GVP's Arlington burial request denied


sarNie Hatchling
Great disappointment after all GVP has done for the US, the US gov't fails him once again. Sometimes I just wanna say F U to the government, they seem to always back stab their most loyal allies. Well, if we look at the bright side, his family is still going to repeal the request. If that doesn't work, he'll at least be buried near his family and the Hmong community. Arlington is way in DC and I don't think a lot of Hmong ppl live there, perhaps the closest are the Hmong in NC.



sarNie Oldmaid
I heard from my aunty that General Vang Pao doesn't want to be bury in Arlington for a good reason, so I guess that's good news?


I am very sad to hear that Arlington was denied! But wherever GVP may be buried, he will be happy. He will be the father of the Hmong people and he's the HERO of all Hmong people. This life is so great because of him. He brought the Hmong to a land of opportunities and a land to make a difference for one's own. I am very grateful of GVP! Rest in peace!