I Belong To You: Completed


You're Average Person :)
Chapter 15

Taylor was surprise to see that Nee took him to an empty park just down the streets from her house. He thought she would have taken him somewhere romantic or something but spending some alone time with Nee was good enough. Plus she was in a good mood.

“This is where you want us to spend our date?” he asked, his eyes wandering around.

“Yeah. What did you expect?”

Taylor sat down on the green grass next to Nee as she lies down to look up at the stars. Nee took Taylor by surprise since he thought she was those goody-too-shoes girls where they were afraid to get dirty. He smiled at her with adoration.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” she asked.

Taylor smiled, “You’re not who I thought you would be.”

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

“Good. You know I thought you were those pretty girls who are afraid to get dirty but you’re lying here on a wet grass with a beautiful dress on…..impressive"

“Nee smiled, “I may have a pretty face but I’m definitely not those kind of girls…but you seem like a pretty boy yourself.”

Taylor chuckled, “Oh! I am so not a pretty boy!”

“Oh yeah? Why don’t you lie down next to me then?”

“I will….”

Nee laughed as Taylor laid down next to her. The two stared up into the stars, neither of them said a word. Taylor would glance back at Nee every now and then, watching her as she closes her eyes and he would stare right back up at the sky.


Min walked out the movie theatre laughing at Om as he follows behind. She was laughing at how scared he was while watching Let Me In.

“It isn’t funny.”

Min held her laugh in, “Sorry but you should have seen the look on your face when that kid popped out of nowhere and you scooted up on your seat!”

“Okay I admit I’m not a fan of scary movies especially with kids involved but you were scared too. At one point in the movie, you even grabbed my hands.”

“I’m a girl though!” Min pouted defending herself. “It’s normal for girls like me but you…” Min laughed even more. “That’s a different story…”

“Fine, laugh all you want but next time, I’m choosing a movie that will scare the crap out of you…”

Min smiled, “Okay…but you sure you won’t get scared?”

Om stayed quiet and continued walking ahead. Min thought teasing Om was fun but cute in a way. She always liked it when he pouted. He looked pretty cute, like a little boy. And the only way to make him happy again was ice cream.

Om went to sit at a table outside the arcade and looked back and didn’t see Min anywhere in sight.

“Ice cream?” Min asked.

Om turned around and was surprise to see Min get his favorite, Double Chocolate Chip Mint flavor. Of course Min knew what his favorite flavor was, she dated him once.

“I didn’t tell you to get ice cream.”

“I know but you’re mad at me so I bought you ice cream to make it up.”

Om half smiled and turned away, “Who said I was mad at you?”

“Oh come on, you’re pouting like a boy because I made fun of you. I’m sorry and I know ice cream will make you feel better.”

Om paused and turned to face Min, “How’d you know about that?”

“I know because I dated you once duh” Min said to herself. “Lucky guess, I guess….”

Om smiled and took the ice cream, “Well thank you though.”

They continued to walk and at some point in time, Om didn’t hesitate to take Min’s hand and grasped it with his. Min didn’t like that idea much but at the same time, she liked it. They continue to learn more and more about each other and the more Min told more about herself, the more Om was attracted to her. Some how her stories reminded him of the Min he made fun of back in high school. And even though Min already knows stuff of him, there were some stuff that made her look at him in a different way, a good way.


Taylor walked Nee to the door of Parn’s apartment later that night. Nee thanked him for everything he did for her at her mom’s dinner party and apologized for falling asleep on him at the park.

“It’s okay” Taylor assured her. “I had fun watching you. You sleep like a doll.”

“I wasn’t snoring right?”

Taylor laughed, “No…that would be interesting to watch though.”

“Well…thank you though and sorry again for ruining the date.”

“It’s okay…..”

“Well, good night then.”

“Good night……”

Nee walked in all smiles and found Khem laying on the couch, looking sick, “Are you okay?” she asked. “And what are you doing up so late? Where‘s Parn?”

“Parn went to sleep and I was waiting for you guys to come home. How was the dinner party?”

Nee took off her shoes and went to sit on the couch, “Not so well. Mom didn’t like the idea that Taylor’s my boyfriend because we’re different nationalities. But whatever, it’s my life, my decision.”

“So you and Taylor stayed there all night?”

Nee shook her head, “No. We left early and we went to a park and I fell asleep there…”

“Well that’s a good way to ruin a date…”

Nee laughed, “Yeah but I felt really bad though….you know I have to admit Taylor is actually a nice guy, very down to earth, and funny too. He’s not annoying like I thought he’d be.”

Khem gave Nee a blank stare. She couldn’t believe Nee actually said nice things about him, “You serious?”

“Yup….so how was your date with Mr. Kellan?”

Khem rolled her eyes, “Don’t even get me started“

“That sound bad…”

“….so I took Parn’s advice if we wanted to chase those guys away, we have to push their buttons and that’s what we did. We went to dinner and me and Parn ate like piggies! FULL ON PIGGIES! We did what every man hates in a woman and they were disgusted by it. After dinner, Parn and Sukol went their own way, while me and Kellan hung out. So I wanted to tease him a little by taking him shopping, by making him pay all of it and carry all the bags…”

Nee looked around the living room, “So that explains these shopping bags.”

Khem nodded, “Yeah…..”

“So you just asked him if he could pay for you?”

“No, I just pretended that I forgot my wallet at home….”

Nee shook her head, “Khem you are so mean. You made him pay and carry your bags?”

Khem shrugged, “Hey…..he wanted to get to know me, well this is me…”

“Don’t you think you’re being a little unfair. The guy just wants to get to know you and you’re showing him the wrong side of you….”

“Boy, what the heck did Taylor did to you tonight?”

Nee laughed, “Nothing. But I’m serious….you should give him a chance……”

“I don’t think that will happen…”

“Why would you say that?”

“Well….after we shopped, I threw up on him. In the car. On the way home. He seemed pretty mad.”

“Wow….did you even apologize?”

“Of course….but it seemed like he ignored me cu he was too busy wiping his shirt…..so yup, that was my unforgettable date ever……in a bad way and in a good way.”

Nee yawned, “Well I’m gonna hit the shower and sleep. You coming?”

“No you go ahead. I’m gonna wait up for Min…”

“Okay…nighty night…”


Just as Nee went to her room, Min came in with the same emotions Nee had earlier.

“You seemed like you had fun on your date” Khem teased. “How was it anyways for you to come home this late?”

Min thought back to her date with Om. From watching a movie together to eating ice cream and sharing laughter and stories, she had a fun time, “It was okay…” she answered.

“Just okay? Not awesome or even great.”

“Why would you think I had an awesome or great time?”

“Because the look on your face. It was the same look Nee had when she first walked in.”

Min shrugged, “That doesn’t mean anything. I’m just happy that my plan is working. I can feel he’s falling for me…”

“And what about you? Are you falling for him too?”

Min dodged that question by yawning. Pretending of course. She headed for the stairs, “I’m so tired…I’m gonna go to sleep.”

Khem knew she was faking it, “You can lie to anyone Min but you can’t lie to yourself” she called after her.

After everyone went to bed, Khem laid on the couch thinking of what Nee told her earlier. Was she being too mean and unfair? Kellan can be annoying at times but he showed her that he is willing to do anything for the person he cares about. And paying all her stuff and carrying all her bags just shows that he cares for her.

“I wonder if he’s really mad at me for throwing up on him?” she asked herself.


sarNie Adult
Awhh;Taylor and Nee are too CUTE!
Min and Om,MOVIES.tehe,Om was scared.LOLS.
taha.Khem is so funny,she's doing that on purpose so Kellan wont like her:D


You're Average Person :)
Chapter 16

Khem came downstairs the next day with the things Kellan had bought her the day before. She thought about what Nee had told her and decided to return the things and give back Kellan’s money. Min and Nee were in the kitchen when they saw Khem carrying out the bags out to Parn’s car and they were confused, “Out shopping again?” Min asked. “Don’t you ever rest?”

Khem rolled her eyes, “I’m not going shopping. I’m returning these things.”


Khem didn’t know how to answer so she looked at Nee. Nee smiled once she figured out why Khem was returning the stuff, “So you finally come to your senses huh?” Nee teased.

“It’s not like that Nee. I just…..feel bad about what happened. I don’t want him to hate me.”

Nee laughed, “Oy! I don’t think Kellan can hate you, maybe mad but not hate.”

Khem pouted, “He’s mad at me?”

Nee shrugged, “Maybe. Taylor just called me awhile ago and said that Kellan was acting a bit strange like he doesn’t a lot like before. Like…..like someone who just got their heartbroken.”

