Interracial Dating


sarNie Hatchling
hey friends, i'm writing an essay about interracial i need some points why society can't seems to accept interracial dating...and goes along with parents' issues about it...
does any of your parents are against it?....
what do you personally think about it?
any experience b4?
blah blah...any other points or answers is totally accpetable...hahah


wow i like this topic so here is what i think...

for society, i guess what has already been treated as normal is something that has been happening since forever. though we all don't know what really defines normal, we kind of develop and believe in what we've been growing up with as normal. societal standards equals normal? well interracial dating hasn't really been accepted to many until they interact or is apart of the situation. i've personally had problems, my parents don't like me "talking" or dating anyone out of my race which is lao.

they've always been brought up as you're lao so u must marry another lao, it's just normal. then i'd have to sit down and explain that though he's another race, he's just human like us. we eat food alike, and we can communicate with english. but i guess they just think it's abnormal and unacceptable because they think he can't adapt and refuses to, and depending on the person it can be either way and vice versa with his family, but seems like they are quite open hearted compared to mine at first. but now my parents see interracial as strange rather unacceptable.

i personally think it's normal. we can't really plan who and how we will fall in love. that's why there are interracial relationships, homosexual relationships, and all those other relationships. something like the emotions are hard to control, you might be raised to desire for your own race, but then again when you fall in love, it can be anyone. especially now a days, it's a lot more lenient because society is much more at ease with accepting this fact that love is uncontrollable. so seeing an asian girl with a white guy, black guy, or another asian guy that doesn't have the same ethnicity is much more normal compared to before time. :rolleyes:


there are plethora of reasons as to why society can not fully accept interracial relationship...YET. one of the reasons is culture and norm, but it could be any random reason that the person takes personally. i learned in history that interracial marriage interferes with Nationalism because if ur mixed, ur just stuck in the middle - but i personally think that it is a BEAUTIFUL thing, interracial relationship, that is.

i am, for one, in an interracial relationship, and i like it a lot. my parents seem to like him. its a good thing that my parents are open minded; they dont care 'what' they are. as long as they are good and can take care of me as a man and a lover, then all is good. some parents i know do not accept it, and thinks that marrying in the same ethnicity is "better", per se because at the very least, u would understand each other at the basis of culture and norm.

but no matter what...people will never really fully accept another person for w/e reason. it doesnt matter how much time we got in the world, somehow as humans, we're too arrogant to accept, but fortunately, many of us are open-minded.


for me personal.... interracial dating... is ok to me..... cuz if they are in love than that is all matter but I know that my parents dont agree w/me cuz of the culter and things..... they would said oh... they wont love you as much as your own people or thing is just not the same... I dont know why older gerentation cant really accepect of this situltion yet..... but for me it alll goood...


sarNie Adult
oh..this topic again. hmmmm.... i wonder if there's a difference between interracial and intrarracial dating?

well i guess, inter- sounds like between races and intra- sounds like across races, the latter sounds a bit polygamous huh ^_^ i suppose i wouldn't mind either, but the latter's a bit more enticing :lmao: