Hub Kao Kin Kon(Cholumpi)


sarNie Coma
yay more of Margie!..and so happy that her and Joon are pairing up again.

credit to Ch3mania/Calla for the tran


sarNie Juvenile
Is it the same girl from Khun Yai Sai Diew? Who is Joon Kittikun? I have never heard him.


sarNie Juvenile
Ok. Thanks for the info. Joon and Margie look like a good couple. Hopefully they have good chemistry. We'll just have to wait and see though!


sarNie Adult
Isn't this a remake? The title sounds really familiar. I think Andrew Gregson was in it with Ramona and it was some sort of weird adventure story. All I remember is there was a bunch of friends, like maybe 6 of them that got lost in some forest with creatures and evil beings that they had to fight off or something.


sarNie Coma
really?..oh my, another remake. theres so many this year!

Edit: I just went to check @ andrewclub and it is the remake of his lakorn with Ramona


sarNie Coma
its gonna be an adventure/action/romance etc. mixed all together lol

mike is in here too!! happy to see him in another lakorn. I wonder if hes gonna get with Sai. havent seen her in ages!



Lakorn Obsesser
That's a pretty cute picture of Margie...I wonder when Woot will get his chance *sigh* . Go seems to be having another gleaming light towards him.


Official Robert Pattinson Ambassador
Man I really loved this lakorn of ANdrew...Joon and Margie better do a good to their chemistry...they were all right in that one lakkorn...hmmmm now what was it called???? Oh Yes... Kularb Tat Petch...I really love fantasy/scifi themed lakorns...especially the ones where the characters time travel...


Official Robert Pattinson Ambassador
wow thanks for the sc.... the effect are probably much better in here than the old version....from the looks of it the creatures look amazing i am going to have fun with this lakorn....


sarNie Juvenile
this is a remake of Andrew lakorn??? we are talking about Andrew Gregson right???? wow, if it is i must have miss it :eek:


Official Robert Pattinson Ambassador
yep....this is a remake of Andrew's lakorn with was reallly way back like in the early 90s I was only 10 or 11 then....i feel old...LOL!!!!


sarNie Adult
Yak...I don't like this guy. He reminds me of that Likay singer....looks gayish...and definitely the pr'eng types. How did he become pr'eng anyways.