Khem felt bad. She was only teasing him. She didn’t mean to hurt his feelings like that. But hopefully when she returns the stiff and give back his money, he won’t be mad at her anymore.

After Khem left the house, Nee couldn’t help but burst into laughter, “Oh gosh, never in my life have I’ve seen Khemanit face drop like that!”

Min sighed, “You shouldn’t have said it like that. You know how Khem is sensitive on this topic.”

“I know that but gosh she needs to get a taste of her own medicine.”

“I just think Khem is afraid of getting hurt again. Remember what Brian did to her?”

“Ugh, don’t remind me of him. He was such an ass!”

“Aren’t all guys are?”

“Some guys are nice…..”

Min smirked, “That someone is Taylor….”

Nee half smiled, “Shut up!”

Parn came jogging downstairs, “Hey guys, I invited the guys over for lunch by the pool later. What do you guys say?”

“Really? Awesome!” Nee said with excitement.

Parn and Min looked at her with blank faces.

“What? Nee asked. “I’m just excited because I haven’t had a pool party in a long time.”

Parn nudged her, “You sure you’re not happy because of Taylor is coming over?”

“And what about you, you invited them. Is it because you want to spend time with Sukol?”

Parn didn’t answer and looked over at Min.

“What?” Min asked.

“You don’t mind me inviting them right?” Parn asked.

“Why would I? It’s your house. Do whatever you want.”

Min didn’t want to show her emotions to her friends but deep down inside, Min was actually happy that Om was coming over. The girls then went out by the pool and got everything set up.


Khem drove up to Wayu’s house where Kellan was staying at. She hesitated whether to knock or just forget about everything and go home. In the end, she decided to knock on the door. Wayu answered.

“Khem? What are you doing here?”

“Hi…….I…..uh….I… was wondering if Kellan is home?”

“No, he left with his friends to your place. Aren’t you guys having some kind of pool party over there?”

“Oh yeah….I forgot….thanks.”

“Oh since you’re here, I have something to ask you.”

“What is it?”

“Are you and Kellan okay?”

“Why do you ask?”

“I don’t know. Every since he got back from the date with you, he seems…..sad…or mad…I can’t tell…..”

“Oh….we…..uh….I’m not sure either…..”

“Oh…cuz I thought you would know…”

“Nope” she lied. “Well, I have to get back to the party.”

Wayu nodded, “Okay….have fun.”


Min and Nee couldn’t help but stared at Om and Taylor’s body when they climbed up to the diving board and jumped down into the pool. Not only were they good looking but they have a good body as well.

“Hey!” Sukol shouted to Parn who were sitting with her friends by the pool. “Watch me do a flip!”

Parn smirked, “A flip? Is that the best you can do?”

“What’s wrong with doing a flip?” he demanded.

“I’m just saying anyone can do a flip. Even I can.”

Sukol smiled, “That’ll be interesting to watch. Why don’t you come do some flips now?”

Parn shook her head, “I don’t want to get wet.”

“What kind of pool party is this if you girls don’t want to get wet.”

“This is how us girls like it.” Nee answered. “In other words, it’s call tanning.”

Sukol nodded and took a step back before diving into the pool, “How was that?” he asked Parn.

Parn shrugged, “It’s okay.”


“I give it a four…..”

“Out of five?”

“Out of ten!”

“What? That was at least an eight!”


Sukol swam over to where Parn was sitting at, “Come girls…..come swim with us. It’s no fun with just us three guys. Kellan’s over there moping around.”

Taylor and Om swam to Nee and Min, “Yeah….come swim with us….please….”


The guys looked at each other and nodded once at the same time. Without warning, the guys grabbed the girls feet and pulled them into the pull.

“I told you I don’t want to get wet!” Min shrieked.

Om smiled, “But I want you to come swim with me though…”

Min splashed water at his face, “Ai bah!”

The six of them began splashing water at each other back and forth. And at times, the girls would get on the guys and try to drown them under water. Khem got back and saw how much fun her friends were having with the guys. She looked around and saw Kellan sitting by the grill having a drink. She walked over towards him.

“Why aren’t you swimming with them?” she asked.

“I don’t want to…”

Khem knew right away by the tone of his voice that he was mad at her. He wouldn’t even look at her face. Khem took the money out of her purse and handed it to Kellan, “Here…”

“What’s this?”

“It’s called money. You use it to buy things.”

Kellan rolled his eyes, “I know it’s money but why are you giving it to me.”

“I owe you don’t I? All the stuff you bought me yesterday, I returned it all and here’s the money.”

Kellan stood up and pushed the money back towards Khem, “I don’t want it.”

“But this is your money.”

“Are you mad at me?”

“Why would I be mad at you?”

“Well, what I did to you yesterday………and I’m sorry for throwing up on you yesterday but no worries, I bought you a new one. Like it?”

Khem took out a white Polo shirt and showed it to him.

“Look, I don’t want the shirt, I don’t want the money….”


“Your friends told me the truth about yesterday’s incident. If you hated me that much, why couldn’t you just tell me? Instead of using me as some kind of joke. I’m human you know, I have feelings too…”

Khem looked down, “I’m sorry….”

“You don’t have to apologize. From now on, I won’t bother you anymore….”

Khem’s heart sank when Kellan was mad at her and how he talked to her in that tone of voice. She didn’t think he would be mad at her for teasing him and using him like that but she thought wrong. For once in a long time, tears fell down Khem’s cheek as Kellan walked away.​


You're Average Person :)
ok, I will be taking over for Sara's side of the story since she's too lazy to be posting since she has schooling.....

sorry for the long update hehe


You're Average Person :)
Chapter 17

“You okay?” Min asked, trying to comfort Khem.

“I didn’t mean for this to happen like this….”

“I know…..”

“Why do I feel horrible about this?”

“Maybe because you care about him…….but I do want to apologize…”


“Because I’m the one that told Kellan about what you were up to. I didn’t know he was gonna be this mad since I always see him as a jolly person….”

“It’s okay…let him be mad…maybe I deserve it….”

After Khem went back upstairs, Min went to go sit by Om at the pool, “Is she okay?” Om asked with concerned.

“She will be…..I’ve never seen her this sad since she broke up with her ex….”

“Yeah me too…I’ve never seen Kellan this upset before. Out of the bunch, Kellan is the least person I expect to get mad at something or someone. I guess Khem really hurt him….”

“Well, if he wasn’t so annoying, maybe Khem wouldn’t have done it…”

“So are you saying it’s Kellan’s fault? The guy was just trying to get to know her……”

“By being so annoying. In fact, all of you guys are annoying…especially you”

Om smiled, “What? If I’m so annoying, how come you like me then?”

Min blushed, “I don’t like you! Who said I like you?”

Om grabbed Min’s hands, “Oh come on, you don’t have to say it. I know you like me. Action tells more than words.”

Min smiled, “That’s not always true….”

“True but I know another way how we can find out if two people have the same feelings for each other…”


Om grabbed Min’s hands and placed it on his chest, over where his heart was located, “Can you feel my heart beating?” he asked. “It’s beating faster than normal. When we’re by someone we have good feelings for, our heart will beat fast and if the person we love heart is beating fast too, then that means, that person loves you back…..”

Min took her other hand and placed it over her heart. To her surprise, it was beating just as fast as Om’s heart was. Was it true? Was she falling for him all over again?

“Is your heart beating fast like mines?”

Min nodded slowly, “It is…..”

“Then that means, my heart plus your heart becomes one……”

All of Min’s old feelings came back. The way she was feeling towards Om was the exact same feelings she had when she first met him back in high school. Her stomach was filled with butterflies and all she did was gazed into his eyes.

Om slowly leaned in closer and placed his lips on Min’s lip. She was suddenly surprise by it but found herself kissing him back.

Sukol tapped Parn on the cheeks after seeing her stare at Min and Om, “Jealous or what?”

“Why would I be jealous?”

Sukol moved closer to Parn, “I know huh? You have me of course…”

Parn turn to look at Sukol, “What are you talking about?”

“Ow! Aren’t we boyfriend and girlfriend?”

“I never agreed to be your girlfriend.”

Sukol grabbed Parn’s hand, “Then let’s make it official then.”

Parn was confused, “How?”

Sukol smiled and leaned in closer to Parn’s face. All she thought was he was going to kiss her. She immediately close her eyes and was waiting for his lips to touch hers, “Pben fan gup pom na krub..” he whispered in her ears.

Parn opened her eyes. He didn’t kiss her.

“What?” she asked softly.

