Have you ever...

p. Zoua

sarNie Oldmaid
No, but there were a few close times and I hope I will not run over any in the future lol.

Have you ever seen a guy nude before? (LmaoXD SarN come up with more Nude questions XD)


sarNie Oldmaid

Have you ever experienced open forum in school or work where you can express your feelings and frustrations to each other?


sarNie Oldmaid
Yes because I'm afraid that what happened to some people I know will be the same for me (being a single parent, got pregnant before marriage or early age, separated)

Have you ever wrestled with your friends or cousins?


.: Lady Huo :.
Yes, not for fun, more like fighting. To this day, I still have tiny scars from my friend's scratches, she was older than me. Now she is my go to person for hairstyle & makeup :risas3:.

Have you ever participated in a little girl gang & fought with other little girls? :D


sarNie Granny
LOL. My childhood friend consist of 4 girls & 1 boy. We play "delcare war" on my neighbor & they had 4boys & 1 girl LOL . We throw toilet paper & water balloons at each other on weekend.

Have you ever strip nude and check out your ass in the mirror if it's darker or more white than the rest of your skin ?


.: Lady Huo :.
Yes a few childhood songs that I want to teach them to my kids one day lol.

Have you ever had braces for your teeth?


sarNie Oldmaid
Nope though the last time I went to the dentist for cleaning I was advised to get braces and when I came home I was like "no way my teeth is still fine for me though" LOL

Have you ever had an overnight in school?

p. Zoua

sarNie Oldmaid
at one point, yes. But I think I'm fine just the way I am true beauty comes from within.

Have you ever hated a well known person?


.: Lady Huo :.
No, not important for me to hate, hating someone is tiring too so no thanks lol.

Have you ever mistakenly walked into a men's restroom? Lol


.: Lady Huo :.
Not that I know of, I like to stalk but don't like to be stalked lol.

Have you ever wanted to travel back in time?