how do you get rid or moles


a mole is a small dark, sometimes raised, growth on the human skin.

i have some moles grow on my body, and i want to know how to get rid of it.
have anyone get rid of their moles, and how do you do it?
please share.


thanks. but do you guys happen to know how much it cost to go to the dermatologist, or get the mole remove.


have anyone got their moles remove? i want to know how u guy/girls feels like during the removal of the mole.


sarNie Fansubber
Cancerous moles usually have an abnormal shape (not round) and very dark. Just key in "melatonin cancer."

There are cheap natural products such as Wart Mole Vanish and Dermatend that will remove the mole, which cost around $70.


Staff member
thanks. but do you guys happen to know how much it cost to go to the dermatologist, or get the mole remove.
well. it cost just go in for consultation. i did and it cost me $80 .. if you don't' have insurance, it's a major problem. i did talk to the dr and the dr said, best suggestion go to your family doctor and ask him for opinion, he'll then refer you to some removal facility. it can range from 500+up if you have no insurance :(


sarNie Fansubber
Wow, that's expensive. I hate moles. Jeez, I barely leave the house, and I have it here and there.

I'll buy Wart Mole Vanish on eBay and see if it works. If it does, I'll let you girls know.


Staff member
but i heard from my mom that they have these stuff at wal-mart that kills mole too ..
i will ask her what the name is .. i haven't try it but her friend did and they recommend it for her when i went in for consultation Lol


thanks, i'll try to buy the product and try if it works.
oh yeah, do u guys knoe if medi-cal/care will covers if i went to get the moles remove?


Staff member
^not sure but you can call them to check, didn't they have a toll free #. anyhow, i remember hearing this rumor at my old hometown that this one girl did and it's cover by medicaid/medicare. but i would highly recommend to call the toll free # and check with the agent over there from the states. it's better to check and look into something like this if you're serious about getting it done.


sarNie Adult
well I'm having mines remove soon....its kinda big and I will be getting like 2-3 stitches I think..Its gonna cost about $ friend works with the dermatologist...She also told me the stitches stays on for about 14 days...but I dont know how accurate her info is..LOL...