“Pben fan gun na?”

“Are you really serious?”

“If I wasn’t serious, I wouldn’t have asked you.”

“But I’m complicated though. You sure you can handle that?”

“If I can handle you eating like a pig, then I can handle anything.”

Parn pouted, “I can’t believe that plan didn’t even work on you. You know I was going to do more to you but….”

“But what?”

“But after we went into the arcade after we split from Kellan and Khem, you actually act different when you’re with your friends. You seem…..not as much as a jerk I thought you would be.”

Sukol laughed, “Guys are like that. They act different when they’re with a girl…….so are we official?”

Parn smiled, “I guess so…but if you ever make me cry, it’s over.”

“Krub pom!” he saluted.

Nee smiled as she watches Parn and Sukol plating around with each other, “Who knew those two would end up together…” she said to herself.

“I know huh” said Taylor who was standing behind her. “And who would have thought we would end up together…”

“We’re together?”

“Aren’t we?”

“Do you want to be with me?”

Taylor nodded, “Of course……”

“Can you promise me one thing?”


“Can you promise me that you won’t make me cry?”

“I promise. And if I ever do, you don’t have to forgive me either.”

“Okay, I’ll remember that….so I guess rao pben fan gun laew…”


Nee laughed, “From now on, I’m your girlfriend and you’re my boyfriend….”

“You need to teach me some Thai words later on…I need to know when you’re speaking Thai, you’re not talking about me in a bad way…”

Nee smiled, “Deal….”​


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Story will be ending soon.....no longer than 30 chapters.


sarNie Adult
Every sentence is so romantic and i could imagine it;]
Hope things go better for Kehm and Kellan SOON!
Really?i don't want this fiction to end YET!!Nooooo...
BTW;thanks for updating so quickly;]


You're Average Person :)
Chapter 18

Summer was almost coming to an end. The wedding day was coming nearer. All the couples were finally getting along, minus Khem and Kellan. Those two haven’t worked anything out yet. She tried every way to make it up to him but Kellan just didn’t care. Taylor and Nee were finally a couple, so was Parn and Sukol. Min decided that she won’t avenge Om for what he did to her 4 years ago. She decided to forgive him and follow her heart, even though she hasn’t told Om the truth of her true identity. She thought the wedding day was the day she was going to tell him.

It was the last week before the wedding. Min decided to take one last trip to Hua Hin with her girlfriends before heading back to the States next week after the wedding. Khem excused herself from the trip.

“Tum mai?” Min asked. “How come you’re not going?”

“Because aren’t you guys going with your boyfriends?”

Min shook her head, “No. I’m taking my girls. Ever since we got here, we haven’t spend much time together. Hua Hin is the perfect place, I own a beach house over there too…..we can spend the night there…”

“Please…” Nee and Parn pleaded. “It won’t be fun without you…”

“Oy! Why do you guys want me to go so bad?”

“Because you’re our best friend. Besides, you’ve been thinking about Kellan too much…you need to get away and relax your thoughts….”

“Hmmm….that’s actually not a bad idea. Alright, I’ll go…”

“Yes!” The girls high five each other. Khem looked at them suspicious, “Why are you guys so happy?”

They smiled, “Nothing.”



Kellan looked at all his friends, “Why do you guys seem so shock by it?”

“Well, that’s because we are” said Taylor.

“So you’re pretending to be mad at Khem?” Om asked. “Because you want to see if she had any feelings for you?”

Kellan nodded, “That’s right.”

Sukol shook his head, “Dude, you tricked us all especially Khem. She feels really bad about the situation…”

“Hey, it hurts to see her sad like that but if I want to know the truth, I have to play at her level.”

“And you think your plan is working?” Taylor asked.

“Well she seems to care more about me, isn’t she? So I guess that’s a start.”

“But that doesn’t mean anything…..”

“True. That’s why when we go to Hua Hin, I have another plan in mind.”

“What’s that?” they all asked.

“You’ll see……”


The girls arrived at Hua Hin later in the afternoon. After they settled into their room, they all decided to go for a walk down by the beach, taking memorable pictures as they go. Min wanted a picture of all four of them together but somehow, when she takes it, it wouldn’t fit all four.

“I can take it for you guys if you want…”

The girls turned around and saw Om standing there with his other three friends. At that moment, Khem knew why her friends wanted her to come so bad.

Min smiled, “Om! What a surprise. I didn’t know you guys were coming here too…”

“You guys set me up” Khem whispered to Nee.

“Well, we just wanted you and Kellan to come to an understanding.”

“Thanks but it seems like he doesn’t want to….I’m gonna go back to the house…”

“Khem wait!”

Parn looked at Kellan, “Dude, seriously, when are you gonna stop being mad at her? She apologize and she feels bad about it. What more do you want?”

“I’m not mad at her. I never was….”

Min, Nee, and Parn looked at each other with confusion, “What are you talking about?”

“Kellan just wants to see if Khem had an sort of feelings for him and we think she do….”

Parn nodded her head, “So this whole time you were pretending. Do you know what my friend had went through….”

“I know but I had no choice…..”

Min walked up to Om and punched him in the arm, “And you didn’t tell me this!”

“Hey, I just barely found out about this too…..”

“So when are you going to tell her?” Nee asked.

“As soon as I get my answer. But I’m gonna need you girls to help me….”


“Wait…say it again” Taylor pleaded as Nee was teaching him some Thai words. The two sat on the sand for a moonlight picnic under the stars.

“Chun ruk khun….”

Taylor smiled, “Awww, I love you too baby…”

“Taylor, I’m being serious here….”

“I know, I know….okay let me try to say it……pom ruk khun…khun ruk pom mai…..did I say it correctly?”

Nee nodded, “Perfect.”

“Can I at least get a reward?”

Nee didn’t know what he was talking about until he pouted his cheeks. He wanted a peck on the cheeks. Instead of kissing him, Nee flicked his cheeks with her finger, “Learn fifty percent of the language first then I’ll give you a reward.”

“Aww…that’ll take years….I’m not even half way yet…”

“It doesn’t even take that long. I learned half of the Spanish speaking language in one semester back in high school…”

“That’s different though…Spanish is easy but whatever, if I can learn fifty percent of Thai, you promise me you will reward me?”

“I can give you more than what you expect.”

Taylor smiled and leaned over to kiss Nee on the cheeks, “What’s that for?” she asked.

“For being a good teacher. You know, if I have a beautiful and nice teacher like you, I think I can learn Thai in less than a month…..”

Om and Min were sleeping on the hammock. Min laid on Om’s chest and he caressed her hair and talked about his plan for the future. After he finished talking, he noticed Min wasn’t talking and when he looked down to see her, he saw her sleeping silently, “Such a dork” he said to himself.

“I heard that” mumbled Min.

“I thought you were asleep.”

Min opened her eyes and looked up at Om, “I was just resting my eyes….”

Om smiled and continued to caress her hair, “You wanna know something?”


“The more I’m with you, the more you remind me of someone I used to know.”

Min kept quiet. She knew he was talking about her, “Who? Your ex girlfriend?” she pretended to ask.

“Yeah…I guess you can say that….”

“Why do I remind you of her? Do I look like her?”

“Somewhat….but she’s…..she’s a geek or was…I don’t know how she’s like right now.”

“So you’re saying I’m a geek?”

“No….I mean the way you talk, the way you smell reminds me of her.”

“What’s her name?”

“Your name….”

“Oh really?” Min pretended to be surprise. “No wonder I remind you of her. So what happened between you guys that you just can’t seem to forget about her?”

“I broke her heart. I was such an ass back in high school. It was because of a dare that my friend told me to do. I pretended to go out with her then I dumped her on Valentine’s Day, in front of everyone. I told her it was only a joke that I dated her.”

“You were an ass”

“ I know and I felt bad afterwards. I was the reason she quitted school. Ever since that day, I never saw her again. If I see her, I just want to apologize to her…..”

“You think she’ll forgive you?”

“If you were her, and I did that to you, would you be able to forgive me?”

Min looked away. In the past, she had swore she wouldn’t forgive Om for what he did to her but as of today she’s forgot all about the past and has forgiven him. She got up from the hammock and had her back towards him, “Someone can only forgive you if you really mean what you say.”

Om got up from the hammock, “Of course…”

Min turned to look at Om, “Pretend I’m her, say what you gotta say….”

Om slowly grabbed Min’s hands and looked deeply into her eyes, “Min I’m sorry for what I did to you. I was a jerk. I let pride get to me and I didn’t care about your feelings at that time until it was too late. I know it’s been four years now but all I’m asking is for you to forgive me.”

