Healthy Eating Habits


sarNie Adult
sorry all if the topic seems redundant. i was trying to find that one weightloss thread, but couldn't or just was kinda lazy to keep looking it up. in any case, this really isn't about weight loss to begin with, but rather just being healthy n functional on the whole.

personally, i'm no regimented health freak either. but being a vegetarian has forced me to adjust in many ways to just have the energy to simply be functional. so i had to basically be more mindful of my overall health, because i was seeing it decinigrating before me. living the kind of busy and active lifestyle i live, carrots and peas were just not gonna cut it.

i have to admit the one form of shopping that i love is grocery shopping more than anything else. i can wander around forever through those isles dreaming of all the recipes that i can attempt. changing the way i eat changed so much of everything for me. it was frustrating to begin with, but now i've grown to love it. for the most part, i shop at small co-op stores like WholeFoods, Traders Joe, Henry's Market, and whatever small shop that is around to shelve organic fruits n veggies for me. i have to have fresh food for the most part, because it makes a worldful of difference for how i can function through the day.

so if most of u are like me, and are struggling to become vegetarian or just simply live a healthier life. please feel free to share ur thoughts, meal plans, and recipes along this thread.

i just wanted to share a great site...(this is especially for annee) that has a bunch of great facts and meal plans and just the whole shabang. this is one of my fav. store to shop at and the nutritionist and herbalist there rocks. so feel free to check it out.

Healthy Eating
Daily Meal Plans

enjoy ^_^

p.s. and it's PRACTICAL stuff...none of that pill-taking-lose-everything-in-2-mins.-crap. this is just basically about learning how to live. ;)


sarNie Elites
that's cool, that you're sharing this with us pps.. because i feel personally when people talkin about losing weight it's very negative they think end result plan and simple.. but healthy eating is like a goal(routine) to get you to feel more positive about ur body it's an emotional thing more than just food it's quite soulful and alot of people don t realize that when they shut themselves off ie. streinous diets they could still feel like shit....
on this topic i'll share my reg routine. i pretty much have 3 meals and plenty of snacks in between.. breakfast is important, some toast, OJ and a fruit (lactose interolerant passe on the milk) sometimes i'd opt for soymilk. but if it's family breakfast--->Congi or noodles occasionally.
Food is sooo much better with company!


honestly it's really hard for me to eat like that .. because that's WAAAAY to much i dont even eat athat much.. and organic food.. IS EXPENSIVE!!! >.< organic stuff is expensive.. poor college student here..


SarNworld Wonderer
I'm a vegetarian too...well...except I occasionally eat fish and egg....

stir fry: brocoli, cauliflower etc..

soup: spinach, tofu etc...

actually, just fruits n vegies are good enough...n they're pretty affordable...
don't have to be organic...


sarNie Adult
yeah i stuff can be quite expensive, but it's understandable when u realize what those poor farmers have to go through; at the same time, it's hard on our end too, to always be dishing out more cash that could be spent on more food if it weren't organic. i have started gardening again and have been trying to plant most of my own vegetables and herbs. if ur a student or work long hours, i know it's gotta be hard to find the time to do something like this. but if u do have the chance, u can start by planting small pots of ur own herbs and mini tomatoes and chilli. and if u have any space around ur apt. complex or what not, u could set up a small patch for some lettuce. and already u have a small garden of organic veggies to count on. so that's always an option. eating healthy can encourage u to be more self-sufficient and less reliant on conveniences like stores and stuff and it can even save u money. but the one costly sacrifice can be time... which i know is difficult for many and even sometimes me...if i wasn't such a wanderer.