Grudgeprincess's Banners/Wallpapers/and Things


hey darlings well i am in LOVE w/ the couples!! they are just too cute!!!!!! i love Bie ♥ Fang and Pepper ♥ Ann ALisha!!! well here are my banners/wallpapers/and things they aren't as great as the other ppl b/c i just figured out how to make them [hehe go me! lol it took me forever to figure out how to do it] well neways here they are enjoy!!! oh and btw if any of ya'll could provide pictures of Pepper/Ann alisha and bie and fang that would be great because i don't have quite a lot of pixs of them exspecially Pepper and Ann but yepp well enjoy =]


hahah thanxs but hmm... hahhaha yea i guess bie's taken by fang ahhahah we're just getting her leftovers hahahhahahhah jk jk lol but they do make a rele good couple [one of my favs. ♥ them] but yea lol


hmm idk if Fang is taller than Bie, in the movie he looks taller than her tho but a lot of ppl say he's short but some of the pixs they took at the ceremony Bie was taller than Lookade and she looks pretty tall lol but idk