“Don’t you think it’s a little too late to apologize?”

“I’ve been trying to get in contact with you but no one knew where you were at. I hope it’s not too late….”

Hearing the tone of his voice and how sincere he looked, Min knew he really meant what he said, “I forgive you…”

Om’s face lit up, “Jing na?”

Min nodded her head, “She will forgive you….”

Om frowned again, “I forgot you’re not her…..”

“Don’t worry…she’ll forgive you….”

“Min, I know it’s been awhile and you probably know how I feel about you and I think I know how you feel about me but….I never told you this but…..summer’s coming to an end….I want to tell you that I love you. I want to continue our relationship when we go back to L.A.”

The word love took Min by surprise. She didn’t think he would even mention that four letter word to her. She was okay with the word like but love was something huge. Even when they dated back in high school, he didn’t say that to her.

“Min…are you okay?” he asked after seeing her go silent.

“Om…before I tell you how I feel, I need to make sure…..”

“Ask me then. What aren’t you sure about?”

“No, it’s not you….it’s me. There’s some things I need to consider first before I give you an answer.”

“Okay….when can I get my answer?”

“Mam’s wedding, I promise…”

“Okay, I’ll be waiting.”​


sarNie Adult
OH MY...
Taylor and Nee are TOO cute<3
awhiess;Kellan is suchh a smarty;]
can't wait til Om finds out that Min is MIN!


You're Average Person :)
Chapter 19

Sukol was at Parn’s room later that night. Earlier they played racing while riding the jet ski. The deal was losers have to obey to whatever the winner wants them to do. Sukol end up being the one that lost.

“Ew! Why pink?” he asked complaining.

“Because I like pink and I think it matches you…”

“Matches me? Look at my skin tone and look how bright that color pink is. So do not match. And why couldn’t you do something else besides nail painting.”

“Well, Mam and Wayu’s wedding is coming up and since we’re going as dates, we need to match. And since I bought a pink dress, you need to match with me.”

Sukol pouted and gave his hands to Parn so she could paint his nails, “I could just wear a pink dress shirt underneath my tux.”

“I know but a deal is a deal…”

“Watch when I win, I’m gonna make you do something that’s worse than this…”

“Ja ja…loser….”

Sukol looked at Parn’s nail and they were pretty. It had designs on it where his was just plain pink, “How come you have designs on yours?”

“Why? You want designs on yours too?”

“Hmmm…if we’re gonna match, mind as well go all out.”

Parn looked at Sukol and gave him a suspicious look. Sukol looked up and smiled, “What’s up with that look?”

“You sure you’re not gay?”

“Yai bong! Of course not. If I was gay, I wouldn’t be with you….”

“Maybe it’s just a cover up…”

“What if I am gay?”

Parn had on a serious face. Sukol saw her face and started laughing, “I’m not okay. I promise….now hurry up with my nails…”

Parn smirked, “You know, you have to give up your toe nails too…”

“What?” Sukol looked at Parn’s toe nails and saw they were clear with no designs on it either, “If you’re gonna do my toe nails, you have to let me do yours too.”

“You know how to do nails?”

Sukol shrugged, “It ain’t hard. It’s like painting, isn’t it?”


“And I can pick whatever designs I want on your nails…”

“You better do a pretty design then…”

“As long as you don’t do mines hideous…”


Khem fell asleep but woke up after having a nightmare. She went downstairs to use the phone. She had a dream that her dad came to say good-bye. Her dad told her he was okay and there was nothing to worry about. She rest assured and continued to watch TV. Not sooner or later, she fell right back asleep.

Kellan came downstairs to get a drink of water when he saw the TV on and Khem falling asleep on the couch with no blanket. He grabbed the extra blanket and placed it on top of Khem’s body. He stared at her with adoration and gave her a goodnight kiss before heading back to his room.


The next day everyone was in on the plan with Kellan to test if Khem had any feelings for him. Khem joined them at breakfast and saw that Kellan wasn’t there, “Where’s Kellan?” she asked. “Don’t tell me he’s so mad at me that he doesn’t want to eat with us.”

Om shook his head, “Oh no…he left to run a few errands…he should be back soon…..”

Not long after they ate breakfast, Kellan came back with a friend of his, who happens to be a girl too. All the girls were confused to who she was but the guys knew who the girl was. She is Kellan’s ex-girlfriend.

“Hey guys, sorry I kinda missed breakfast.”

“Who the hell is this girl?” Parn whispered over to Nee.

“Why are you asking me?”

“Why is Kellan with his ex?” Sukol asked Taylor.

“Uh…I hope you guys don’t mind if I invited an old friend of mine for breakfast. Julian, you already know the guys but these are my other friends, Min, Nee, Parn, and Khem.”

Julian waved at the girls, “Hey…it’s nice to meet you all.”

Nee smiled, “You too.”

Breakfast didn’t go so well for Khem since she had to tolerate Kellan being all romantic and sweet towards Julian. She didn’t like how he looked at her, how flirtatious he was towards her. Seeing the two made her lose her appetite.. She stood up and left the table. Kellan smiled knowing his plan is working. He wanted to know if he brought a girl with him, would Khem get jealous and sure enough, she was.

“So Julian, what brings you to Thailand?” Sukol asked.

“Just on vacay with my friends and boyfriend.”

“So you have a boyfriend? What are you doing with your ex?” asked Om.

“Kellan asked if I can do this big favor for him. Trying to make someone jealous. I‘m guessing she‘s the one that walked out.”

Parn slapped the table, “This is your plan. You could have told us before hand.”

Kellan laughed, “Seems like Plan A work, time to move to Plan B.”


Khem kicked the sand and cursed at Kellan at the same time. Images of him being flirtatious towards Julian kept on coming back into her head. She shook her head to forget about it, “Oy! Rao pben bah arai nia?! Why do I have to think about him?”

“Because you’re jealous, that’s why.” Nee answered.

“I am not jealous!” she protested.

“Yes you are!” Parn demanded. “Why were you tapping your fork and spoon during breakfast?”

“Because I don’t like when people act all lovey dovey in front of my face while I’m eating.”

“Or maybe because you can’t stand the fact that Kellan is interested in other girls besides you” Min teased. “Especially if that girl is his ex…”

“That’s his ex girlfriend?” Khem asked in shocked.

The three girls nodded, “Yup. She’s pretty though.”

Khem pouted, “No wonder he acted like he didn’t care about me. He went back to his ex.”

“You sad about that?” Nee asked.

“No! Why would I? I should be happy that he has another girl he’s interested in. Now he doesn’t have to bug me anymore.”

“Nae jai?” Parn asked.

Khem nodded, “Nae jai…he can have however women he wants for all I care…chun mai son jai! Besides, I have other things to think about.”

“What?” Min asked.

“Last night I had this weird dream that my dad came to say good-bye…It felt so surreal….”

“Did you call your dad?”

“Five times already…No one’s picking up. I’m scared something bad might have happen.”

Parn comforted her friend, “It’ll be okay. Your dad will be fine. He’s a mafia after all.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of….”

“Hey sao sao, wanna play a game of volleyball?” Om asked.

Min nodded, “Sure…who’s in who’s team……?”

“Well we wanted to give you guys a little respect so we’re gonna mix up the gender….”

“Oh, are you trying to say that us girls can’t beat you boys?”

“Well, it’s true…”

Min smacked her lip, “We’ll show you that girls can beat boys at anything.”

Om smirked, “Come on then…..show us what you got”

“Game on…”

Kellan took Julian’s hand, “Sorry guys but Julian and I are gonna go on our little walk. We need some catching up to do…..”

Khem felt sad as she watched Kellan walked away hand in hand with Julian. She was sad enough that Kellan was still mad at her and it’s worse now that he’s talking to his ex again.

“It’s only us three left” said Sukol.

“Scared to lose?” Parn teased.

“Of course not! We can still beat you guys with only three od us.”

Parn nodded, “We’ll see.”

The first match, the girls took the lead causing the guys to feel pressured. No guys wouldn’t want to lose to a girl especially if they’re competitive and hates losing. Second round, the guys won, only because they kept hitting the ball to Khem who wasn’t really into the game since her mind was somewhere else. The third game, nobody cared who was who. The boys were starting to get aggressive so the girls became even more competitive.

The game got interrupted when Khem’s’ dad arrived.

“Dad, what are you doing here?” Khem asked walking up to him.

“We need to talk….”

“Why? What’s up? Is everything okay? I’ve been trying to call you since morning.”

