and their political situation. if usa releases videos of 9/11, the world will be watching, leading to the terrorists who's likely to be watching and know every move of the usa, which isn't the brightest move to do, if you ask me.

everyone is entitled to their opinion, and i've not once said your opinion is wrong so keep going, this is quite amuzing.