“Why don’t you go take a walk with me and I’ll you everything…”​


You're Average Person :)
Chapter 20

Kellan returned back to his friends to look for Khem but didn’t see her, “Hey, where did Khem go?”

“She left foo..” Taylor replied.

“Where? I was expecting her to spy on me and Julian…”

“She left with her dad. He needed to talk to her about something. Looked pretty serious.”

Nee nodded, “Maybe he came to say good-bye like she dreamt.”

“Why would he say good-bye?” Kellan asked.

Nee shrugged, “That remains a mystery for now….but I’m guessing it has to do with the whole mafia thing…”

All the guys looked at Nee shocked, “Mafia? What do you mean?” they all asked.

“If you guys didn’t know, Khem’s dad is a mafia.” Min answered. “He’s like Thailand’s most wanted person.”

“Does Khem know that he’s a mafia?” asked Sukol.

Parn nodded, “Of course she knows. That’s why she moved to L.A. to get away from all the drama. Her and her dad don’t have much of a good relationship.”

Min agreed, “Yeah…you guys all see her as this strong person but she’s really vulnerable in the inside. She never received the love she wanted from her dad and when she thought she found love from her ex, he end up breaking her heart….It’s hard for her to trust anyone…..”


Tears dropped down Khem’s face once her dad told her he was going to turn himself in. In the past years, Khem and her father had a rough relationship since he got involved with illegal stuff. She thought after she graduates from college, she would fly back to Thailand to spend time with him and now she wouldn’t have that chance anymore.

Her father wiped the tears away from her face, “Don’t cry sweetie…I’ll be okay.”

“We were suppose to spend time together after I graduate…”

“We will after I’m release…”

“But that will take years……”

“You can wait for me. Will you?”

Khem cried even more, “Dad, I’m so sorry about everything and I how I acted towards you..”

Her father pulled her in for a hug, “No. I’m the one that should apologize. If I didn’t get involve in those stuff, your mother wouldn’t have left me and you wouldn’t hate me.”

“Dad, I don’t hate you…maybe I was mad and I blamed you because mom left us but I would never hate you….”

“I’m happy to hear that you don’t hate me…..take care of yourself okay….”

“You too…when I have the time, I will fly back to come visit you.”

“It’s okay sweetie. I’ll call you from here instead.”

Khem hugged her dad one last time before he left in the car. After wiping her tears away, Khem turned back to see Kellan standing there looking sincere.

“”You okay?” he asked softly.

Khem cried more and ran into his arms, “He’s gone……”

Kellan hugged her tightly, “It’s okay….it’s going to be okay….”


Parn walked back and forth, impatient of what was going on between Khem and her dad. The rest were starting to get annoyed, “Can you just calm down?” Sukol asked.

“I can’t. I wanna know what’s going on between Khem and her dad…”

“Why don’t you go check then?”

“No! I’ll wait until she tells us.”

“Well, in the mean time, can you just sit still?” Nee asked. “I’m getting dizzy here.”


Khem and Kellan took a long walk around Pattaya. She wanted to ease her mind and for the first time, Khem told everything about her life to Kellan. The more Kellan knew more about her, the more he wanted to be with her. After the walk, they came to sat on the pier until the sun went down.

“Thanks for listening…”

Kellan smiled, “No problem. It’s a good thing you told me. Now I know more about you.”

“Why aren’t you with your Julian? You gonna let her be alone like that?”

“Julian understands. Besides, I rather be here with you.”

Khem half smiled, “So….are you really going back with your ex?”

Kellan smirked, “Why? Jealous?”

“Are you?”

“Answer me first.”

“You answer first. I’m the one that asked first.”

Kellan laughed, “You are jealous! That’s why you want to know.”

“I’m not jealous okay! I just….I just wanna know that’s all…”

“Julian and I have a lot of things in common…sometimes too much that I sometimes wonder can we be together as lovers or is it best that we just stay friends.”

Khem was confused, “I don‘t think I’m following you.”

“The reason why we broke up is because we have too much in common. I want a girl who is some what mysterious…I’m attractive to those type of girls…”

“So why are you back with her then?”

“How‘d you know I was getting back with her? Who told you?”

“No one has to tell me. I can tell….you two were holding hands and not to mention being flirtatious during breakfast…..so annoying…if you‘re gonna be lovey dovey, next time go do it somewhere else where I don‘t see you guys…”

“Why is it annoying to you?”

“It just bugs me…”

“Why does it bug you?”

“Because…..just because….”

Kellan moved closer to Khem and took he hands, “It doesn’t hurt to admit your feelings for me…..”

Khem looked at him then looked away, “What feelings? I don’t have any special feelings for you?”

Kellan moved his face closer to Khem’s, “You sure?”

Khem had on a straight face and nodded, “Positive.”

With a split second, Khem felt Kellan’s soft lips touched her cheeks. Her face turned red with shyness and she looked at him, “Why did you do that?”

“Because I wanted to…..Khem….I hope I’m saying this right…pben fan gun na?”

Khem smiled, “How’d you know how to say that?”

“Hey, I’ve been in Thailand for awhile now. I gotta at least know how to say something….”

“You’re not mad at me anymore?”

He shook his head, “No. I was never mad at you…”

“What? Then what was that whole ignoring me thing?”

“It was just a test. I wanted to see if I stop paying attention to you, would you feel anything? And I had Julian to help me. And from what I observed, you have feelings for me too.”

Khem slapped Kellan in the arm, “Ai farang bah! So this whole time, you made me feel bad for no reason?! You made me shed tears for no reason?!”

“I’m sorry but I had to do what I had to do.”


“Call me whatever you want, but remember, it’s your boyfriend you’re talking about.”

Khem laughed, “Okay boyfriend, this girlfriend of yours is complicated though. Very stubborn too. Can you handle that?”

Kellan put his arms around Khem, “Girlfriend, no matter how complicated or stubborn you are, this boyfriend can handle it. That’s a promise.”​


You're Average Person :)
Chapter 21

The wedding date came by so fast. Before they knew it, it was the wedding. Min wore a violet strapless silk dress that went down to her knee. Parn wore a pink a strapless dress. Nee wore a turquoise halter top dress and Khem wore a white one shoulder dress.. All the guys wore a tux, wearing a color dress shirt that matched their girlfriends.

The wedding went smoothly. During the reception, Min tried to hide her face so her parents wouldn’t see her and call her out. She knew if they saw her, everyone including Om will know who she was. She was planning on telling him tonight who she really was and she wanted him to hear from her own mouth, not from anyone else.

During the dance, Taylor, Sukol, and Kellan took their girlfriends to the dance floor and danced. Min sat at the table by her lonesome, trying to avoid any contact with her parents. Om walked over and reached out for her hand, “Will you dance with me?” he asked smiling.

Min looked up at Om, “Er…I don’t want to…”

“Once…please…” he pleaded.

“I…I don’t like dancing in front of other people.”

“You danced with me at the restaurant and there were people there.”

Min looked at her parents. They were talking to their friends. She thought, if she had her back towards them, they wouldn’t be able to recognize her, “Alright. Once like you said.”

She stood up and went to dance with him. Om held on to her and could feel her soft skin. He gazed deeply into her eyes, wondering what she was thinking. Min seemed calm on the outside but her head was spinning like crazy. She had so many things on her mind.

“Min” he said softly…”Remember what you promised me?”

Min thought back. She told him she will give him an answer today on how she feels about him, “Of course, how can I forget. But if you wanna know the answer, you have to wait til later to find out though.”

“You can’t tell me right now?”

Min shook her head, “Mai dai…it’s not time yet.”


Sukol, Taylor, and Kellan were with their friends from L.A. that flew over for the wedding. They knew Wayu too from Sukol. They were all talking and joking around. “So did Om ever saw Min?” one of them asked.

“Nope. No Min” Sukol replied. “But he met another Min.”

They continued to laugh.

“So, what about your little girlfriends of yours. Were they easy?” another guy asked.

“As ever!” Taylor laughed.

“Did you get into their pants yet?”

Kellan laughed, “Are you kidding me? What do you think?”

“Kellan.” said Sukol.

The other guys laughed, “Man, you guys really did go for the bet. And I can’t believe those girls felt for it like Min did with Om!”

From a distant, Khem was standing there with tears in her eyes. The trust she had for Kellan came crashing down. So this whole time the guys wanted to get to know them was all because of a bet to get into their pants. She clenched up her fist and stormed up to them, “Kellan!” she interrupted them.

When all the guys turned around, Khem slapped Kellan across the face. He was surprised and so were the rest.

“I can’t believe I trusted you!” she yelled at him.

“You heard?” he asked softly.

“All you wanted to do was get in beg with me?”


“I can’t believe we were fools! And I thought you were a better person than this! I’ve been calling you a jerk but I was only joking. But this time, you really are a jerk!”

“Khem I can explain..”

“What’s there to explain? I heard everything!…We’re done. I don’t ever wanna see your face again!”

Khem ran back to Nee and Parn with tears in her eyes, “Girls, let’s go. Where’s Min at?”

“She’s with Om” Nee answered. “Why are you crying? What happened?”

“We were all being used just like Min.”

Parn as confused, “What are you talking about?”

“Just now, I heard Kellan talking to his other friends from L.A. and the reason why they got with us is because of a bet. All they wanted to do was to see who could get in bed with who first.”

“That’s not true..” Nee said with tears in her eyes.

Kellan came walking in with Sukol and Taylor, “Khem, just let me explain to you…”

Parn turned to Sukol, “Is it true?”


“Tell me the truth! Is it true?”

“Yes but--”

“I can’t believe you!”

Parn grabbed her purse and walked off with Khem. Nee looked at Taylor with tears in her eyes, “I thought you were better than that. What happened to the Taylor I used to know?”

Nee grabbed her purse and walked off as well. Taylor ran after her and grabbed her hands to stop her but she pushed him away and slapped him across the face, “I don’t ever wanna see your face again!”

Min saw what was happening but didn’t know what was going on so she caught up to Nee to see what was happening, “Nee, what just happened? Why are you guys all crying?”

Nee cried, “Min….were only a joke to them. They used us only for a bet. All they wanted to do was get in bed with us.”


“We’re all going home to pack our stuff. I don’t wanna stay here anymore.”

Min hugged her friend and comforted her, “Wait here…I’m coming with you…”

Min as upset as ever walked back and saw Om walking up to her with a plate of food, “Here, I got your favorite.”

With anger, Min grabbed the plate and threw the food back at Om’s face and slapped him. He was in shock. He didn’t even know why she did that. Everyone else turned to look at them.

“Min, why did you do that?”

“That is for what your friends did to my friends!”

She slapped him again, “And this is for what you did to me four years ago!”

“Min, what happened? Why are you mad?”

“Hurting me wasn’t enough to you or what? Why did you tell your friends to play such games on my friends like that?!”

Om was even more confused, “I’m confused. What did I do?”

“Remember four years ago, when you broke a girl’s heart and made her ran away from school, well that girl that you made fun of and made into a school joke is me! I’m Min Pechaya Wattanamontree. The girl you’ve been looking for all these years. “

“Min….” Om stood there in shock. He was speechless.

“And if you’re still waiting for me to give you an answer, I’ll tell you right now. I don’t have any feelings for you at all, WHATSOEVER!. The only reason why I pretended to like you and be close to you is because it was only a plan. I wanted to get back at you for what you did to me years ago…..now you know how it feels to being used by someone you love…..from now on, I don’t ever wanna see your face and your stupid ass friends face ever again!”

Mam and her parents walked up to them, “Min! Why did you do this on my wedding day?” she scolded. “Do you know how embarrassed I am and mom and dad?!”

Min looked at her sister, “I’m sorry but I have to go….”

“Min!” her mom called after her but Min continued walking.

Om stood there still in shock. He couldn’t believe it. The Min he fell in love with was the same Min back in high school. He turned to look at his friends in anger, “Look at what you guys just did? Why the hell would you guys even do that?!”​


sarNie Adult
Chapter 21 is so sad!
Things are actually getting worse!
Update soon<3Can't waitt!


You're Average Person :)
Chapter 22

Summer was over and so was all the relationship. The girls flew back to L.A. with a broken heart and so did the guys. They kept themselves busy with school and work. At some point in time, Min couldn’t help but think back to when her and Om spent time together and the night she told him who she really was. She lied to him and herself that she didn’t have any feelings for him. What she wanted to tell him that night was the same thing he told her at the beach. That she loved him just like he loves her. But because of what his friends did to her friends was just unacceptable.

Sometimes she would look at her friends and pity them. Who knew history would repeat itself and this time, it’s her friends that are the victims.

“So…what do you guys want to do?” Min asked the girls.

“Nothing.” they replied at the same time.

The bell to their apartment door rang. Min got up to open the door and to her surprise it was Alex, a good friend of Min from school.

“Hey Min…I got us pizza…”

Min smiled, “Cool…come in…”

Alex walked to the living room and saw Parn, Nee, and Khem sitting there looking sad. He looked over at Min, “They’re still..”

Min nodded, “Yup….”

“Man, they are just like you four years ago when….”

“Don’t mention it!”

Alex laughed, “Sorry…hey girls…hungry for pizza…”

The girls didn’t answered. All they did was look up then back down. Alex set the boxes on the table while Min grabbed the plates and cups, “Guys come eat” she ordered. “You guys haven’t eaten anything yet.”

Parn started to cry, then Nee, followed by Khem. Min looked at Alex and couldn’t help but pity her friends even more.

“Tum mai?” cried Parn. “Why did it have to be like this? Why did it have to be us?”

Min walked over and comforted her friends, “Stop crying. Those guys aren’t worth t for you girls to be shedding tears for them. There’s plenty of guys out there who will treat you guys the way you want t be treated.”

“Like who?” Nee asked sobbing.

Min looked over at Alex, “Um…Alex is available. Not to mention good looking either.”

Alex shook his head, “No offense, but you girls aren’t my type.”

Min slapped Alex in the arms, “You’re not helping.”

Alex shrugged, “Hey, I’m just saying…but no worries girl…I know a way where you girls can forget about those boys that broke your heart. I’m going out with my boys tonight and they’re single too…maybe I can hook you guys up with them.”

“Krai wa?” Min asked.

“”You don’t know them….but are you guys up for it?”

Min looked at her friends, “I think it’s a good idea. Let’s go out tonight…what do you guys say?”

Khem nodded, “Gor dee…time to get over that Kellan guy once and all…by the way are they hot Alex?.”

Alex shrugged, “I guess…man I don’t know…I don’t check out guys…you’ll see for yourself.”

Nee nodded, “Count me in.”

“Me too..” added Parn.


Alex took his boys Om, Kellan, Taylor, and Sukol out that night at Les Deux nightclub. They sat at their VIP section and ordered drinks. Kellan, Sukol, and Taylor wasn’t in the mood for anything. They only came because Om forced them too.

Om nudged Alex and whispered in his ears, “I don’t think this is a good idea. There’s no way that they’re gonna get over their exes…”

“You don’t know that. The girls that I invited here tonight are hot…..”

“You never told me who your friends were…”

“You’ll see once they get here…”

Min arrived with her friends and on the way in, Min called Alex to see where he was at. Alex stood up to look for Min and when he saw her, he waved at her and called her over. When Alex had told Om that his other friends were here, he turned around and the first person he saw was Min. He stood up and was happy to see her again. Min stood at her place and stared at Om as well.

“Min…” he said happily.

“Alex, these are you friends?!” Min asked with anger.

Parn, Nee, and Khem were shock to see their exes there as well, “Aish, and I thought L.A. was a big city” Nee mumbled.

Alex nodded, “Yes, why?”

“We’re leaving!”

Alex ran in front of the girls when they were headed out, “Now hold on, you guys know them?”

“Of course we know them!” Parn answered.


Min rolled her eyes, “Those jerks are the reason why Parn, nee, and Khem are like this!”

Alex was shock, “Really?”

“Yes! Now that you know, move out the way! We’re leaving!”

“Min, wait up!” Om called after her. “We need to talk.”

“But I have nothing to talk to you about.”

“But I do..”

Om grabbed her hands and pulled her out of the night club. Her friends were going to follow but Alex blocked their way and the guys took the opportunity to pull their girls away as well.

Om pulled Min outside for a little chat. They had some unfinished conversation to talk about.

Min pushed his hands away, “What do you want?! Haven’t you hurt me enough?”

“You and I weren’t finish talking. Why are you even mad at me? Come to think fo it, I’m the one that should be mad at you for deceiving me like that.”

“Excuse me but who’s fault was it in the first place? You deserved it anyways for what you did to me.”

“I know, I do and I’m not mad at you that you did that to me.”

Min turned away, “Just say what you want to talk to me about.”

“I know what my friends did to your friends is unforgivable but you have to know that I had nothing to do with it.”

Min turned to face Om, “And you expect me to believe you?”

“Well that’s up to you. I already told everything that you needed to hear.”

“Then I can leave.”

Om moved in the way, “There’s one more thing.”


“I’m sorry….for what I did to you four years ago. I was such a jerk to take your love for granted like that. Hopefully somehow you can find it in your heart to forgive me…..”

Min wiped the tears off her face, “Remember what I told you before, if you really mean it from your heart, then I forgive you. And I do…so from now on, hopefully we don’t bump into each other anymore. You live your life and I’ll live mine…”

“But I love you…”

Min shook her head, “But I don’t…”

“That’s a lie. Remember when we felt each other’s heartbeat, your heart was beating fast like mine…you can’t tell me that you don’t love me…”

Min didn’t answer but just walked away in tears. She didn’t know what to answer him actually. Om grabbed her hands when she walked past him, “You don’t love me anymore?” he asked softly.

Min softly pushed his hands away, “I have to go…..”

Sukol and Parn were arguing by the restrooms. People passed by and heard their conversation, neither of them cared.

“Parn, we need to talk.”

“What part of I don’t ever wanna see your face don’t you understand?!”

“What you heard isn’t the whole story. Just give me a minute to explain myself.”

“Mai! I don’t wanna hear anything that comes out of your mouth anymore!”

“All I’m asking is a minute and after I tell you, whether you believe me or not, that’s u to you. And I promise I won‘t bother you again.”

“Fine. Pood ma.”

“We did agree to the bet but only because we wanted to shut my friend’s mouth up. He dared us so we just went along with it. It wasn’t like we were going to do it for real.”

“Were you thinking about it though?”

“No, of course not. You know I’m not that kind of person!”

“Actually Sukol, I don’t know who you really are and I don’t even know what you told me is the truth or just another excuse.”

“I promise it’s the truth.”

Parn looked at her watch, “Your minute is up.”

“So you don’t believe me?”

“No and I don’t think I will believe you anymore.”

“What do I have to do to get you to believe me?”

“Nothing. From now on, I don’t want nothing to do with you anymore.”

Sukol showed up his fingernails. He still had the nail polish on when Parn had painted for him during the summer, “Do you know why I still have this on?”

“Because you’re gay.”

“Because this means something to me. You mean something to me. Whenever I look at this, I can’t help but think back to when we spent time together. Don’t tell me you forgot about it?”

Parn looked down, “I haven’t forgotten it but sometimes you just have to forget and erase all those memories so you can move on….and that’s what I’m doing…”


“Good-bye Sukol…hopefully I don’t see you anymore.”

Parn walked back in tears and all Sukol could do was watch her walk away, even Sukol himself had tears in his eyes.​


You're Average Person :)
Chapter 23

Taylor and Kellan pulled Nee and Khem over at the bar to have a talk. Neither Nee or Khem wanted to hear them so they covered their ears.

“Covering your ears isn’t going to help” said Taylor. “I know you can still hear me.”

Kellan turned Khem’s face towards him, “And I know you can hear me too…”

Khem pushed Kellan away, “What do you want from me?”

“I want you to listen to me. What you heard at the wedding isn’t all true.”

Taylor looked at Nee, “If you guys can give us time to explain to you.”

“And you think your excuse will make us forgive you?” Nee asked. “You’re the one that told me if you ever make me cry, I don’t have to forgive you…”

“We’re not asking for forgiveness Nee. All we’re asking is for you and Khem to listen to what Kellan and I have to say. And whether you guys believe it or not, that’s up to you guys.”

“Fine” replied Khem. “We’ll listen…..”

Taylor looked at Kellan for him to start.

“Okay, yes, we agreed to the bet only because we didn’t want to be fools. You know how guys think?”

Taylor nodded, “Yeah but we weren’t really going to do it. Not you girls anyways.”

“Oh, so you’re gonna do it to other girls? Is that what you’re saying?” Nee asked.

Taylor shook his head, “No…no matter what, we wouldn’t do it. If you met those guys, you’ll know how bad an ass they are.”

“Couldn’t you just say no?” asked Khem.

“Well…..” Kellan kept quiet. He didn’t know what to answer her. Khem looked at him in disappointment, “I can’t believe you…” she said softly.

Kellan took Khem’s hand, “I’m sorry……”

Khem grabbed his hands and pushed it away, “Yeah…me too…”

“Nee, can you just give me one more chance to make it up to you?” asked Taylor.

“You’d think I give you another chance after what you did?”

“But we already explain to you what happened.”

“So? That doesn’t mean anything….”

Khem took Nee’s hand, “Look, if you guys are done explaining, we’re gonna leave….”

The boys nodded sadly.


Back at home, all girls sat in the living room, each thinking about what the guys had told them. They couldn’t decided whether or not to believe them and will they give them another chance. They sighed all together in frustration.

Min smiled, “I bet you guys are thinking the same as me huh?”

The other three girls nodded, “What should we do?” asked Khem. “Do you guys think we should give them another chance?”

“Do they deserve one after what they did to us? Even though it didn’t actually happen?”

Parn looked at Min, “I can understand our anger towards them but Min, why are you even mad at Om? I thought you forgave him? And what actually did happen at the wedding?”

Min sighed, “I told him that I didn’t have any feelings for him. Through out the whole summer, it was just my plan of revenge to get back at him….”

“I thought you were gonna tell him that you love him too?” asked Nee.

“I did but once I found out what those boys did to you guys, I couldn’t help but be mad at him too.”

“But he had nothing to do with it….or did he?”

Min shook her head, “I don’t think he did…well at least that’s what he told me.”

“Do you believe him?” Parn asked.

“I’m not sure…..what about you guys? Do you guys what the boys told you?”

“Kind of” said Khem.

“Sort of.” replied Nee.

“Maybe…” said Parn.

Min nodded, “I think if we decided to give those guys a chance, they’re gonna have to earn back our trust.”

The girls nodded in agreement, “Right…so what do you have in mind for them?”

Min smirked, “I think I have an idea.”


The guys all sat together in the student’s union during break at school. They discussed on what to do next with the girls. As they were discussing what to do next, the girls walked up to them, each holding a piece of paper. They guys looked up and was happy to see them.

“Hey Min…” Om greeted. “What bring you guys here?”

“Well…we gave it some thoughts and we decided to forgive you guys.”

“Really?” they all asked.

Khem nodded, “Yup but in order for us to be together again, you guys are gonna have to earn back our trust.”

“What do we have to do?” Kellan asked.

The girls each handed the guys the piece of paper. Om read it out loud, “365 Days of Torture.”

“Just the name itself sounds scary.” Sukol mumbled.

Om continued reading, “For the next 365 days, you will each perform these tasks in order to win our heart back. You can perform them in any way you want, they don’t have to be in order, but all tasks must be perform.”

“365 days?” Taylor exclaimed. “That’s a year.”

Parn shrugged, “You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. It just proves what kind of guys you guys are really are.”

Sukol smirked, “We didn’t say we’re not gonna do it.”

Om looked at Min, “Are you serious?”

“Does it look like I’m playing?”

“So if we complete this task in 365 days, everything will be back to normal?”

“It depends…”

“What? What if we complete the task and things aren’t back to normal?” Taylor asked.

“Well, it all depends on your performance.” replied Nee.

Om looked at the paper and continued reading, “Here are the tasks: dress like a girl, sing for me everyday at night wearing only boxers by my balcony, go buy me undergarments at VS….”

“Wait? What’s VS?”” Kellan asked confused.

The girls laughed, “That’s for you to find out.” answered Khem.

“Go get pedicures and manicures with me, buy me pads, …”

“Ew!” shrieked Taylor.

“Cook for me, study with me at the library, go shopping with me but you pay for all of it…..”

Om looked up and stared at Min, “Where do you guys come up with all these things? I mean there’s different tasks for each day…and there’s 365 days…”

“Are you complaining?”

“No! I’m just saying….it’s a little to much.”

“You don’t have to do it.”

“I’m gonna do it. If this Is what it takes for you to trust me again, then I’ll do it. We’ll all do it.”

Min smiled, “Good. You guys can start tomorrow.”


The guys could see other people starring at them as they walked through the door of the student union. They could hear some people laughing. Someone even asked if they knew when was Halloween. They ignored the comments and walked over to where the girls were at. They were sitting with Alex by the bowling alley.

“Hey there beautiful ladies” Khem laughed. “You guys have no idea how ridiculous you guys look.”

“Laugh all you want” said Kellan. “I don’t get it, what does this have to do with trust? This is totally for embarrassment.”

“If you guys can keep up with all the tasks, then that means you guys are willing to do anything for us. It shows how much you care about us.”

Parn took out her phone, “Hey Sukol, say cheese!”

Sukol smiled weakly as Parn took the pictures. The other girls started taking pictures of their guys as well.

Alex shook his head, “Gosh, you boys must really love the girls to be doing ridiculous things like this. Hoe embarrassing but yet so funny. But for my own sake, I don’t know what the girls told you to do for them, but I don’t want y’all hanging around me. I don’t wanna be embarrass.”

Om slapped him across the head, “Shut up!”

The girls all laughed.​


You're Average Person :)
Chapter 24

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. Throughout the whole semester, the girls enjoyed watching the guys get made fun of. They were half way done with the list of tasks they had to do before the girls gave them a shot of their relationship.

Sukol and Taylor were studying in the library with Parn and Nee, while Om was getting his nails done with Min at the salon and Kellan was out shopping for Khem’s undergarment.

“Hey” Taylor whispered to Nee “After this whole 365 days thing is over, can I do it to you?”

“What did I do to you to deserve punishment?”

“Because you girls embarrassed us” Sukol replied.

“That’s because you guys deserve it” Parn snapped back.

Taylor smiled, “But ours not going to be called 365 days of torture…”

“Then what are you gonna call it?” Nee asked.

“I Belong to You-Always and Forever.”

Parn and Nee looked at each other, “Okay….explain more….”

“Well, instead of torturing you girls, we’re gonna cherish you with love and happiness…”

Sukol nodded, “Each and everyday.”

“It’s kinda like a mission for us…”

Parn smiled, “You sure you boys can handle flattering us forever and ever? What if we end up getting bored of you guys and we end up breaking up?”

Taylor smiled, “That shouldn’t be a problem if we belong together.”


Om sighed, “I can’t believe I’m getting my nails done. They must think I’m gay or something.”

“What do you think is more embarrassing, out of all the tasks you did so far?”

Om thought for a moment, “Mines was probably when I was singing for you wearing only my boxers.”

Min laughed, “I laughed so hard although your voice was pretty good and the song was romantic. The boxers killed it though.”

“Thank goodness I don’t have to do that again.”

“You never know” Min teased.


Kellan handed Khem the bag of undergarments, “Here…”

“So you finally know what VS stand for huh?”

“I had to ask some girls. Why didn’t you tell me it stands for Victoria Secret?”

“Just wanted to mess with you a little.”

Khem looked inside the bag and pulled out a bra that the cup size was bigger than hers, “You think my boobs are this big?”

Kellan shrugged, “I took an educated guess…..”

Khem threw the bra back at him, “Idiot! You were hella way off.”

Kellan laughed, “My bad…..so you’re not gonna wear it for me”

“No! I have a better idea, why don’t you wear it for me instead, along with this G-string you bought me.”

“What?! I wanted you to wear it for me though.”

“Not in a million years.”


365 days were up and all got back together. The guys were happy that the girls forgave them and they learned their lesson big time. Just like Taylor and Sukol promised, the boys had a mission to do and that was to cherish and flatter the girls each and everyday. They would do things that the girls wouldn’t even expect them to do.

Time flew by quick, before they knew it, they were all finished with school. They all decided it was time to go back to their own homeland. Om, Sukol, Min, and Parn had no problem because they were all going back to Thailand but as for the other four, they had problems. Khem and Nee were concerned about being away from them. Although the boys promised they wouldn’t cheat, the girls couldn’t help but think that they might. Boys will always be boys.

On the last day before Nee left back to Thailand, Taylor had ask her out to the Cheesecake Factory since that was their hang out spot most of the time. Taylor was sad that she was leaving. He had to prove to her that he’s sincere with her and she’s the one for him.

“Hey” she said walking up to him.

Taylor stood up and gave a peck on the lip, “Hey…you look nice…”

“Thanks….so what did you wanted to tell me?”

“Hmmm....I say let’s order first…”


As they were ordering, Taylor looked up at Nee. She was still beautiful like the first time he saw her at the airport, “So what are your plans after you go back?”

“Probably find a job but I’m guessing my mom would want me to help out with the family business.”

Taylor nodded, “Speaking of your mom, does she still hate me?”

“Well it’s been years but I don’t think she hates you. She’s just protective of me. But you should come visit me though.”

“I will” he promised. “You should come visit me and my parents in Michigan too.”

“Are your parents nice?”

“Yes. I told them a lot about you and they really want to meet you.”


Taylor nodded, “Yes.”

“What did you tell them?”

“I told them that you are beautiful, kind, generous, very well-mannered.”

Nee laughed, “That’s a lie! I’m not that well-mannered. The well-mannered one is Min”

“They’ll still love you though, just like I love you…”

Nee smiled. At least she could trust him a bit.

After they ate, both of them took a walk along the streets, “It’s going to be a while before we see each other again. …you will be faithful to me right?”

“Hmmm…that depends. I can’t help if I see a hot guy that flatters me.”

Taylor frowned. Nee laughed out loud, “I’m kidding. In my eyes, you’re the only hot guy for me.”


Nee nodded, “Yes…”

Taylor took both of Nee’s hand, “Nee, you know that I love you and I know you love me too. I want us t be more than boyfriend and girlfriend. I want us to be together forever.”

Nee was happy to hear that “Me too.” she replied.

Taylor took out a ring from his pocket, “Because I want to make sure we’ll be together, I want to give you this ring. With this ring, I want you to keep me in your heart forever.”

“Are you trying to propose to me?” she teased.

“Uh…no…consider this ring as almost a engagement ring. It’s a promise ring that I’ll always be faithful to you and I’ll never hurt you again for as long as I live.”

Nee pouted, “I thought it was a proposal….”

Taylor laughed, “If I was to propose to you, wouldn’t I do it in a more romantic place. We’re practically in the middle of the streets right now.”

Nee smiled and took the ring, “Thank you..” she wrapped her arms tightly around him.


Kellan had called Khem to meet up with him at the park. He wanted to give her something before they went their separate ways. When he got there, she was already on the swing, swinging back and forth. He stood there and watched her for a bit. He wanted to remember her swinging on that swing before she leaves.

She waved at him as he slowly approached her. He smiled and came to swing right next to her.

“So what did you wanted to see me for?” she asked.

“I just want to hang out with you until the day you leave.”

Khem nodded, “it’s going to be a while before we see each other again…”

“Yeah…I hate it though….wish you can come with me to Miami. You can meet my parents.”

Khem smiled, “I wish I could too…soon…I promise…I have to go back and take care of some things…”

Kellan got up and went behind the swing and pushed her on the swing, “How’s your dad doing by the way?”

“He’s doing okay. He asked me if you’re really taking care of me though.”

“What did you tell him?”

“I said yes. You’re taking care of me really well.”

Kellan smiled. “Are you gonna miss me while you’re over there.”

“Yes.” she replied. “The only thing I’m worried about is you cheating on me.”

He laughed, “You act like you never cheated before.”

“Of course not. I’m not a player like you.”

“I’m not a player.”

“That’s not what you’re friends told me.”

He grabbed on the metal chain to stop the swing, “And you believe them more than me?”


Kellan laughed, “I may be flirtatious but I’m not a player.”

Khem shook her head and jumped off the swing to face him, “Let’s go for a walk.”

Kellan nodded as he took her hands and started walking.

“I’m gonna miss this park.”

“Why?” he asked.

“Because this park have so many memories here than the others.”

Kellan laughed, “I remember I kissed you for the first time and you fainted on the grass.”

Khem laughed, “Well you took me by surprise!”

“I was that good of a kisser huh?” he teased. “But yeah I will miss this park too. I wish today would last forever.”

“It’s not like we’re not gonna see each other anymore.”

“I know but it’ll be awhile before we do see each other again” he whined. “I bet you’re probably gonna find someone new first.”

“You sure that it’s gonna be me first not you?”

He smiled and pulled her closer to him, “I won’t. I promise. You have to trust me.”

She shrugged “I guess. You know you’re gonna get it if you do.”

“I won’t…”

Kellan dug into his pocket, “Hey girlfriend, I got something for you.”


He pulled out a necklace with the letter K as a charm, “It’s a necklace I bought for a give away gift for you. Like it?”

Khem nodded, “You can put it o me” she said as she turned around and held up her hair. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

“The K stands for Kellan so you’ll think of me when you miss me.”

“What about you? What d you have to remind you of me?”

Kellan pulled out a necklace under his shirt. It was the exact same necklace Khem has on, “I have this one. I bought two of them so when I miss you I can look at my necklace that has a K on it too. This K stands for Khemanit.”

Khem smiled, “I actually have something for you too but I’ll give it to you on the day I leave.”
